Imperfectly bruised.

The funny thing is, we're all just as much the same as we are different.

My favorite diaries:

viva-la-babe profile - diary
comments: "I LOVE YOU YOU SEXY BITCH!!!"
errantnights profile - diary
comments: :] He's my hero, my never-ending crush.
apocalipx profile - diary
comments: SMILE!!!
yurmistake profile - diary
comments: a guy :]
under-da-sun profile - diary
comments: Addie, you rock my world.
imacreeper profile - diary

My favorite music:

My Chemical Romance
comments: The amount of pills I'm taking | Counteracts the booze I'm drinking | And this beauty that I'm faking | Lets me live my life like this
Green Day
comments: Haha you're dead | And I'm so happy | In loving memory | Of your demise
comments: Do you believe in life after love? | I can feel something inside me saying | "I really don't think you're strong enough, no!"
comments: Cause your hands are in my hair | But my heart is in your teeth babe | And it makes me wanna make you near me always.
Fall Out Boy
comments: Turn off the lights and turn off the shyness | All of the moves make up for the silence

My favorite movies:

How To Deal
comments: Jedi Mind Trick - "You are going to take three steps towards me. You are going to put your arms around my waist. And on the count of 3... 2... 1..."
White noise
comments: "Go NOW!"
Sixth Sense
comments: "I see dead people..."
comments: "I didn't do it, but if I done it... how can you tell me that I was wrong?!"
Moulin Rouge
comments: "This is your song..."

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: Scary books are so fun!
Gregory MacGuire
comments: Wicked is the all time bestest book EVER!
Sarah Dessen
comments: Somebody Like You is my fave of all time!

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last updated: 2020-02-09 00:13:44
this user's total entries: 1340
user since: 2005-08-24

AOL IM name: woogody4ever
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: mcrpyro
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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