Gonna pulla Hemingway

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My favorite music:

comments: the Nihilistics, Dead Boys, Briefs, Exploding Hearts, Adicts, the Who, Cocksparrer, the Fartz, Tom Waits, Scott H. Biram, Cold Cave, Demented Are Go, 13th Floor Elevators, Iggy Pop.

My favorite movies:

the Clash - Westway To The World
comments: Flipside Video Fanzine #1, Betty Blue, Contempt, Amos Poe's Unmade Beds, Harold And Maude, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Mitch Hedberg.

My favorite authors:

Jane Mendlesohn
comments: Francesca Lia Block, Angus Black, Oscar Wilde, Bell Hooks, Charles Bukowski, Charles Baudelaire, Knut Hamsun, Immanuel Kant.

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last updated: 2021-05-01 00:47:12
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user since: 2002-12-21

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