build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day

set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life

My favorite diaries:

nattsvermer profile - diary
un1derfous profile - diary
riot-proof profile - diary
ihurtmyself profile - diary
lil-arsonist profile - diary
englishsucks profile - diary
skjeloyd profile - diary
wellever profile - diary
xcjamesx profile - diary
unavowed profile - diary
soapboxdiner profile - diary
illumiknitti profile - diary
bliss-sad profile - diary
agitated profile - diary
panon-sequel profile - diary
achmardi profile - diary
theboxisback profile - diary
sugar-pain profile - diary
ifiliedown profile - diary
darthuae profile - diary

My favorite music:

the dresden dolls
comments: god it's been a lovely day, everything's been going my way.
comments: they call it night, i call it mine.
queen adreena
comments: there is an anger that comes off this girl, she can't find an origin.
fleet foxes
comments: i slept through july while you made lines in the heather.
she & him
comments: heaving devotion but it's just no good.

My favorite movies:

mulholland drive
comments: silencio.
3 women
comments: i sure do miss her.
last year at marienbad
comments: it was not by force.
comments: i gave everything to radar.
eyes wide shut
comments: fidelio.

My favorite authors:

vladimir nabokov
comments: "ada, or ardor"
sylvia plath
comments: "ariel"
anne carson
comments: "glass, irony and god"
anna kavan
comments: "asylum piece"
rainer maria rilke
comments: "the notebooks of malte laurids brigge"

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last updated: 2012-04-23 04:53:51
this user's total entries: 2237
user since: 2002-05-29

AOL IM name: you
ICQ number: go
Yahoo Messenger name: so
MSN Messenger name: low

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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