Here is a list of the-moo's favourite diary entries by other members:
Hold My Hand! by smedindy comment:   AAAAAW I love all of his entries but this was so cute I need to save it where I can re-read it at will!! x For serious. by kaybiff comment:   THE BEST ENTRY EVER HAHAHA xxx I Hope You Dance by nicim comment:   so so so brave and beautiful! xxx that's what it's all about by candoor comment:   nobody has ever said such wonderful things about me and nobody could say them as beautifully as the lovely candoor!!! xxxxxxxxxx VAGINA!! by biodtl comment:   hhahahah genius hothead's greatest hits. by hothead comment:   I once said (or maybe more than once) that if I could list all of her entries in my favourites I would.... well... this is the next best thing!! READ THEM ALL!!!! hothead's greatest hits. by hothead comment:   I once said (or maybe more than once) that if I could list all of her entries in my favourites I would.... well... this is the next best thing!! READ THEM ALL!!!! Interviews... I hate them. by waspman comment:   haha I love craig... this is a typical amusing craig adventure.. becasue hes great and even job interviews are funny when he's involved!! xx but someday we'll all be old, and i'll be so damn beautiful. by hothead comment:   because she deserves to feel love and she finally has it!!! *loves* The Moral Stew - Part 2 by smedindy comment:   it is taking me all of my will power NOT to list more of his I tried to only list one but I HAVE to have this one.. click on it and then read his ENTIRE archive!! xxx and what if I did this? by candoor comment:   all of his words are beautiful but these words came at just the right time on just the right day and in that moment id I'd loved him any more I WOULD HAVE BURST! Shape of Love by augustdreams comment:   couldn't have said it better myself!! xxxxxxxxx Hello, Dusk Bunny by dusk-bunny comment:   it's my favourite time of day too but I could never haev said anything so beautiful! xxx
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by the-moo as a favourite:
the-moo has 1 entries listed by xdoomkittenx as favourites the-moo has 1 entries listed by hothead as favourites the-moo has 1 entries listed by harisubhash as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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