messages to anticrew:
(click here to add new message):
from scarydoll : |
Where are you?????? It's October 2012... can you believe it? 10 years of DL... where'd you go? |
from scarydoll : |
MY GOD. YOU STILL UPDATE HERE? (Sorry for yelling) lol... love you! |
from sexyatheist : |
i have to say, that would be kind of amazing. i agree, we would all benefit from that. |
from xmasface : |
I thought you'd already left for Europe! Oh, wait, you updated 34 days ago. Ha! Um, I miss you. |
from xxholding-on : |
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote/review from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get! I'm already in 19th out of 2700, please help me out! |
from xmasface : |
What did you say instead? |
from xo-liesl : |
Totally went out immediately and bought it. THANK YOU. |
from uglykatey : |
hi |
from xmasface : |
The Fool is the spirit in search of experience. He represents the mystical cleverness bereft of reason within us, the childlike ability to tune into the inner workings of the world. The sun shining behind him represents the divine nature of the Fool's wisdom and exuberance. On his back are all the possessions he might need. In his hand there is a flower, showing his appreciation of beauty. He is frequently accompanied by a dog, sometimes seen as his animal desires, sometimes as the call of the "real world", nipping at his heels and distracting him. He is seemingly unconcerned that he is standing on a precipice, apparently about to step off. The number 0 is a perfect significator for the Fool, as it can become anything when he reaches his destination. Zero plus anything equals the same thing. Zero times anything equals zero.[5] Zero is nothing, a lack of hard substance, and as such it may reflect a non-issue or lack of cohesiveness for the subject at hand. |
from xmasface : |
If you're looking to embrace imperfections, maybe you can start with this whole engagement business. Should we hold off on saying congratulations? C. got me in the habit of examining hands whenever I was checking someone out. I don't see it as signifying anything except "look but don't touch." |
from xmasface : |
Canned cheese? Is that some Canadian thing? We've got the spray-on kind but ... Anyway, you're expressing the very things I think are more or less inevitable and that I want to be prepared for, should the relationship I'm in now continue on. And it isn't scary to me because I don't feel distanced or detached or even wary; less inept, I guess, if anything is how I'm feeling. Like I'm not going to worry about things not working out until they do. That's kind of new for me. |
from xo-liesl : |
LOVER CAKES. You best call on me when you're here! OMG!! |
from bbbrett : |
It has been one hell of a long time since I even bothered logging on here, but yours is still the first one that I go to. Sounds like you're doing well. Keep on keepin' on. |
from xmasface : |
No wonder I haven't heard anything from you; you write as though you are in shock. Sounds as though life is going in a welcome direction for you, though, and that's very good to read. |
from xmasface : |
I was telling Natalie about what you'd written and now I'm wondering what got you all inspired to do so. |
from xmasface : |
Did you write this? That's uncanny, really. People keep asking me about the Year of the Rat and what that signifies, and I'm all, Dude, I dunno; I'm a Horse. |
from xmasface : |
I've never met Simon so I'm going to work up some enthusiasm for you getting married. That totally blew my mind. The way you put it, it does sound like a natural order; but, whoa, weirdness. |
from defect : |
It's nice to know you never gave up on me. I deleted the other blog a while ago. It never felt right. I'm doing ok. Working a lot. Stressed at times. Went/going through another break-up. Kinda over relationships now for a long while. But otherwise, I'm doing ok. I'm happy that you didn't abandon d-land like others (myself included). I don't know how much I'll actually post here... just felt the want to post again. |
from golddustgrrl : |
"I�m angry because I can�t understand how someone can be 30 years old and not have learned these basic life lessons and I feel somewhat indignant that it�s up to me to teach it to him." I have TOTALLY had that EXACT thought -- but substitute 30 for 36!!! (um, how do you become 36 and not have a toaster?) and the part about kids - yesss!!! Only, I am maybe meaner and have said these things out loud. The good news is: boys can learn, but it hinges on you being ok with letting him. When it's contextually right, you're eating soup, be like 'next time I'm sick you have to get me this...' and a good boy will remember. And you know what? Even if he had some kind of instincts on care - who knows what kind of fucked up shit he'd bring home. face it, we do really want to train 'em good. |
from xo-liesl : |
You totally used my name! Its in the title to the entry! But, like, whoa. xoxox |
from xmasface : |
I should be so lucky! And, while I'm leaving you a note, why aren't people queueing up to give you massages? |
from epipie : |
