messages to adept:
(click here to add new message):

from prairielass :
hallo love. I pretty much dig your style.
from miedema2002 :
Well, I'm fresh out of ideas. I guess it's up to Andrew and others now. And of course they won't fix the free users. They'd only move their asses if you were a paying member sadly. But, you never know they may come through eventually.
from miedema2002 :
Why not try a template then? would that work or is it something within d-lands system itself?
from miedema2002 :
Good I'm glad. I hope my attempt at a solution won't cause the same results as to what you have been previously experiencing.
from miedema2002 :
Thanks. My gosh I've never heard of that happening before! That is messed! So no code will work or anything?? wow! Thanks for the info. And I'm sorry for being over zealous. I shouldn't have assumed you wanted my help. That was arrogant of me and I won't do it again. I just can't stand to see a template not working right lol!
from miedema2002 :
hmmm I checked your diary and the links look better, but I am perplexed when it comes to your olders page. It's still not showing up! and all the pics are gone and there is no bottom referring you to your profile and such...This is odd.
from miedema2002 :
The easiest way I see to fix your page, since it is a diaryland layout anyway, just go to -change template- and go to -Choose a template- and just choose the same black one you already have. That will fix your links and olders pages I'm sure. But remember too cut and paste your extra code (eg. book selection at bottom of page) into a word processor and paste it back after the template is fixed. *If by chance you want a nice new template let me know and I can help you out with that as well. Just ask and you shall recieve. As for the lack of notification about your notes. Go to -edit notes page- and re-check where it says -notify me of new notes- That hopefully shoud fix it. Sometimes D-land can be a pain in the ass and it doesn't work right, but re-confirming the info usually works. Hope this makes sense to you. ttyl
from miedema2002 :
oh, by the way your Newest/Older/Contact Me/Diaryland links are not working, so I can't get to other entries. You might wanna fix that. If you need help let me know.
from miedema2002 :
Bonjour. You write beautifully. I would love to read more of what you have to say and the experiences you have gone through. I'm sure you convey them well. Can I add you to my favourites? Glad I found you!
from dfirefly :
You write beautifully. Viva la gender-neutral he!
from dfirefly :
i'm a finicky writer, too, though i usually settle for a notebook and pen if i absolutely have to. i don't think writers make very good starving artists... that's best left to the poets and the painters.
from dfirefly :
hmm.. thank you.
from dfirefly :
you must have good taste, as well, then. wonderful!
from bitch-haven :
Feelin Bitchy lately??? Then come to Bitch-Haven and tell us all about it!!!
from dfirefly :
adverse effect..? well, i doubt you'll disturb my writing, but... *shrugs* do as thou wilt, i suppose. i'll just shut up now.
from what-you-see :
I meant...I thought it was funny that you were the only one from Kansas as well...and someone that I didn't know at the same time. Alright Im done now.
from what-you-see :
Hey...I was just in search of new diaries to read, and it seems that we are from the same town. I am orginally from Garden City and now going to school in Dallas. I just thought that you were the only one on the list from the search word "Garden City" that was from Kansas as well. So I thought that deseverd a note...and here it is. Well I guess it was nice to meet you in the world of D'Land.
from dfirefly :
huh.. well, that's kinda interesting, actually. and you didn't interrupt my life at all..
from dfirefly :
I just wanted to thank you for adding me to your favorites. I'm very flattered, and I look forward to exploring your diary.
from sorcerer :
Ok, I was looking for an excuse to pick up another Card book, and you gave it to me. Thanks.:)
from adept :
For anyone who looks at this diary, I haven't posted forever because each time I get on I get some sort of error, followed by the most recent. I hope to post soon, as I really have a lot to say about the Children of Dune addition. I also want to permenantly record so I can put in on my books list.
from sorcerer :
Sorry, the only cutscenes my company has done are for Crash Nitro Cart and the Crash GBA games. I think they also did some shots for Parasite Eve, but that was long before I started working there.
