Here is a list of serenaville's favourite diary entries by other members:
Christmas Brings Out the Jolly in Me by smedindy comment:   Nativity characters-as-football team. Sheer genius. His reasoning behind the assignment of each position cracked me the hell UP. This dear man is credited with single-handedly saving Christmas, 2005 for me. "Truly, truly warped", in the very best sense! That night. by mare-ingenii comment:   In memory of Frankie... and for never wanting to forget. VAn Morrison Sucks by mom-on-roof comment:   Arresting lyrics I never want to forget, plus a snap of some of the equally arresting children she continually melts me with. If I'm not a puddle of saline after reading her entries, I'm a puddle of melted goo. If she ever makes me a puddle of snot, we'll have a go! ;) Reflecting Light by heydomsar comment:   I read this arresting piece, on visiting Dom's diary for the first time, after reading a Guest Entry he did in Beckers-J's space (Said guest entry also listed here). I cannot do justice describing "Reflecting", you'll simply have to read it for yourself. Be awed, and amazed. I was. E-ttraction Redux by beckers-j comment:   This Guest Entry written by Heydomsar, and appearing in Beckers-J's diary, is a thoughtful discourse on "e-flirting" and "e-attraction". A must-read for anyone confused of the ethics of same, as it applies to "the real world". If I couldn't quibble with it, it MUST be good. ;) Blowing hot and cold by vina-apsara comment:   If you ever wanted to know me better, read this entry. She and I are exactly alike in this regard, word for word. In fact, I could have written it myself, right down to the asshole ex-boyfriend. Only, perhaps not nearly as well. Strikes home acutely. One more, of countless reasons to love this woman!!
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by serenaville as a favourite:
serenaville has 1 entries listed by rue25 as favourites serenaville has 1 entries listed by cyanideeyes as favourites serenaville has 1 entries listed by canoegirl as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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