I know what you mean, believe me. One day, I sat in the only seat left on the bus, next to a hottie. Felt a twinge of guilt. |
from xmasface : |
Since you did solicit feedback, I'm-a jump in and say that I think it's a totally normal and healthy thing to check out other people. Being with A. taught me a lot about that and I've come to realise that for me, the relationship should be tested. I know that a lot of people disagree with this point of view but I would want my partner to be able to say, hey, that guys totally hot. If a person can't be comfortable with that - and I've been that guy - then I don't think it says much about the stability of her or his end of a relationship. The question of monogomy is a totally different story. Everyone I know has a different take on that and to be honest with you, I recently made out with someone who does have a boyfriend. Even after sobering up I still don't feel bad about it because I don't think that their relationship was threatened in any way and if it was, then that should be dealt with. Do you think that that point of view makes me a bad person? I'm not interested in breaking them up and she's not interested in getting involved with me, it was probably even a one-time thing. We all got 'tested,' as it were. |
from xmasface : |
A new lead! Thank you! I've been hoping something new would come around soon ... |
from xo-liesl : |
As you wish. If I ever puss-out again: cellar door. |
from ready-made : |
O a sneaker just looks like a sneaker to me! tho I did find the socio-political context of it interersting. The band was Born Dead, who I must admit I have heard of; I'm friends with a hardcore kid. who wears ankleweights to shows ;p |
from epipie : |
Craig said the exact same things to me. I don't know about you, but I got mad. Chin up, girl. You're stronger than this. |
from annivate : |
oh, YOU'RE funny. i did a little investigating on the other side of the journaling. |
from annivate : |
woah woah woah. what the fuck. |
from ready-made : |
well, we've met now. I love your writings. But most of all, I love your profile's Courtney Love comment. |
from epipie : |
I can't think of anything to say. Just. Uh. Wow. |
from annivate : |
apparently not good with articles, either. |
from epipie : |
I missed you! Good to see you're back. I, too, Have been out of practice when it comes to writing about my feelings. |
from annivate : |
so i take it the job related stress level isn't as high as previously anticipated. sorry, kiddo. |
from xmasface : |
This isn't an answer? "I will be coming to SF in September." "I will be coming to SF in September." "I will be coming to SF in September.""I will be coming to SF in September." "I will be coming to SF in September." "I will be coming to SF in September." "I will be coming to SF in September." "I will be coming to SF in September." "I will be coming to SF in September." ???? Srsly, tho, I know how you feel. I just had a meeting with the Artistic Director yesterday and I didn't come with any expectations or preparations at all and in the moment we both cooked up all of these ideas of what I can be doing to add to my experience there. He has no delusions that I'll be in the Box Office for forever and wanted to encourage me to use the resources available which, in turn, will enhance everything that they're doing as well. It was really refreshing to hear, since I make an appallingly low yearly income. |
from xmasface : |
So how are you celebrating tonight? Welcome to the Working Weak. |
from epipie : |
Where are you staying? With the boy toy? Congrats on the job. You're bilingual now, and a great asset (with a great ass, no doubt). |
from golddustgrrl : |
Only if you like Floyd!!: The Pink Floyd tribute I back-up sing in is at Le Medley (corner of St Denis and rene-Levesque) tomorrow night, Sat Feb 3rd. I'm gonna 'Rhonda + 1' you at the door (french people are nutty and it'll probably sell out) Doors are at 8, show at 10. Ta da!! NO PRESSURE, we might not even be able to meet easily, it's all crazy there...etc etc /end provisos. :) |
from annivate : |
i feel like any time butt sex happens, it is always unsuccessful and embarrassing. |
from xmasface : |
Ass packin'! Too bad mine doesn't stand a chance even if we had another ice age. |
from epipie : |
In that case, I've worn the hypothetical "weiner coat" all my life. Hey man, you're still punk rock in my eyes. If that means anything at all. |
from xmasface : |
That isn't weird, really. Very few people pull off staying childlike without being naive and many more people just act like brats until they die. |
from golddustgrrl : |
I've always thought you shouldn't move in until you felt excited to move in. |
from xmasface : |
I've lived with two of my exes. If you ever want to talk about it, let me know. An acquaintance of mine just moved in with her man and she said she only did because he promised a marriage was in the future. So she was picking my brain about the experience because she went ahead with the merger and is still freaked out. |
from xmasface : |
Guess I should write you another letter. I'd like to, anyway. |
from xmasface : |
Tell me what you think of this: |
from anonny-mouse : |