from exasperated :
I think you're right, at least to an extent, about relationships. I'm sure it has something to do with a need for some sort of deeper companionship. When you think about something like that, though, I don't see why it would be supported by evolution, if you're into that sort of thing. Partnerships for reproduction, yes, but anything else? I do agree that there's some sort of need there, that people just need relationships with other people. In my opinion, it's a damned shame, it's like not giving us webbed feet - I'm sure there's a reason, but WHY??
from exasperated :
I concede the rantiness of your last entry, but I approve nonetheless. In response to your note, first off, aft & fore... when I was doing that lovely layout of mine (okay, delete lovely), I was trying to think of something besides my last "prev - next" which I think I used almost all the time. I was TRYING to think of something racing-ish. I could have used anything such as "to the lead" "falls back" "fades" "marches forward" etc etc, all these terms they use for racing every day. However, all I could think of was Jesse James from the Monster Garage on Monday when they were making that school bus into a pontoon boat, and he said, "Is the front the starboard or the aft? I don't know anything about boats, does that make me a bad person?" It struck me as really funny, so I put fore and aft in there. And there's the story. Secondly, racing... I think it's mostly seen as a redneck thing depending on how you do it... Nascar, in particular, I think, is seen as rednecky. Street racing, however, is seen as cool, upper-class-ish. Sea lions.. I don't think they would kill you as fast as ursus maritimus, but I don't know. It's possible ursis maritimus would play with you for a while. HOWEVER, there was an article in the paper down here last week about harbor seals, and how you should never ever ever touch them because they will give you a severe bite, and they are likely to have bacteria in their saliva that can kill you. Makes me think of Steve Irwin when he was talking about Komodo dragons and how they don't have venom, per se, but they do have bacteria in their saliva used to break down food, and it'll kill you within hours if you get bit. Amazing stuff, animals. The sea lion dream, however, was most likely some strange fluke.
from exasperated :
Now, now, would Lord Solostran steal stamps? Actually, I don't even remember who that is, so maybe he would. But dooming your people by your pride sounds fun. Take your time with the book, no rush...
from exasperated :
:) You're so hilarious, now I remember why I keep you around. But instead of Takhisis, can I be Kitiara? I always liked Kitiara... I'll re-send address, as soon as I stop being lazy again.
from exasperated :
by the way, knowing as you do how very heartless i am, you shouldnt be at all surprised at my heartlessness. right? and, regarding your recent diary entry, are you mad-insane or mad-angry?
from exasperated :
no worries, john my friend, my profile change is actually agreeing with you more than anything. and i don't think i emailed you anything but my address and i reckon you got that. and about gimli and legolas (if thats what youre referring to) i bet they wont put all the forests and mines into the movie, which is unfortunate, because gimli and legolas interaction rocks. don't hold my laziness against me, okay? we'll get along better that way. sorry for not responding in more depth though....
from adept :
Hey, Me, how are you doing
from exasperated :
where you been?
from exasperated :
I want to know what you thought. Tell me. Now.
from exasperated :
:( we's jealous again
from exasperated :
yes, yes, no IMAX production for the nasty tricksy hobbitses ;) I don't know if you've seen it yet, I can't remember if you've said, but when you see it today, I know you'll just love Gollum, they did him wonderfully. "Why does Smeagol cry?" aw he's great. But hey the whole movie is great. I've seen it four times already! heh... Let me know if you really do get to see it in IMAX... Talk to ya later.
from exasperated :
You're damned lucky. I realize that, but I can't possibly make it on Saturday. Even if I wanted to, now I'd have to drive like, er, like time flies to get there on time. IMAX? psh, we don't believe it. (this is not the royal "we," it's the gollum we.)
from exasperated :
I thought there were only nine of you?
