Dreaming in Blue

18 year old college student in Marquette, Michigan. Smack dab in the middle of Yuperville. Also known as Mother Nature's snow dumping ground. College freshman getting her lease on life. Misses her home, family, & friends. Has a girlfriend who she loves very much. But she's not a lesbian. In fact, she's very, very obsessed with college basketball and the very scrumptious boys that go with it. Racer at heart & loves NASCAR. Loves to gamble, write, write & listen to music. Anything but normal.

My favorite diaries:

ryan-newman profile - diary
comments: Carol, best friend... part of the Quatro. My annoyingly brilliant girlfriend. The closest person to me and getting to the point where she's the reason I'm alive. My precious ray of sunshine, even if she doesn't always feel like it.
forniquia profile - diary
comments: Carol's locked diary. Home to a wealth of entries about me, including lots of griping about the bitch I've been over the years.
elanah profile - diary
comments: Liz, best friend... part of the Quatro. Fashion sense and pop culture intelligent like no other. Plethora of witty comebacks and plenty of good slashy fic recs. Most introverted, but comes out of her shell around the right people.
epifosko profile - diary
comments: Dawn, best friend... part of the Quatro. Uninhibited blonde/redhead with the ability to attract boys like a bug zapper. Loud-mouthed and crazy, she brings out the psycho in everyone near her. Wonderfully sweet short shit, attached to new boyfriend Josh.
the-quatro profile - diary
comments: The group journal I share with Liz, Dawn, and Carol. Not frequently updated, and a source of amusement for the four of us.
so-clever profile - diary
comments: Review site I co-run with Liz. Made special by our really long reviews (mine sometimes take three hours to finish) and our complete and utter honesty.
hockeydork3t profile - diary
comments: Kaytee, an online friend of mine. A NASCAR and hockey fan who goes to Syracuse. She's good for a laugh, and someday I'm going to get out to Jersey for a big block modified race and meet her... God knows it's a long time coming.
msmmack profile - diary
comments: Mary; she reviewed my diary at Who Knew Review, and I checked out hers - and found that it was well worth it.
onlydespair profile - diary
comments: Terra, an absolutely beautiful writer who is living a life that draws similarities to mine. She understands the pain in depression, cutting, and feeling worthless - because she's been there.

My favorite music:

comments: "You enter and close the door behind you and show me the world as seen from the stars, If only these lights would dim a little, I'm wary of eyes upon my scars..."
Abandoned Pools
comments: "Here you are, and there's where you want to be, but don't think you don't have company. Think of all the lonely people in the world and if it's God who made us, why are we so damn cruel?"
comments: "I search through every face without a single trace of the person, the person that I need."
comments: "We'll be miles apart, I'll keep you deep inside, you're always in my heart. We'll go back to start, I might be leaving but you're always in my heart."
Jimmy Eat World
comments: "All I can say I should have said, can we take a ride, get out of this place while we still have time..."

My favorite movies:

The Core
comments: A shitty sci-fi movie. Need I say more? Oh, right - the SLASH!
The American President
comments: "Five forty-five don't do me any good, Lewis. Five forty-five, network news is in makeup." Good movie.
The Sixth Sense
comments: A definite classic. I love M. Night Shyamalan's directoral work, and The Sixth Sense is definitely my favorite of his movies.
Ocean's Eleven
comments: I'm a huge fan of this movie. Something about hot guys stealing $160 million is just incredibly appealing to me. "But lest we forget, once you're out the front door, you're still in the middle of the fucking desert!"
Tommy Boy
comments: My favorite comedy movie, and probably Chris Farley's best.

My favorite authors:

Dean Koontz
comments: Favorites: Watchers, Lightning, One Door Away from Heaven, Strangers
David Eddings
comments: Favorites: The Elenium, the Tamuli (though I haven't finished it yet)
Dan Brown
comments: Favorites: Deception Point, The Da Vinci Code
JK Rowling
comments: Favorites: Harry Potter series

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last updated: 2007-04-04 21:18:27
this user's total entries: 275
user since: 2003-04-03

AOL IM name: drakeissex
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: silvermettle
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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