"In three words I can sum up EVERYTHING I need to know about life...It goes on."

This Diary is me...ALL me, no bullshit. I'm 23 year old female livin it up in NC. Tryin to stay sane from coaching 32 girls and 3 boys cheerleading (ages 15&16)I just got back from Disney World, where they competed, and won 8th place in the nation. So Grab a beer, and sit back and relax, this promises to be an interesting ride! ENJOY:)


My favorite diaries:

jt76 profile - diary
comments: I honestly have no idea how I came across his diary, but I loved it, the things he says really make you think, and oh yea he's funny as hell too!
jennlynn24 profile - diary
comments: This girl is a trip! I read her diary because she's a jersey girl, and we have similar intrests mainly drinking.
markyyy515 profile - diary
comments: Livin it up in Myrtle Beach...My fav. Place !!!
doc-sarvis profile - diary
comments: This guy is a trip...and he likes Cheerleading Coaches..... hummm......
lv2write00 profile - diary
comments: This is one crazy chica, her diary is a must read 4 all.
about-chad profile - diary
comments: A diary of a guy w/ some serious problems in the love department, *Hey, something I can relate to*
nora555 profile - diary
comments: Mad props to this chica, she has really been through some shit, and yet she has the best attitude!
brunette99 profile - diary
comments: read her for a good laugh...she's crazy...I'm tellin ya!
lettynow profile - diary
comments: humm...... something about this seems so firmiliar:)

My favorite music:

Alicia Keys
comments: Amazing artist with an Amazing voice
Dave Matthews Band
comments: Cast Iron Filter...I really like all kinds of music, and I am very serious when I say that as you can see.
50 cent
comments: Snoop, Outcast,Lil John,Pdiddy
Jessica Simpson
comments: I love this girl, she is so down to earth and has an amazing voice. Who cares if she's ditzy, she knows it and just don't give a shit. Girl laughs at herself. I'd love to spend a day with her.
Rascal Flatts
comments: LoneStar, Faith Hill, Shania Twain

My favorite movies:

Road Trip
comments: laughed my ass off all the way through this movie
American Pie/series
comments: Funny as hell movies. Laughed so hard I cried
Sixth Sense
comments: I like scary movies...Mostly the ones that I know arn't real or could never really happen, As for the ones that could possibly happen..nah, I'll pass.
Breakfast at Tiffany's
comments: I must admit that Audrey Hepburn is my Idol...she is GORGEOUS and what an actress.
Bourne Idenity
comments: Bourne Supremesy came out YESTERDAY!!! Whoo Hoo!

My favorite authors:

Candace Bushnell
comments: Sex and the City.....enough said
John Grisham
comments: kicks ass
Nicholas Sparks
comments: Can never put down any of his books...Amazing author

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last updated: 2005-01-12 10:39:29
this user's total entries: 73
user since: 2004-10-04

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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