from exasperated :
I wasn't pointing any fingers at either your width or your breadth, mainly because I have no immediate knowledge of either of those two things, and therefore feel as if I am no authority to be pointing fingers. That said, I think it's happened to everyone at some point or another - you know, sitting next to that completely obnoxious person. Truth of the matter, they can be skinny too. I have a story about a skinny person who kept dumping beer on me one time, but she was nice and smiled a lot, so I didn't really hold it against her. Even though I smelled terrible after that. I don't drink, it was sort of a new experience. Smelling terrible. Anyway. I'm going to e-mail you my address, when I stop being lazy. If it comes available before I stop being lazy, you could prod me with a long stick, or a well-aimed note. Whatever works best for you. I'm still extremely envious of you, my boy, and I suspect I'll start hinting for you to sneak a camcorder into the theatre pretty soon. Maybe right now. I'll try and make it all subliminal, or at least as subtle as I can get it. I'll use reverse psychology - now, John! Don't you go bringing a video camera into that theatre just so your dear sweet friend Janie can watch Two Towers from the privacy of her home! You know that it's illegal, even though it would be out of the kindness of your heart, and she would certainly give up more than her soul for it! Working? Well in any case :) Catch ya later cowboy.
from exasperated :
I haven't read Death Gate yet because my library didn't have it, and I didn't feel like buying it. Mail it to me and I'll read it. It's come to my attention that I won't be seeing Two Towers very early at all, certainly not the first week it's out. I didn't realize it until today... the battle between my desire to see the movie and my detestation for crowds had apparently been won - and the crowd-hating part of me did all the winning. I think I'd rather wait and sneak into some early matinee in January, and not rub elbows with a loud popcorn-smacking drink-slurping, giggly fat person who wants both my seat and his/hers. Nothing against fat people at all, except I once got completely shoved off my seat by someone a few sizes (oh, a dozen) bigger than me at an event that had bleachers. You tell me how someone could take up that much bleacher space, it seemed impossible at the time. I still look back on it with a bit of incredulity. I'm very very envious of you and your situation now, and it might just blacken my heart until I either kill you or die. Seeing as you have claims to my soul, I daren't die... so I'm afraid it must be your life. No hard feelings.
from exasperated :
you're so great :) and you're probably right, delusions are to survive the stupid and ugly mates. hah.. you're great.
from exasperated :
hi :) it's a strange quiz, but i think it's kinda sorta right. i don't know how that can be, i mean, all you're doing is looking at inkblots, but i'm tempted to sorta believe it. you're kinda like a love person, look at that whole deb thing.
from exasperated :
Gah! 10:00 AM?!?! Good grief, what am I? Well, just the same, I'd like to be there. 21st? Somewhere in KS? Let me e-mail you about it? (What's your e-mail addy? If you don't want to post it, or if you have and I've missed it, you could just e-mail me at [email protected]... okely dokely?)
from exasperated :
oh and p.s. i miss hearing from you more often... get writing kiddo, straight away!
from exasperated :
hmmm by some strange coincidence, it would seem as if i am free dec 21st :) :) :) and considering that i have been watching the new expanded fotr dvd nonstop for a few days now, i am all a mess about wanting to see tt really really bad, i'm dying for it. so yes i will definitely see it before dec 21st and then drive like mad to see it again :) :) maybe? just how welcome am i?
from publicenemy :
Writing is good. It's just that... I'm emotionless at the moment. (That's actually not the case. But I did say 'there isn't always an answer for each and every question.' Which means to say that I'm feeling... but, I can't explain it. And I figure without explanation, you can't write. Because hearing 'i don't know' over and over gets a bit boring and repetitive. We're all aware I'm clueless as a fucking alzheimers victim. So it doens't actually pay for me to say such things.) And when you're emotionless (this statement applies to when you're emotion-filled, yet can't even begin to understand it) it's also difficult to write something worth reading. Because it sounds so drained. Emotion, I find, is just like a fuckin' Buick. Which are evil. Buicks are evil. =)
from exasperated :
possibly, but you could be writing about how smoothly your life is going. what books you're reading, what girls you're dating, what classes you're taking.. such a myriad of possibilities.
from exasperated :
damnit your life needs to start going well and smoothly so you can update more often.
from exasperated :
Now I have nothing to read. I might be forced to go back to the Death Gate series ... Sad times.
