Here is a list of sexyatheist's favourite diary entries by other members:
pour mon ami nouveau by neangelpoems comment:   this is such a beautiful poem. not to mention it's hot as hell for some very personal reasons. Asia by nicegy456 comment:   seriously, this is the funniest thing that could happen in forever. kinda have to be part of the group to get it, but it's seriously funny Will my shit hit the fan? by nicegy456 comment:   there really isn't much in the world funnier than this. though it's somewhat of an inside joke. only jes knows what i mean you have been warned by sexyatheist comment:   i can't help loving my own entry this much. it fucking rocks my face off. too bad it didn't quite work out the way i imagined... Apparently, I didn't escape my ultra-conservative, republican upbringing unscathed. by idiot-milk comment:   funny and true Uno! by bohner comment:   she is such a fantastic writer rant on godlessness by fatti comment:   she is perfection "What Would Jesus Do?" by drunklazy comment:   what would jesus do? the question is answered Full of nothing by girls-suck comment:   so very well said Straight Outta' P-Town by genghis-jon comment:   goddamn this is funny In which it is revealed why dangerously hot boys need to maintain a distance of at least 50 feet from sexually frustrated retards who work in the mall. by idiot-milk comment:   she's fucking funny. and not just funny mind you. fucking funny yes, more by minderella comment:   ideas about the new matrix movie. damn this woman is switched on Lizz and Blair by ssjmarteney comment:   this is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said about me. not to mention he talks about blair as well who i just adore. damn marteney, i just love you. The soggy penis by sexyoldman comment:   thank you thank you thank you! i asked for it, and i received. and it was perfect. Not interesting enough by girls-suck comment:   what an image. and so true. we really need to stop being so damn evil amen by idiot-milk comment:   the vagina is amazing. it's so wonderful when others notice MOCK....yeah....ING....yeah....BIRD....yeah....YEAH....YEAH! by fattichica comment:   she says i'm the shit. i can't not have this listed as a favorite. there are no words by scar-ling comment:   this entry is so tragically beautiful. i can't really think of words to write here that would do it justice. ...I may find peace within the emtpiness, how pitiful... by fattichica comment:   "We are such a foolish species. With a survival rate of 0, where do we find this time to be so foolish?" i couldn't have said it better myself. even if i tried. no, i don't like fetuses by minderella comment:   i love, love, love this entry. it's so damn funny and yet so true. Deliberation by fattichica comment:   i adore this entry for so many reasons. i just love how fatti's intelligence and understanding of life shines through. we also think so alike and i love how she addresses that.
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sexyatheist has 1 entries listed by thalakos84 as favourites sexyatheist has 2 entries listed by sirkeljerk as favourites sexyatheist has 1 entries listed by sexyatheist as favourites sexyatheist has 1 entries listed by neangel as favourites sexyatheist has 1 entries listed by muxxie as favourites sexyatheist has 3 entries listed by hiphopdancer as favourites sexyatheist has 6 entries listed by fattichica as favourites sexyatheist has 1 entries listed by dreamist99 as favourites sexyatheist has 2 entries listed by cumwithme as favourites sexyatheist has 2 entries listed by bohner as favourites sexyatheist has 1 entries listed by azelya as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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