messages to adamh:
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from chinacat :
ooh! ooooh! who's nerissa marrying??
from chinacat :
dood, what ever happened with the Mystery Bank Charge?
from glitterfaery :
Adam, my sympathies to you and your family on the death of your grandmother. I'm glad she went peacefully.
from glitterfaery :
Adam, you might not be too tall for the Forester. Steve is too tall for the Outback but he's fine in the Forester. For him it's all about the roof lines -- the Forester is more perpendicular, while the Outback has a wider angle, so he bangs his head on the side of the car. I don't know about the Forester Turbo's lines though.
from koogle :
Hi Adam, I'm in Colorado, not Vermont. Not yet. I'm having a lovely time, for the most part. Lots of fresh air and sunshine and other things I'm not used to.
from praetorian :
secular humanism?!?! *sigh* at least try senecan stoicism first. ;)
from praetorian :
haha. courage of conviction indeed. on the other hand, i think the only case of self-imposed exile due to the election of bush was former jfk press secretary pierre salinger. although i could be wrong, you know how hearsay goes. ;)
from praetorian :
ah, thanks for your concern, but i feel as if the somewhat misleading content of my phrasing has something to do with it. what i meant to say was that if i had not had been moving forward at the time of impact, my neck would have been much worse (but it isn't bad at all--i didn't get whiplash.). anyhow, i'll keep the advice for my next accident ;).
from praetorian :
hmmm... lunar eclipse, close, tho it was overcast that night where i'm at, die Lunae is "monday," and Livy was the author of a passage i translated here at the university for a $ prize.
from cdenise :
when did you activate your notes? :o
from mocksie :
I read you... click to you daily. I like knowing you're okay, and seeing what's going on in your life. So yeah, count me in. :)
from praetorian :
hey, thanks for the guestbook signages. i like to know when my stuff gets read. later.
from chinacat :
d00d. hi. that is all.
from adamh :
Testing notes!

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