from exasperated :
My soul is yours for the taking, if that's what is required. You might want to take it without my knowledge though; it sort of makes it more exciting. Are there only two Sovereign Stone books? That is annoying, I'm terribly curious to find out what becomes of Bashae (my new "Kender").
from exasperated :
If it's family only, you'll have to marry me. If I can make it, by God, I'm coming.
from exasperated :
For reasons into which I don't currently want to delve, I was re-reading your note, and I realize I must add something onto my last one. It is this: I can't BELIEVE people would cheer when Boromir died! Boromir was so taken by the little hobbit boys, he was just swayed by the ring! Even FRODO was swayed by the ring, and even he gets all mad at what's-his-name at the end. Grr it would seriously piss me off if someone around me cheered when Boromir died. Poor little Merry and Pippin. Poor Boromir. Okay, that's the end of it.
from exasperated :
Okay, where are you? Somewhere in the mid-west right? By God, I'm driving out there to see it with you. That is so unfair, grrr! 74 days until it's released, I cannot wait that long. I'm DYING to see Pippin and the Ents! Adept, you can't possibly be serious - all by yourself? Watching Two Towers? Without brats? No chance! Are you serious?
from exasperated :
On the other hand, you can't possibly be as slow at producing as you would be with a bullet in your head. ... right?
from publicenemy :
Do you mean the joke, all that shit about Brian Molko, or something completely different? (I have a lot more oddness than that.. =) )
from exasperated :
Hey :) Thanks much for the memorial there, I'm sorry I didn't warn you about her downfall, but you were gone for quite a while. You were, in any case, her only fan. She's put to much better use as a test site for new lay-outs. Thanks just the same, it's much appreciated. As for the Death Gate series, I glanced at it in the bookstore the other day, and I may pick it up when/if I get through the Sovereign Stone.. 'Though I'm still annoyed with the death of Gareth, even if he WAS just a part of the past. I don't see how Dagnarus will survive without him. Well, thanks for remembering me - and the other me. I'm glad you're back to form, writing like mad ;)
from infnitystorm :
hey gotta love the coldfire triliogy and one day i am sure you will think of something marvelous to write.
from exasperated :
They did it again. I just finished Well of Darkness and they have apparently killed Gareth. This leaves me quite unhappy - I liked the whipping boy.
from exasperated :
I'm sure vanity has its place in every romance ;) And, apparently, no, html tags dont't work in notes. heh. Any case, I don't RP anymore, and back when I did these books weren't even out. Besides, RP'ing is only fun when it's extremely informal. Well, I'm not even half way through the first Sovereign Stone book and I already suspect I'm going to hate that elf Siflwyn or whatever his name is. Good God, that's a shame, he seemed so cool to begin with. How long ago did you read them?
from exasperated :
Yup, finally done with that whole Dragonlance thing, and not disappointed. I decided that I like Weis & Hickman again, so I'm reading their Sovereign Stone series now. Ever heard of it? I'm only on the first book, and while it clearly lacks Tasslehoff and Raistlin, I think it'll do. How's the Chris-Deb thing going lately?
from publicenemy :
I think that I just get stranger period. I mean, each day I have weird thoughts, and then as time goes on (say, in that same day) things get weirder and weirder and so it goes. It's pretty cool. AND it keeps me entertained. I think that perhaps you should take protoplasmic and deadophelia off your profile, because I don't update them anymore, and I have taken all the entries from those two diaries (as well as many, many others that you aren't aware of) and put them in this diary. Therefore, you have no actual need to keep them on your profile.
from publicenemy :
Sane? Me?! NEVER! Mwa. ha. ha. I consider myself Tom Greenesque. And he, you could say, needs to be put in a straight-jacket. Actually... I'm more of a dyke.
from exasperated :
Hey! I'm glad you're (kinda) back! I was referring to the second book in the War of Souls series.. Dragons of a Lost Star. Or whatever. You've read that one right? In the last, like, two chapters, about five main characters suddenly and inexplicably die. But it all comes together in the last book, that I'm just now working on. Hopefully this one will end better! Good luck catching up on everything and getting back on track!
