messages to angelic-echo:
(click here to add new message):

from catsoul :
2/1/14....busy can be good. Sorry to read about your loss of your kitty, though happy to read you have another buddy. =^..^=
from loveherwell :
that was the kindest, most wonderful note. thank you so, so much. you have no idea what those words mean to me. i am hope, hope, hoping the same for you. <3
from crazy-raver :
L:cat P:poop We men do suck. Most men are able to do a series of mental gymnastics to convince himself he's clear of all wrong doing. How do I know? I'm a recovering Douchebag, 6 years sober.
from crazy-raver :
"I will not walk away from this...I will run..." I love that ending line.
from catsoul :
do you take a probotic? Ever since I had c-dif and almost died, I take a daily probotic. Keeping your colon and digestive tract healthy helps the overall whole body. Take care & heal, inside and out. =^..^=
from catsoul :
hi, thanks for adding me to your list. Around here Autumn is all those woodsy smells and golden beams of sun through the tree branches. =^..^=
from bloodkiller2 :
from wtng4lezlie :
I lovers U2 and Koontz as well.. just not Koontz' blind love of cops.
from mommycool :
I just love James Patt's Message in a bottle and all of Dean Koontz' tons of collections old and new. I'm a bookworm animal. Cheers!
from cocoabean :
thanks for adding me.. do I know you from before?
from dulligirl :
Thank you for adding me. And I printed out your entry on Accomplishments. That is a brilliant quote.
from angelic-echo :
I know what you mean...

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