You want love, we'll make it.

There is nothing really to say. I'm n 18 year old college student livin it up. HA! (I always wanted to say that)Just a small note: everytime you leave my diary without leaving a note god kills another kitten.

My favorite diaries:

twstdtnc profile - diary
comments: *loves*
babykanu profile - diary
comments: Her diary is no longer while she recovers, but I still keep in contact. *loves*
that-freak profile - diary
comments: Kendra. Shes a youngin' and I love her all the same.
normalfreak profile - diary
comments: Kylie. I LOVE his diary. He is just so real, and easy to relate to. His diary has sadly been abandoned. I miss you!
myhairispink profile - diary
comments: Its the shizzim how much we have in commen.. like for one... OUR NAME! shes dumb and never updates....bah
lousrose profile - diary
comments: I used to review for a site and I had to review her diary.I was instantly hooked! Shes an amazing girl who is slowly getting it all together.
drhead profile - diary
comments: "Loneliness is wanting to be saved, but knowing better." He almost never updates anymore either- his older entries are great.
eatingglass profile - diary
comments: "I never want to have a conversation about sex with people I've known since elementary school again."
broken-face profile - diary
comments: OOH YEAH
lackoftrust profile - diary
comments: Mary. shes hella kick ass. Her D is locked now- but I have a password.. *feels the love*
christicrab profile - diary
comments: *hugs* Shes goin through a lot right now, but shes GOING TO be ok.
pink-faery profile - diary
comments: YEAH! Its angeloffear, I got her new name! happy or something... And now sadly she is gone and has abandoned the d*land life for that of live journal *shudders*
sockpotato profile - diary
comments: LOVIN HER! Shes so back! Used to be safetypin101, now shes in college so oh course! new diary! sweetness
tia-marie profile - diary
comments: *Licks*
jesusfreak19 profile - diary
comments: I know the name doesn't sound like someone I would like and read, but Celia, shes a very cool girl!
darkoverlord profile - diary
comments: Llamas. Condoms. Candycanes. Yuuummmmm
velvetorange profile - diary
comments: Lovin' the becca.
wittymisfit profile - diary
comments: I love her layout
stripclub101 profile - diary
hopeless17 profile - diary
comments: *Jake*
porktornado profile - diary
ohh-lala profile - diary
frogma profile - diary
wngsparadise. profile - diary
fuzzems profile - diary
comments: BECKERS!!!! I finally found her again... with a little help from.. uhh.. well ok Becca told me.
swingerdiary profile - diary
notnecessary profile - diary
stalkingtodd profile - diary
comments: BIG *HEARTS*!
nicim profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Tea Party
Smashing Pumpkins

My favorite movies:

Fight Club
comments: *i miss you kyle*
Cruel Intentions
Alice in Wonderland
Ghost World
Requiem for a dream

My favorite authors:

Ayn Rand
Sylvia Plath
comments: Bell jar,,,,, so so good.
Brandon Boyd
comments: yes, he is finally an *author*
Billy Corgan
comments: his book comes out in a few months.....
Chuck Palahniuck
comments: I heart him forever~ think: Fight Club, Invisible Monster, Choke, Survivor, Lullaby... the list goes on- I've read them all.

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diaries which list suicidalmuse as a favorite diary
last updated: 2011-07-09 01:07:29
this user's total entries:
user since: 2002-09-09

AOL IM name: KittieLuvnXGirl
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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