from exasperated :
Hope all is well.
from exasperated :
gr! what's with this new popular trend of authors to end their books by suddenly and inexplicably killing off all their best characters? gr, i say unto thee!
from publicenemy :
I'm extremely sorry that I never replied to you. I owe you. So uh, here you go. My shitty excuse: sometimes there are these wee racoons that talk to me. They generally speaking, live up above on my roof. My shingles are crooked. It's bad. I don't know how to stop it. Anyway, sometimes they tell me to do things. And on the rarest of occasions, to NOT do something. This instance would be one of those rare ones. Do you hate me? I hope not. I've had lot's of time to consider things. Like I was thinking that I am immature. But now, if I think of how I was as oppose to how I am, I feel a whole lot different. Like I've grown. I mean, shit, I L-O-V-E. Isn't that scary? Isn't this thrilling? Aren't you just drooling over all of this information? I died and went to purgatory. Isn't it grand? I dot my I's {eyes} with x's {exes} and sometimes hearts {<3}. Would you like some more random information about me? Did you know that I'm 16? I will be 17 very soon. And I'm wondering, did you ever give up your childhood, your... INNOCENCE? Did it hurt? Was it like a shark ripped out a piece of your soul? A soul consuming shark? Perhaps it was an e-shark. I've had my fair share of those. They're scary. Was growing up scary for you? Even if you're only 18; that's basically adulthood. In my view, anyway? -- "Well," she said, "I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane." Clarisse McClellan, Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury -- You believe that's true? It abducted my attention like some sort of fucking alien. I don't know why, though. It's not like I'm 17, OR insane, for that matter. Unless I just don't know anything. Which, more or less, is the case. I think I'm becoming an agoraphobe. Beautiful, no? I also love Antwerp, Belgium. Theres this movie on next month called Left Luggage. And it was filmed ON LOCATION in ANTWERP, BELGIUM. Isn't The Maxx and The Tick the best? I love this all. But I hate humanity and society. Do you figure this way, that is, I'm better off? Alright. I'm complete rambling and making no sense. Have a nice day. Hearts.
from exasperated :
I don't think I'd say that predators are social and prey are anti-social. Too often in nature the opposite is true. I also tend to think that people aren't as social as we're told to be. We certainly are capable of living on our own, aren't we? Do you think being a social animal equates with needing assistance -- like lions needing each other to bring down a bison, or fish needing each other to look like a big fish while in schools, or ants needing each other to provide heating to the queen? In that way, I don't think people need each other.. do you?
from exasperated :
It may be true that people and piranha have some notable similarities -- but do you reckon that means we AREN'T social animals, or that piranha are?
from publicenemy :
Is it annoying that I keep moving?
from exasperated :
Bill Watterson never gets the credit he deserves. Calvin & Hobbes is far more clever than most of the books they make you read in literature and philosophy courses. There should be a Calvin and Hobbes course in college too. I have too many favorites in Calvin and Hobbes to possibly mention them all. As far as eternity goes, you're trying to use the old analogy that a pound is a pound whether it's made up of feathers or bricks. However, if time doesn't work the same way in Heaven (or Hell, or whatever) as it does down here, then I don't think it would be possible to judge how slowly it would pass. Anyway, undoubtedly eternity is a long time, but I just think it wouldn't feel any longer than your life is now.
from exasperated :
Heyyy I seemed to have left out an important part in that last note. When I say our lifetimes pass in a blink of "his" eye, I mean to refer to God. They pass in a blink of God's eye. Yeah. Boy, that was a biggie.
from exasperated :
That doesn't help at ALL, for some reason this whole affect/effect thing is COMPLETELY lost on me. I've just given up, and decided that the affect/effect detector in my brain broke a long time ago and was never repaired. Anyway, the thing about eternity is that it isn't as slow as our life is, so it's not like you're sitting around doing nothing for a million lifetimes. You know, the Bible says that a human's life (like yours) passes in a blink of his eye. So we're even shorter-lived than those little lovebugs they get in Florida that only live for 24 hours. I guess when you think of 900 years (hey, isn't that how long some of those folks in the Old Testament lived?) as passing in a blink of an eye, an eternity probably isn't so long after all. Or something.
