Here is a list of bitterhatred's favourite diary entries by other members:
Wiperblades by hayt comment:   this is such a perfect emotion. Don't let the world get you down, not everybody here is that fucked up and cold by alliprincess comment:   amazing to me that someone can find me beautiful. who goes out of thier way to make you smile? give that person a rose. office email by bitterhatred comment:   yes its one from my own diary. its actually a chain email i got, and the humor is exactly like me and alli. it reminded me so much of it that im putting it here. Rants by johnnyhollow comment:   hahaha thats a fucking riot! what dreams you have, little girl by moongazer17 comment:   i want that as well.... overbored and self assured by alliprincess comment:   this is a moment of shining beauty to me, one of the deeper things ive heard my girlfriend talk about. she normally shys away from speaking of anything spiritual, its personal, i guess. but here, in this post, i gain an understaning of her love of her homeland, the beauty she sees in life, and as a lost soul, wondering. i love you alli where the hell'd that come from by moongazer17 comment:   very beautiful imagery. very strong in expressing the feeling of wanting something.. so close.. but unreachable. a cold and yet understandable feeling southie. by lovemetwice comment:   i love the imagery, its like she paints love with words. we are by perceptions comment:   beutifully simple i am nothing without you by asweettale comment:   i like this cause while i can identify with it, its from the opposite perspective. i love girls outlook on love. it fills me with hope. It's alright to itty bitty :D by alliprincess comment:   it makes me want to cry, in muchos joy. this is my girl, this is my soul mate. love you alli.
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bitterhatred has 2 entries listed by ullis as favourites bitterhatred has 2 entries listed by takexmyxhand as favourites bitterhatred has 2 entries listed by sweetapril69 as favourites bitterhatred has 3 entries listed by moongazer17 as favourites bitterhatred has 1 entries listed by bitterhatred as favourites bitterhatred has 1 entries listed by alliprincess as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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