Not all who wander are lost...

just a moment out of your life to visit my world.

My favorite diaries:

punkedupqt profile - diary
comments: i'm my own stone around my neck, {if you'd be my breath} there is nothing i wouldn't give. <3
imaginative- profile - diary
comments: you can make this world your stage.
midnightrum profile - diary
comments: and the only thing that matters is...who makes it to the finish line
rosedewitt profile - diary
comments: God help me save tomorrow from fear of the darkest hour
annaisana profile - diary
comments: we not so invincible - but we never give up the fight.
ville profile - diary
comments: you fed my inspiration
witchboywolf profile - diary
comments: an original.
pirate-witch profile - diary
comments: this place wouldn't be the same with out you.
drascus profile - diary
torreylover profile - diary
artemisia436 profile - diary
iprayforrain profile - diary
wickedlyxemo profile - diary
luvliv profile - diary
moonsocket profile - diary
comments: i need a new read.

My favorite music:

Avenged Sevenfold
comments: cry alone...i've gone away. {you can't get any better than this.}
comments: for so many years.
Pink Floyd
comments: how can you have any pudding if you haven't had your meat?
Brand New
comments: I am the watch you always wear but you forget to wind.
comments: the doors, she wants revenge, enigma, linkin park, dream theater, 18 visions, the velvet underground...god so much more!

My favorite movies:

Fight Club
comments: the book too was amazing.
Donnie Darko
Requiem for a Dream
movies to think about.
comments: Secret Window, Elephant, Equillbrium, Cube, Pulp Fiction, Spun,
comments: Lord of the Rings, Nightmare Before Xmas, Sleepy Hallow, The Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, Little Shop of Horrors, The Craft, Scamper the Penguin, The Last Unicorn

My favorite authors:

George Orwell
comments: 1984 enough said. i recommend everybody reads. you'll learn something. oh, and Animal Farm
Edmund Cooper
comments: "in the country of the mad, the sane man is crazy." overman culture. best book
Lynne Ewing
comments: the Daughters of the Moon books.
Stephen King
comments: i think time has made you crazy. <3
Alexander Dumas
comments: the count of monte cristo.

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last updated: 2016-10-02 16:32:56
this user's total entries: 524
user since: 2004-03-16

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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