from exasperated :
I can see how that might be your self-appointed role, but I have no idea why you'd want to play along. It's bad enough when both sides are ME, I can't imagine someone ELSE trying to do one of them for me. I think I'd be annoyed, not grateful. But that's just me. I'm sure Chris doesn't even realize what you're doing... let alone appreciate it.
from exasperated :
Glad you're back, and I hope your aunt is better.
from protoplasmic :
The fact that Bush was elected is enough proof to convict you of years and years of stupidity. I love how that's exemplified in your politcal system of ALL things. ;) You've got distorted notions. I am NOT cool. I'm hoping that this makes sense. Because I haven't slept *much* {like, 2hrs at most} since thursday. An experiment in... something. I don't know... I want to hallucinate, without the aid of mind altering narcotics. Not to mention, I don't have any of such at my disposal. So I'm screwing myself for sleep as compensation. God, I am cool, yeah?
from protoplasmic :
I think that I pretty much insulted you to the point of "oh that's it, we're going to sick Bush on your Canadian ass" in my Vlad/Canada entry. But I fully agree with what I said. Unlike Bush. Who has ideas, but sometimes doesn't always agree with them, or some shit like this. Mwa. ha. ha. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. If anyone is allowed to be schizophrenic, it's fucking Bush. Well, it's not so much that he's allowed, it's just that he is. Like love. It just is. Bush just is. I understand what you mean about your education system. I met this guy on napster, right? This was a year and some ago. We write letters and I called him once, and everyone says I'm going to marry him. But I think not. Anyway, he's from Wisconsin. I was talking to him one day, and I was speaking of pedophiles, and he had no idea what a pedophile was. I was so shocked. He blamed the American education system. motzetzet zain = cock gobbler. In hebrew. You're the devil, the devil with cheese?
from exasperated :
Actually, I meant your diaryland friends. I kind of got the impression that your real life friends weren't so much from choice as convenience. You're right that I didn't get through the first book in the Deathgate series, or maybe it was the second. The only character I remember was "Hand" or something like that. But, of course, that was a long time ago. I read that book probably almost ten years ago. Eight, at least. Anyway, I believe in God (I'm a Baptist), and I don't think the Bible says AD&D is bad... Is this from the same philosophy that thinks sci-fi or fantasy books are bad? The same people who think Harry Potter is Satanic? It's all rubbish -- I truly can't imagine God saying, "Well, you're spiteful and mean and judge people based on material and physical things, but you can still go to Heaven because you didn't play AD&D." Sorry to poke fun at Deb, but there are plenty of sins you can commit that have nothing to do with games.
from exasperated :
I'm extremely curious to know where you find your 'friends'... but I think it would be rude to ask. In any case, I couldn't get through the Deathgate series, 'fraid to say.. But I guess you enjoyed them?
from protoplasmic :
I agree. I don't imagine you'll ever get to see it. I'm *attempting* to tape it for my friend. Because y'know, she's one of your poor lost americans souls. The poor dear, she isn't even american, and she has to live there. Am I getting derogatory? I'm truly sorry. I'm of the belief that each country has something good about it. Including america and iraq. Takin' the O out of country. ;)
from exasperated :
War of Souls. Right, I was a bit confused obviously. So I take it you've read the second book that I still yearn for? Remind me -- is that the series where Tas comes back from the dead to attend Caramon's funeral? I'm probably confused on this one too, because I also am thinking of a Dragonlance series with a girl named Mina?? I should be more careful about how many books I read at one time, probably. Anyway, I absolutely agree that subconscious are tricky things.
