
28 and still here. i'm an aerospace engineer these days, seeing B, running and trying to be happy and figure it all out.

My favorite diaries:

jthebear profile - diary
comments: Sometimes I wonder why time has to keep moving and why it just can't let a good thing or a perfect day stay. But I guess thats just its nature. Just thinking of my last summer. It was perfect apart from ham&cheese sandwiches.
artemis1979 profile - diary
comments: I was amused, though, watching normally intelligent women get sucked into the world of buying over-priced candles so that everyone above them can profit.
phiae01 profile - diary
comments: You come to the conclusion that Reality is all realative. Reality for me, is not the reality that most live with and in.
duskone profile - diary
comments: Any song with the opening line being "One summer's evening drunk as hell, I sat there nearly lifeless" deserves classic status.
atreewithin profile - diary
comments: my beautiful, brilliant friend from the same small city in SW virginia as me
wicked-sezzy profile - diary
comments: hilarious
rainfly profile - diary
squishyvan profile - diary
this-bean profile - diary
healthytobe profile - diary
vicunja profile - diary
rhetoric profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: my traditional favorite band - fell in love with them after hearing "only happy when it rains"
gigi d'agostino
comments: great dance songs
comments: dancy pop music - my favorite is "around the world"
comments: ok, not exactly a band, per se, but still good
wolfe tones
comments: for the trad irish music component

My favorite movies:

last of the mohicans
billy elliot
blood diamond
bourne ultimatum
children of men

My favorite authors:

margaret atwood
comments: i LOVE her writing, especially cat's eye and the blind assassin
barbara kingsolver
comments: poisonwood bible . . . what this journal was named for
marge piercy
comments: beautiful poetry
michael pollan
comments: omnivore's dilemma is a must-read
cormac mccarthy
comments: in his despair he felt well up in him a surge of sorrow like a child beginning to cry but it brought with it such pain that he stopped it cold and began at once his new life and the living of it breath to breath.

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last updated: 2009-11-03 17:20:20
this user's total entries: 1647
user since: 2002-04-28

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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