Why my dear, I've never really left at all, and whatnot and whatever. I just don't really like what I have to say these days. |
from epipie : |
Aww. He completes you. He is the putty for your chinks. (That statement is even funnier when I remember your last name) |
from xmasface : |
Thank you for re-posting this epiphanic blog where I can read it as well. That really gave my day a good boost and I'm glad that I brought some of my French lessons along with me to work today. And don't forget that your bi-linguality will only make you that much more hot. |
from xmasface : |
I'm very pleased to know such luscious foods are a reminder of me. |
from xmasface : |
I mean, "ma amie." |
from xmasface : |
Um, that wasn't totally in English, me amie. |
from xmasface : |
Dammit, Rhonda, I can't read your MySpace blogs either. |
from xmasface : |
I'm glad I can still be inspired by others. |
from epipie : |
I love you. You are such an inspiration. (PS how are you paying bills?) |
from xmasface : |
Thanks for the tip. I think I need your mailing address. |
from xmasface : |
I learnt it from watching you, okay? |
from xmasface : |
I hate "Signmyguestbook." I tried to twice today and now I give up. |
from epipie : |
Well. I was actually paraphrasing. I just remembered now that he makes it a point to say "The States," not "America." Same difference, imo. |
from epipie : |
Ha! I love it. Deadmonton. Tye describes Toronto as "full of rude people, much like America." And I need a change of pace. But we'll see how it goes. I'm freakin' excited, maan. |
from epipie : |
P.S. Am I crazy, or are you in there twice? |
from epipie : |
I knew your sexiness had to bring you fame one day! I found you! |
from epipie : |
Haha. It's funny, because my new morning routine is to roll out of bed, stretch, and do as many crunches as I can. Which, I got up to 30 today. If I am wide awake, I can do well over 200, but I digress. Anyways, thank you for the support. Sometimes I can get so insecure. I love you Canadians. |
from xo-liesl : |
happy birthday you fine fine ho. also, canadian playgrounds have attendants? How unamerican! |
from cf188 : |
Oh, I'm in an interracialationship, too, just to be all Montr�al Clich� and sh!t... |
from cf188 : |
Welcome to the 514, Doll. Didn't notice because I don't come 'round Dland that much anymore... liike ever, but anyway. Hope you like it. oh, I'm in a band... |
from scarydoll : |
I miss my Rhondy... |
from golddustgrrl : |
I'm 613! :( But I have a show Nov 4th in Mont. Be an early-calendar-marker!! |
from epipie : |
Wowowow!!! Congratulations! Sounds gorgeous. I want pictures! I am quite proud of you. Hopefully I'll have a similar success story in a year. How'd you know so much french? Were you actually paying attention in school? Did you pick some up off the street? |
from annivate : |
what'd you do? delete all of your older entries? |
from xmasface : |
That makes me feel like a-celebratin'! |
from epipie : |
You are so brave. I am proud of you. |
from epipie : |
Hello, are you my Canadian alter ego? Will you please get out of my head? Because all of my cousins are at least 6 years younger than me (one was born last Dec) and I KNOW that awkward position ALL TOO WELL. I didn't know Nietzsche said that, now I love him even more. He will always remain my favourite philosopher. |
from annivate : |
let me tell you how all this cuteness can be yours, too. |
from anonny-mouse : |
I personally prefer my technique analysis to come during the post-coital glow, during whatever light food we've chosen to replenish, and just before the "let me see if I can do it your way" round. "You know that thing where my head was smacking the wall, and you put your hand in between my head and the wall? Yeah, move your hand." Or, you know, live on the fly advice is good too. Dude should just be happy he's got naughties access. |
from epipie : |
I'm curious. Where? Where is he sticking it, Rhonda?? Don't leave us hanging! (pun not intended) |
from annivate : |
i agree. s the d, no problems if it's said then. |
from epipie : |
I have your friend's shirt in olive green. I wear it to work, even though every now and then my cleavage insists on making an appearance. P.S. I wish I was that confident about MY wavy hair. You truly are a role model. |
from incognizant : |
yeah, me too. i keep coming back and im not sure why. |
from breakfastaco : |
Tell me about it. I can't even admit The Feeling towards someone else to myself. I'm turning into the resigned single lady with lots of interests. |
from epipie : |
Why the push to move to Montreal? Why not move to SF from Toronto in two years? I'm confused. |
from bbbrett : |
Ya know, I am back from the effin' dead. In a big way. Did you know that Garcia doesn't play with them anymore? I was pissed. Turns out he is decidedly NOT back from the effin' dead. I wanted to ask him why it was that firin' one up was supposed to make his music so much better, but now I'll never know because the only people that have an opinion on the subject are stoned right out of their gourds. It's a shame, really. A shame. |
from epipie : |