from protoplasmic :
I'm sorry, I've taken up procrastination. And might I state, procrastination IS the devil. Anyway. Yeah, I'm 'unnatrually obsessed with my weight'. Because pro-ana sites ARE triggering. But it's good. Because y'know... I'm always sitting on my ass. And that can't be good-- at all. I mean, I can't run for 5 mins without feeling half dead. That's a sign. A sign that I'll die of some silly lack-of-excercize-related-illness. I don't want that. Even if I'm not fond of life, and wish for death an awful lot of the time. I still don't want to go in such a manner so as though it would be painful. Anyway. Canada day.. I hate Canada day. It ruined something for me. I was supposed to send my friend a letter, but I couldn't. Well, I could've. But you see, I generally get my father to do so. He pays for the postage and shipping and all that. All the people I send letters to and whatnot live in America, right? So it's a good job my father always agrees to do this. But because yesterday was a holiday, he didn't have to go to work/out. So he didn't/couldn't send it. But I suppose I'll live. I got to see a fairly awesome Canadian movie called: Lost & Delirious. It was about these 2 girls who go to an all girls school. And they were boarding there. Yeah, and they were lesbians, together. And there was this new girl who was in the same room as them, and she was a trifle bit sheltered. Anyway, one night the 2 lesbians were in bed together, and one of them has a little sister who goes to the same school. Well, her little sister liked to come into their room and tell them to all wake up. She happened to do this the time they were in bed-- naked. And she was so shocked, and she told her friends and everyone else. And the one whose sister found out, right. Her parents are totally religious. So she decides to break it off with the other girl. And she gets so jealous. Because the one with the sister and the religious parents starts to go out with a GUY {of all things..} and she watches them fucking up against a tree. And it's just an over all amazing movie. I'm sorry to have rambled.
from exasperated :
I meant to ask you, which Dragonlance book is that on your diary? I can't make out the title, quite. The one I want to read is the newest one, I think it's the second book in the War of Lost Souls series, but I can't think of its name. It has a blue cover, though... Anyway, I don't much care for the WoT Jordan series, but I did read a book of his that was interesting once, it was like a historical romance... Can't remember that one's name either. And I read a few Terry Brooks Shannara books, but I was so disappointing with the, like, third one I read that I stopped. In any case, it seems like we have fairly similar tastes in books... It's always nice to find someone who's familiar with the same authors/books that I am.
from exasperated :
I suspect that was a commentary on Deb and not your brother. Weren't you, instead of showing why you don't like Steven, really just defending Deb?
from exasperated :
I'm glad you're back, and that you had a good time.
from exasperated :
I don't think it's right for you to go on vacation before I can compose a nice response to your last note, not to mention all your wonderful recent diary entries. The problem with writing anything nearly profound is that people need time to consider it before they respond. You know? But surely by the time you return I shall have SOMETHING for you.
from protoplasmic :
Alright. Resuming our conversation.... where were we at, anyway? How about this: how was your day? My day{s} generally suck{s}. But what can you do? Not much. Do you ever think of irrelevant things? And then go on to think about whether they are irrelevant? I mean, I was sitting there in the bubble bath thinking about what it would take to get over my obsession with Daniel Johns. That's not so irrelevant. It's what I thought of. I ended up thinking that it would take living with him. Which I don't know, maybe the whole thing is stupid. Because then I thought nothing will work. So the whole thought process was a waste of time. Do you ever do things like that? If so, does it annoy you to no end that you waste your time {even if you've got little else to do with your time} thinking of such things? {Not necessarily obsessions, but things that don't actually matter. And then wondering if they matter. Because in all honesty, that doesn't matter. And it's turning into an atrocious paradox..}.
from exasperated :
I think your life could easily make a movie, 'though I couldn't guarantee it would be a blockbuster. There are, after all, no aliens, no ghosts, and no psychics so far (that I know of). I'm not sure how comforting it could possibly be, but it sounds to me that the relationship between Chris and Deb is ultimately doomed, and it will only take patience. Do you listen to Guns n Roses at all? I know, so old... In any case, I am sure your appearance has absolutely nothing to do with Deb's feelings for Chris (or, thereby, her lack of feelings for you). I think you ought to take heart from the Croc Hunter -- it will happen for you, and it will be good. In the meantime... There's a Russian saying, which, in English, suggests, "Whatever happens, happens." Of course these platitudes are wasted on you since you did not ask for advice, and don't need it. My apologies. I got carried away. I suppose I just feel that since most words are wasted anyway, they might as well be wasted on someone who seems willing to hear them. In any case, I am very pleased to see that now I have 9 entries to read over and over, instead of the previous 8.
