"sHe's jUSt DoWn thE LiNe. . .zOO sTaTioN!"

My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky:

So was it when my life began;

So is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old;

Or let me die!

-william wordsworth, 1802

My favorite diaries:

arvensis profile - diary
comments: bad pickup lines for music majors: #1. "so, what's your favorite mode?"
kurtbrowning profile - diary
comments: i'm glad there are some things that can't be destroyed...youth...music...love.
pezdispenser profile - diary
comments: the meaning no longer implies a night of (vague euphemisms all describing the perilous world of sex)
dummy7 profile - diary
comments: (not that i do pee my pants or anything)
fredberry6 profile - diary
comments: I'm fun and I like people who don't think there better than me. In conclusion, Fuck you!
rose524 profile - diary
comments: Is it just me or did he get cuter over break? Because I swear he did. Too bad he's dumb as a stick.
setia profile - diary
comments: everytime it snows, i go outside in my pajamas when i wake up and say "il neige" because that's what my french teacher used to tell us to do in middle school.
sirloin profile - diary
comments: This is how my evening went... I swallowed a dime.
dhyana profile - diary
comments: well, let's fuckin celebrate the world!!! yea! environment. ;)
thegreatduck profile - diary
comments: I hate May
fluffabsurdo profile - diary
comments: I'm going to be in the crapital as Matt "Fluffy" Bierbaum, but never mind, the picture-taker lied, he was "just humoring" us as he said.
car2nwallaby profile - diary
comments: thinks my name is "robert michael-jordan-jackson get-off-my-noodle." also i talked to a belarussian. he wanted to play volleyball with me, but i had no off time
lostatlantis profile - diary
comments: Anybody that knows about my obsession with Thor Heyerdahl and his theory of ancient sea travel will understand.
crapmaster profile - diary
comments: if i knew how to make clothes out of drapes we would all be singing on a hilltop in austria.
envtree28 profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: this is my favorite band ever ever ever. serioulsy, i mean, good music and [liberal] politics. my favorite things! dream out loud. . .
comments: This way is a waterslide away from me that takes you further every day. so be cool.
comments: take me to the source of chaos let me be the butterfly imperfect symmetry has underlying poetry and rhyme
the clash
comments: you know he heard the drums of war when the past was a closing door/the drums beat into the jungle floor/closing door closing door
comments: blondie, smashing pumpkins, bikini kill, madonna, pj harvey, sex pistols, the hives, the beatles, bob dylan, remy zero, tori amos, rage, ben folds five, etc, etc

My favorite movies:

comments: conventionality belongs to yesterday
All the Presidents Men
comments: holy shit
a league of their own
pulp fiction
comments: why do we feel its necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable? That�s when you know you found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute, and comfortably share silence.
au revoir les enfants
comments: C'est la guerre mon vieux

My favorite authors:

Gabriel garcia marquez
comments: one hundred years of solitude. . .is the best book ever
Nathaniel Hawthorne
comments: Thou wast not bold--thou wast not true!
aleksandr solzhenitsyn
comments: the gulag archipelago should be required reading in school
Barbara Kingsolver
comments: oh goodness. there are so many good quotes from the bean trees. but i'll just use"you'll have to excuse timothy; he used caffeine yesterday and now his homeostasis is out of balance."
comments: And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils

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last updated: 2018-12-30 18:55:41
this user's total entries: 467
user since: 2001-09-17

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