Congradulations! I'm intrigued to hear more, but that's your buisness. Anyway, I'm really happy that you found someone to LOVE love, and he reciprocates. And you finally cried tears of joy. You've been overdue for a while now. |
from epipie : |
Well then, I must say I'm very happy for you. So many of us strive for that feeling, but never fully reach it. Is that what they talk about when they say "sublime?" |
from epipie : |
Is there a specific cause for your lack of caring? I'm curious as to what kind of "I don't care" you're telling the world. |
from xo-liesl : |
Yup. you're right. Maybe if you were here...then I wouldn't keep letting myself get bogged down with assholes. :) Its true, I can't do this alone. I'm afraid that no one who isn't getting something back from me actively can fill the role, so I guess I'm using my vagina to get the support I need. It ends today. You're right. |
from annivate : |
lies. LIES. or maybe they have to reach a certain age first. lets call it... 32. that sounds about right. don't mind me. i'm only pissy because i'm hungry. but i don't think i've slept with one dude that was as sappy as i. i'm not sure i've even made out with one dude as sappy as i. |
from annivate : |
i just popped my hip to make it feel better. make a room for me at shadey pines. |
from epipie : |
I have your comment set as my background on my computer. So I can read it over and over again. I know it sounds like cheezy self-affirmation crap, but it is working. Your words have more meaning each time I read them. From the beginning, I always strived to be The Cool Girlfriend, but I fear that I may have instilled some bad habits. Plus, most of his friends are single, so they don't understand why he wouldn't go out with them every night. I'm not making excuses, those were just some of my answers to the question: "How did it get like this?" |
from golddustgrrl : |
I wish I had California girls and letters to consulates. Baby it's coooold ouut-siiiiide! |
from chadmuska : |
naw, not really. i just read everyone. i should be though! i can write random shit here |
from chadmuska : |
what is with this lock down little missy! |
from anonny-mouse : |
I appreciate the offer. The point of my request, though, is to get away from things I tend to gravitate to. So, really, whatever album you love the most. I'm starting to see the flaws in that plan, though, because it's not exactly as if I have a list of what I already have up there. In any case I think I'd rather have a suggestion I already own than a suggestion formulated specifically with me in mind. I'm looking more for a "Here, I love this, I hope you do too" kind of thing. |
from epipie : |
I love drunken photo booth pictures. P.S. I feel privileged to have seen your gravity-defying boobs. |
from annivate : |
ich habe sie verpasst. |
from xmasface : |
I've been locked out / does that mean we're thru? / I've been locked out / and don't know what to do |
from inkedgal : |
i'm trying to figure my life out via the diary and it's still kind of raw and personal. i'll unlock it once i get it right. -jdb |
from anonny-mouse : |
Your last entry for 2005 was an excellent way to end anything. |
from annivate : |
they're usually more light green but that grey hat made the grey COME TO LIFE. |
from annivate : |
so i figured out why i was calm the other night. ritalin. |
from epipie : |
Hot damn, I love androgynous boys. If you were trying to make me jealous, you did. |
from annivate : |
the twin towers tasted like lucky charms, the airplanes were the marshmallows. and yes, blow jobs are only for relationships, however, they did look more attractive stripped of their skin. testicles, that is. |
from annivate : |
i'm here to tell you, they tasted great. sort of like lucky charms. the planes were marshmallows. |
from annivate : |
i used to go to the record store and make up shit to fuck with the clerk. |
from annivate : |
i need to talk to you. you're gonna LOVE this. |
from annivate : |
which leads me to believe that the cleavage shot was published online purposely. he could have very easily cropped me out. |
from epipie : |
I think when it comes to eliminating the soul crushing people in your life, your strategy has to be one step up from a coin toss. First, toss a coin, then ponder if you really want to go through with it. I think that doing this sort of purging can be beneficial especially when others really drag you down and bring absolutely nothing to the table. But some people DO turn around and get better. It's just hard to tell sometimes. |
from annivate : |
people only give up on each other when they are oblivious to the pain, grief, whatnot they are inflicting upon others. |
from epipie : |
What the heck? No way. It's just that she's been in the media a lot lately for Sin City and now RENT, and to me, she's a badass chick ('cept the Josie in the Pussycats role, but the movie was still good, in a cheezy sorta way). I just thought that... okay. foot shoved in mouth. Anyway, she's a gorgeous woman of many races, and a badass no less. And the deadly combo reminds me of you. You got beef with her? Heh. |
from golddustgrrl : |
HI! It's alive! Email me, wouldja?? |
