Here is a list of darrylzer0's favourite diary entries by other members:
black eyes baby, just black black black by talktalktalk comment:   Rest in peace. taxidermy for humans by vamosajugar comment:   Yes. kids by vamosajugar comment:   yes. The Adventures Of Bitch Mom. by trancejen comment:   That's it; fuck living life, I'm dropping all my shit and moving to Trance's town. I'll live in a tree outside her house and just massage her whenever she needs it. I won't even eat! 77 by exhaust comment:   "it's raining, and fuck this, and fuck that." I don't think this makes any sense by moonshine76 comment:   "And maybe that's my friend's father or my other friend's ex girlfriend who asked me for a dollar. Maybe it was a distant relative of mine who got kicked out of their home too early in life, I really don't know. I feel bad for natives like that who are sort of swept under the rug so to speak. I shouldn't pity them, it's insulting, I know." Geri's perspective as an indigenous Canadian is interesting. - by dontwakemeup comment:   Made me smile. 50 by exhaust comment:   I should just list the whole fucking thing, but I can't help myself. cynical dwellings. by labeled-girl comment:   Impressive. Heat. She move up the street in waves. by exhaust comment:   Drug entry. 28 by exhaust comment:   Twenty-eight. Confessional by exhaust comment:   She's crushing? Hell, I think *I* am. This is killing me, but in the best way! by joleen comment:   Just because. - by dontwakemeup comment:   even i don't understand why. I could use by seastreet comment:   Amen, baby. Junta Boondoggle by diablojesus comment:   Junta Boondoggle The Silence about September 11 by ravynemyst comment:   Yep, that about covers it. More Euphemisms by mattferrara comment:   A man after my own heart. Let It Rain. by trancejen comment:   I wish I were her. Stealing other peoples work for diary fodder by krimsonlake comment:   I saw it here first. A Permanent Solution to a Temporary Problem by daemonchild comment:   I read this and I really just want to go and fucking hold her, because I feel the exact same way. Make Peace A Crime by mattferrara comment:   Matt just keeps hitting it on the head. War on Euphemisms by mattferrara comment:   Epic. Very, very epic. But so eye-to-eye. J.'s Hot Date and Poo Neighbor. by trancejen comment:   "Hey, there baby. I'm so honored that you have come to the Pimp Palace to give the fly-assed J-Man some sweet lovin'. Girl, you know I'm going to do you right. I will make you some fine bling-bling jewelry with my mama's beads. I will woo you with primo apple juice in plastic cups, and we will dine on only the finest blue applesauce. I will show you all of my bitches. I have them all, baby. Barbie. Pocohontas. Mulan. Cinderella. Yeah, baby. We can play with my bitches all night long, and maybe you can snuggle up on the couch and get freaky with the J-Man. Oooh, yeah. It's going to be a damn fine night, baby. The J-Man is ready." I don't believe in Jesus...or motocross. by diablojesus comment:   Andrew leads a random life. The fact that he's surprisingly well-put-together in spite of it amuses and amazes me. ~ well, allow me to retort! ~ by alternamommy comment:   I don't talk about feminism much because I'm not a woman. I do, however, like to read what other people have to say about it. war-image by skimming comment:   "but politicians are never men of vision; you can hear it in their metaphors, so trite, so meaningless. i'm not asking for poetry, but i wonder what the thoughts of these men are, what shape do they take, if they actually believe in the wars they're building? abstract shapes, red and blue, advancing upon a target on the map marked ENEMY?" For fuck's sake, I wish I could write this. News Flash: Smoking Marijuana Will Make You Pregnant by daemonchild comment:   I imagine Dev would be the kind of girl I would have been in love with in high school. one fish, two fish, red fish, THERE IS NO GOD by minderella comment:   What unites atheists and people like me is a common hatred of Christianity. This woman will make you laugh until you come. the first entry by sunpuddles comment:   How to be profound without trying. One Year On by maralisa comment:   September 11th entries fascinate me, because the inner politico/a or apolitico/a comes flying out. This is no exception (obviously, since it's listed as a favorite). or how Algeria is ruled by a secretive cabal, like out of a bad spy novel by prologue comment:   dreams are fun, fun, fun, in the sun, sun, sun! Yes, I know it's fake. by wearewu comment:   Everything that Mike now hates about pro wrestling. An honest rant from a longtime fan. DJ Jackass by folkbitch comment:   She hates me! She really, really hates me! Before the diaryland duels, before the theoretical debates, before all of that, there was this. Singlehandedly responsible for my resuming communication with Holly. "Quixote" is me, in case you were wondering. Diaryland trading cards by glitterscars comment:   One of many. I just like the pixie picture. black guitars by talktalktalk comment:   I love it when anyone writes in response to me, for that perverse childish feeling of importance, however momentary. Women Heroes by broken-glass comment:   Kassia...the light of my life, the fire of my get the idea. Gotta love 9/11 response entries. 9 lists by moonshine76 comment:   Because I adore lists.
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by darrylzer0 as a favourite:
darrylzer0 has 2 entries listed by ravynemyst as favourites darrylzer0 has 3 entries listed by maralisa as favourites darrylzer0 has 1 entries listed by lastyeargirl as favourites darrylzer0 has 1 entries listed by krimsonlake as favourites darrylzer0 has 1 entries listed by joleen as favourites darrylzer0 has 2 entries listed by folkbitch as favourites darrylzer0 has 1 entries listed by f4sakndauter as favourites darrylzer0 has 5 entries listed by daemonchild as favourites
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