from exasperated :
I really like your diary, and I'm sorry you only have 8 entries for me to read over and over, enjoying every word of it. I wonder, though, and I'm sorry to be so nosy, what exactly is this Chris-Deb cycle? A girl you like and the guy she likes? If you don't want to talk about it, I understand completely, and I hope you'll forgive me for prying. I really loved "I, Judas" and I'm desperately curious whether Judah went to Heaven or not (he better have!). Taylor Caldwell isn't, I hope you won't mind me saying, at all satanic. She is Catholic, actually. I sometimes tend to agree with her religious philosophies -- 'though I am Protestant myself. I hope you don't mind if I look for that book by Peter David in my school library -- it sounds interesting!
from deadophelia :
I've decided to 'reveal' myself to the world. But it's going to be a trifle bit different than deadophelia.
from exasperated :
By the way, is the Screaming Gorge of Eternal Madness in any way related to the Bog of Eternal Stench? I do hope you've seen Labyrinth before... (I should warn you that I do seem to sense some sort of dire plight in your life, something that probably should evoke compassion. I, however, was passed over when compassion was being doled out, therefore I tend to make ridiculously light of any serious situation. Do forgive me...)
from exasperated :
Testimony of Two Men is one of my favorites, and it's Bright 'Flows' the River, I believe. I just read that one recently. I started reading just fantasy and sci-fi when I was young.. Weis & Hickman's Dragonlance was my first, at about 10. More recently I stumbled across fiction writers who are a joy to read, in particular, Taylor Caldwell. I just read a book of hers recently, The Wide House, during the reading of which I discovered that I absolutely hated every single one of the characters. It was really a new feeling for me, and I have to say, I liked it. As for my taste in music, it varies with my age, as well. I never listened to country until I was 17 or 18, and then it became the ONLY thing I would listen to. However, I must be getting old because, while I still like country sometimes, now I often find I'd rather be listening to rock... Anyway, I think it's hardly fair to criticize my music tastes, seeing as I haven't yet begun on your spelling and grammar.
from exasperated :
Have you read anything else of Taylor Caldwell's? She happens to be among my all-time favorite authors, but I think her books tend to resemble each other, quite often...
from deadophelia :
No, it's not.
Because then things can get excessively complicated. I hate complicated things. I always find myself complicating the simplest things.
In fact, I sometimes explain things so, so elaborately, that they lose meaning and no one understands what I'm trying to say.
Oh well. Not much I can do, I suppose.
from deadophelia :
John. Alright, that's super. :)
My tastes run deep, do they?
Honestly, I'm just glad you're not flying into conniptions due to the fact that my tastes sometimes run to, too deep.
from deadophelia :
What's your name?
from deadophelia :
Wow, I feel everso special & exuberant, y'know... being the first one to leave you a note and all. :)
Anyway, thank you for adding me to your favs and the sexy compliments.
There are others, excessively morbid in comparison to Stephan King and Dean Koontz whose writing I enjoy.
I don't know if I should state who they are, because they're a trifle bit.... controversial. Ahh, what the hell.
Ted Kaczynski [yes, the UNAbomber], Adolf Hitler [I reely did read Mein Kampf] and Timothy McVeigh [mm hmm, the OKC bomber]-- if he wrote a book. I'm still trying to figure that one out. I heard he did, but who knows. I did read american terrorist. I cried at the end. It's so sad. :*(
Anyway, enough going on about terrorists and evily buggers.
Have a splendiferous day!
Toodles and such.
[Btw, I in no way agree with the slaughtering of the whole of Israel, nor do I agree with terrorism].

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