bingo-bongo-baby! note me for the p-word, bitches.

My favorite diaries:

little-so profile - diary
comments: danzig
samueltobin profile - diary
comments: ABC (the look of love, that's the look, that's the look)
msamy profile - diary
comments: terri nunn
erewhon profile - diary
comments: dj plato and the hermaphrodite
one-too-many profile - diary
comments: sugarloaf
mfm profile - diary
comments: judas priest
buttermilk profile - diary
comments: dna
laura-jane profile - diary
comments: missing persons
bigkidrap profile - diary
comments: spandeau ballet
kittenclaws profile - diary
comments: pascal comelade
sparrowk profile - diary
comments: devendra, duh.
knitsinred profile - diary
comments: vashti bunyan
thearno profile - diary
comments: the smiths, the cars, and everything else

My favorite music:

syd barrett
comments: braincloak, pages, soft warble and floor.
warren g
comments: I can't believe they're takin' warren's wealth.
comments: mother fuuuuhhhcker, bleeding doomsday
betty davis
comments: steppin' low in her I. Miller shoes
black sabbath
comments: monastic devil lures

My favorite movies:

they came from within
comments: barbara, bloody barbara
sweet charity
comments: technicolorshirley + fellini-noted plot? duh, it's fosse.
far from heaven
comments: todd haynes is my b.f.f.
cl�o 5-7
comments: oblique glances are neat-o.
dazed and confused
comments: can quote it. all of it. woodabin...PpPrickford....

My favorite authors:

wilkie collins
comments: if you fall into a trance, you might wake up as your half-sister. awesomeosity.
emily bront�
comments: cold in the earth, and fifteen wild decembers, yo.
elizabeth david
comments: snack-pal number one.
comments: fuck off, I'm allowed.
anne carson
comments: glassy.

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last updated: 2006-04-29 14:45:57
this user's total entries: 950
user since: 2002-12-09

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