Terry's Musings

I'd love to be hip, ironic and funny, but will have to settle for intelligent and sincere. Oh, yes, and sarcastic. Confused, too.

My favorite diaries:

knitgeek profile - diary
comments: One the of finest souls I've ever met.
findlaech profile - diary
comments: A sense of humor that cuts deep and never fails to surprise.
celynen profile - diary
comments: Beautiful in every sense of the word.
debsiobhan profile - diary
comments: True wisdom: "It seems to me any sucky day can be improved with alcohol and a good book."
the-bookgirl profile - diary
comments: A lot of power packed into a petite person.
thjora profile - diary
comments: Another lady of beauty, intelligence and character.
dreadbaron profile - diary
comments: Just don't get him mad at you.
dragonazure profile - diary
comments: A man very worthy of respect.
genvieve profile - diary
comments: Yet another lady whose beauty, brains and talent make the world a much more fun place.
mistressrhi profile - diary
comments: She can quote Christian Kane. I'm impressed.
educaitlin profile - diary
comments: Yet another lady of grace and wit whom I don't see very often, and am the less for.
theodora profile - diary
comments: Yet another lady whose personal qualities make me humble to be included in her acquaintance.

My favorite music:

The Smithereens
comments: Good ol' rock and roll from four guys from New Jersey.
comments: Working man's folk-rock from England.
Lyle Lovett and his Large Band
comments: I hate country music, but I love his songwriting; smart, whimsical and touching.
comments: Formerly Popcorn Behavior - Contradance music becomes jazz.
Gin Blossoms
comments: Two albums, no bad songs. Some less good ones, but none bad.

My favorite movies:

Tout les matins du monde
comments: The tragedy-haunted Sieur de St. Colombe, master of the viola da gamba, meets brilliant, but callow student Marin Marais who brings more tragedy to the master.
Iron Monkey
comments: Martial arts, yes, but also Chinese medicine. Very cool.
Shadow of the Vampire
comments: I've got a thing for good vampire movies; this is one of the best I've seen.
Pride and Prejudice
comments: This is the Colin Firth/Jennifer Elhe miniseries; somehow I never tire of it.
The Commitments
comments: The Irish do Soul. Gotta love it.

My favorite authors:

Guy Gavriel Kay
comments: I've rather lost my taste for SF, but most of his novels transcend the genre.
Dorothy Dunnett
comments: Yes, I like the historical fiction, but she also wrote a very good series of murder mysteries about a portrait painter/spy/sailor named Johnson Johnson who wears very strong bifocals.
C. G. Jung
comments: Deep, deep thoughts to meditate upon.
Jane Austen
comments: Oh, to live in a world where taste and civility actually matter.
Iain Pears
comments: Intensely literary sometimes, intelligently amusing at others.

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last updated: 2006-11-21 08:15:48
this user's total entries: 577
user since: 2004-03-22

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