Here is a list of ravynemyst's favourite diary entries by other members:
American Amnesia by urbanredneck comment:   Urbanredneck wrote: "Like Jessica Lynch, we have amnesia. We've forgotten about our alliance with Iraq when it was at the height it's deplorable reputation--when it was gassing its own people. We've forgotten about our involvement in the failed revolution that filled up those mass graves." Right on! Great entry and so true! are rich liberals evil? by qwert comment:   Qwert wrote: "Why do so many live in miserable poverty, while you relax in insane wealth? These are the questions I would like any so-called "liberal millionaire" to answer. Recently, Martin Sheen (a millionaire) called me to request I donate money to his friends political campaign. Im sorry Marty, we aren't all Hollywood stars like you and your son; some of us are flat broke (and by that we don't mean bankrupt - we can't afford bankruptcy)" I fully agree; let these millionaires put their money where their mouths are - let them start supporting more of these campaigns or at the very least, let them host a few parties for their Democratic hopefuls. capitalism is a pyramid by qwert comment:   Qwert says: "what if you can't get a job? there is a recession goin on. we have homeless people in iowa. iowa is an oppressed third world nation subjugated by the american empire. a neglected part of america. they take all our fucking corn! all iowa is, to the rest of the country ,is a highway -- they drive their semis through us. its like an american mexico. its a big ghetto with spotted suburbs where the romans live." And there is more! Read it all for yourself. Very powerful and too true I swiped this from a friend because it's the truth...I need to remember that by nicronsart comment:   Interesting post, but I agree with Nicole, it definitely makes you think and it is soooo true. I too need to remember this. Rummy's turn. by darrylzer0 comment:   It never ceases to amaze me how alike Darryl and I think! This is by far the BEST take on the Iraq fiasco that I have read online to date. For and About You. by darrylzer0 comment:   Mercy me! This guy always leaves me breathless and flustered! My day and "On Dreaming" by stuntman comment:   Part II about the dreams...gave me a whole new perspective On Overpopulation by pandionna comment:   Yes to Woman Empowerment! Yes to Educating the masses! Great entry. Common Thread by ciulionn comment:   wrote: "I think you spend the first few years of adulthood trying to undo the damage done by parents. The next few years are spent trying to undo the damage caused by others. And the rest of your life is spent trying to undo the damage caused by your own actions and thoughts, while trying to create something good to take its place." I totally agree with this. My antiwar ficlet. Whee! by ryuu comment:   Read her piece of fiction and know why I am still in awe and haunted. Tortoise by muse11 comment:   Muse11 writes: "My glasses weren�t always rosy. It took a long time to see the world in my shade of pink." Such an interesting analysis. The reversal of what happens to most of us. We go through life with rose-colored glasses and when they come off, it's hard to put them back on. I am glad Muse11 finally found her rosey glasses and is enjoying a blissful life. The Job...and Some Numbers by aaronorear comment:   Aaron shows a chart that shows how much the US spends on military spending ($343 Billion) and then makes the following comment: "Does this strike anyone else as obscene? Here's a nation with a crisis in healthcare coverage, a terminally ill education system and the lousiest public transit of any industrialized nation on earth...and this is why. Our priorities need some major work." my rant, and um. yeah school sux by south-reject comment:   south-reject writes: "i started thinking about the whole george bush being the anti-christ. but could it be saddam heusin? i mean, he likes to dominate, and likes to have power, and he does kinda scare me. i don't know. i think it's possible. but yeah... hm.... except, i don't think George Bush could be one of the prophets, maybe micheal took over his soul for a few, or maybe not. i don't know.... it might be possible." Yes! I love it when a post I make gets people to thinking. This is what it is all about: using your mind and deciding things for yourself and not believing all the lies coming from the Bushites! not an object by tigah87 comment:   Tigah says: "If only people actually listened to what was going on around them. Maybe more people would be seen as people and not objects to be thrown away." She is soooo right! Naked=Forgivness by genghis-jon comment:   genghis-jon brings up some great points about gender discrimination when it comes to famous people taking off their clothes for causes. Nude Dixie Chicks: oh my! His quote: "Just imagine if Saddam Hussein posed nude on the cover of Guns & Ammo magazine. Do you honestly think we would have bombed him after seeing what a cute dimple he has on his left buttocks?" still has me laughing so hard I am near fainting! by banneshee comment:   I love the Buddhism quote on why the chicken crossed the road. Ann is fantabulous! things to think about by south-reject comment:   Biblical history of Iraq - wonderful entry here! My Wing Stubbs by laquerida comment:   laquerida wrote: "I'm not built for these times. I was not given the constitution to survive a violent, arrogant society with no respect for God, humankind, or our beautiful planet. I know that not everyone here is like that, and I know that there are these kinds of people all over the world, but if you look at the US from an outsiders perspective, this is what you are going to see." Insightful and touching...and I agree. Holy Fucking FUCK!! by rumblelizard comment:   rumblelizard wrote: "Does it seem to anyone else lately that living in America has been resembling living in a fucking Kafka novel? Or maybe GEORGE ORWELL??" Yes, and I have a sinking feeling it is only going to get worse. ::[ Solemn Acceptance ]:: by challenge-me comment:   Challenge Me wrote: "This is not an attempt to let go, it's just a realization that I have to keep moving forward or stop breathing and die..." Truer words have never been spoken. Special Delivery by ciulionn comment:   ciulionn wrote: "In this fast-forward world of technological options, it's sometimes easy to forget to take a moment to make someone's day the old-fashioned way. Bill Gates doesn't have a solution for everything." She is referring to sending cards to people and she is so right. Sometimes getting a special card in the mail is more special and does make one feel loved. I tend to get too caught up in the cyber world and forget to send cards out to friends and family. Perhaps this is something I need to start doing again. Thanks for the reminder! A Lesson for the Pro-War Crowd by pandionna comment:   For some reason, I have a feeling that the Neocons and Pro-War advocates will find a way to justify this. (shakes her head) In A Perfect World by unclebob comment:   Unclebob has made me laugh again. Thank you thank you thank you! Yes, if only we lived in such a perfect world...I miss John! and ummm...maybe it is Bush who needs the smirk wiped off his face instead of Patrick :::sighs::: Sex Sells by mattferrara comment:   Mattferrara wrote: "But however much sex may sell, in America, we're fucked up. Face it, when it comes to sexual liberation, we're practically the Taliban without the veils." Yes, Matt, we are definitely that screwed up. I call it the hypocrite factor and Americans are the best at being hypocrites. Great editorial on the subject of Sex in Advertisements. Didn't receive the memo by hemopoetic comment:   Hemopoetic wrote: "I've seen people in organizations fall into a state of comfortability through groupthink or blanketed passivity regarding anything the group supposedly decides on. There are no filters and blind acceptance leads to lack of growth, and, in some cases, total group deterioration." This is so true! And I think it is happening all over our country, because as a group of Americans, we are deteriorating faster and faster because of this blind acceptance of Bush Administration lies and deceptions. Unto You A Neurosis Is Born by aaronorear comment:   I can totally understand how Aaron feels. I am now 36 and I definitely have felt from time to time that I should have already been a MOM by now, but sometimes I am glad of the choices I have made - though other times I wish I had made them differently.
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ravynemyst has 3 entries listed by south-reject as favourites ravynemyst has 1 entries listed by qwert as favourites ravynemyst has 1 entries listed by knotagain as favourites ravynemyst has 1 entries listed by epipie as favourites ravynemyst has 1 entries listed by darrylzer0 as favourites
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