Here is a list of veronicalife's favourite diary entries by other members:
What my cat and I thought we wanted by eowyn86 comment:   Beautifully written and such a true message. Florida Trip Part I: Descent by kaybiff comment:   Simply humorous Sooooon! by brdwaybebe comment:   very touching and shocking :) i could see the spirit in her words. the ultimate question by veronicalife comment:   i'm beyond moved my own thoughts Here I am Lord by brdwaybebe comment:   Touched me. For Ronnie by brdwaybebe comment:   btw im ronnie *smiles with pride* closure by maxthemonkey comment:   this is such a beautiful entry. it truly is enchanting. all of a sudden, i've forgotten who i am by maxthemonkey comment:   *smiles* Surprise Giddyness and Quizzes by brdwaybebe comment:   WEEEEEEEEEE! it mentions my name *feels so spechial* A Promise from God by minstrelite comment:   ...^_^ all i can say "that is such a beautiful post" how he ended it "if thats not a promise then i dont know what is".....i love this post ^_^ Yay for Ronnie!! by brdwaybebe comment:   it made me cry in joy. ^_^ Don't tell them by brdwaybebe comment:   just puting it here so i can go back to the song ^_^
Here is a list of other members who have listed entries by veronicalife as a favourite:
veronicalife has 1 entries listed by veronicalife as favourites veronicalife has 2 entries listed by brdwaybebe as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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