Here is a list of folkbitch's favourite diary entries by other members:
Saturday was a day of speed by sepiatones comment:   "I know that I could never just sit and talk to her and discuss literature and mod art and movements of a expressive volcanic desire to change the world and invent a new color or note or word. She'd look at me as if I were ascenine." her hand on your arm by servo comment:   "the next morning all you can ask yourself is whether or not any of them will remember your prescence the night before. you dont even care. youre content to become a ghost to the people who became ghosts to you. " Are you a special person? by frogqueen comment:   "When I got off the bus, I thought about giving mom a kiss. We haven't seen each other for more than a month yet I got pretty sentimental.. maybe because of Jenhitt. However, my sister was in the car with her and I felt awkward to give my mom a kiss. So I just jumped into the back seat. Later she gave me a hug when we got out of the car but it wasn't the same. " seventeen by floored comment:   "first you stopped calling, she thought, then you stopped being amazing." this took a long time. by darrylzer0 comment:   "22. I have never desired anyone as much as I did Juanita Valadez. I met her when I was sixteen, and only saw her on one day." --The little human things I like to file away in a drawer. the Narcissist Cookbook, Chapter 4 by darrylzer0 comment:   "I mean, I think Holly loves to complain, and is (mistakenly) convinced that her own philosophy is the hallmark of genius and ethical perfection, but I don't think any less of her for it." things i would never say to you by clutter comment:   "i know yer out there in this city now and i want to find you and i know i cant...that i would be so easy to give back into it strength if i dont?" by boyshaped comment:   The pain of unrequited love. Trust starting to fade... in the blankets. by bluechicken comment:   "i watched from the side your eyelashes flicker with dreams; the only light with which to monitor them by from the digital clock on the endtable"
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folkbitch has 1 entries listed by darrylzer0 as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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