from annivate : |
guys around here don't appreciate me. it's cool though. i'll just keep doing it with myself. |
from annivate : |
i hope i get some action soon. |
from annivate : |
what what WHAT?! at least cute? or hopefully ugly is a sort of cute way... |
from annivate : |
i hope he was hot. |
from annivate : |
billy used to be a lot cuter. he was the first dude i ever made out with, YEARS ago. |
from annivate : |
he didn't come. |
from rocketsauce : |
ha ha ha. sounds like a good plan. that's like, 20 jobs and 30 years of school but no prob. school librarian is awesome though... |
from inkedgal : |
i like you. |
from annivate : |
let me know when your throat is up to the "job." |
from annivate : |
i called you about 45 minutes ago. god damn. i said god damn. |
from annivate : |
forgive me. |
from annivate : |
you forgot specific secretions. |
from rocketsauce : |
yeah, i feel like those of us that do understand that beauty are a spesh breed. sometimes i worry that i'm not being young enough while i'm still "young enough." ah well. |
from annivate : |
i'm just reading your new diary entry, on my new ibook. |
from annivate : |
i spilled beer on my phone my second day here, which wouldn't be so bad if i didn't have to take the fucking bus back from which i came. |
from annivate : |
he kissed me in front of his friends last night. |
from chadmuska : |
i love you rhonduh! |
from scarydoll : |
i started back reading DL again... it's kinda like I left long enough to make people think i'd given this place up, only to come back around when nobody is watching. |
from annivate : |
so sorry. it was four in the morning by the time i was hammered. i figured that was too late to call. |
from annivate : |
why don't you call me already. |
from annivate : |
i'll always love you, even though you don't like blondes. |
from annivate : |
i don't recall saying anyone was a fool, but i don't recall saying or doing a lot of things. orange county. yeah, not my cup of tea. i'm gonna say it's about five hours from san francisco and you can lay on the beach and what not but really, all it has is disneyland. la is much better. i used to live there. |
from annivate : |
you know how they roll. |
from annivate : |
how did i not get that note until just now? hope you're having fun in uhm... boston is it? i can't wait to get the hell out of ohio. |
from annivate : |
i love it! |
from equivocalady : |
i love you rhonda. i came here with you on my mind. |
from annivate : |
so lets cheer it the fuck up. |
from annivate : |
do not, and i repeat, do not, stop writing in here. |
from pillowcrush : |
i dont know which of your pictures lead where. im alone, naked in the dark! there is nothing between me and him. the eye!!! i love diana the evil alien rat eater. thanks for bringingher back. how creepy. feel better precious. texas loves you |
from golddustgrrl : |
whoa. I could have written that entry. !!! |
from clitty : |
You know, that wasn't very nice of you. |
from annivate : |
hurry back. much to discuss. |
from annivate : |
i'm the same way. everyone else is fucking stupid. clearly i'm the only one that ever sees whats really happening. |
from xmasface : |
Re new entry / Where was the Rock 'n' Roll? And, some Asians I've met could drink my under the table, to Australia and back. |
from annivate : |
i think you're losing your charm. we need to work on your tolerance. |
from annivate : |
that little fucker is lucky to get seven hours of sleep. he goes to school at six thirty (an hour and a half early) to lift weights before class. so lame. |
from annivate : |
i'm an art fag. |
from xmasface : |
Actually, it's pretty funny because I'd been away so long after you'd retired from d'land and then when I next looked, yours was locked (as were many of my other "buddies") and so I said, f'it, I hardly write anymore anyway and locked my own. But now you have more than just the key to my heart. |
from msamy : |
Braces are hott, too, you know. Grown up braces are charming. I think they might be almost as awesome as messed up teeth. Funny, that. |
from dirtylinda : |
correction: i read your diary FOR THE FIRST TIME today. |
from dirtylinda : |
how weird, little missy. i read your diary for the first time and for a second i wished i knew you in real life. let the eagle soar, indeed. |
from perfectlyok : |
he's the guy who gives EVERYONE the Jesus talk...constantly. Not the same guy who gave you yours...that guy is actually genuine...just a little fussy sometimes. Anyways...yeah... James gets upsets with friends and condemns them for their sins... he doesn't say..'hey Bob...please stop being so jealous of me and my girlfriend and be my friend again, he says 'hey bob, stop coveting what your neighbor has, get out of your jealous sin"... it drives me insane. He's oblivious...and in Oklahoma... Come to texas...and we can drive there... and beat him up...! |
from chadmuska : |
he's dressing up as a girl for halloween, in my clothes. i'm slightly upset he looks better in my sweater than i do. |
from xmasface : |
Gosh, I've missed you. Thanks for the votes of confidence. Have you discovered any new favourite German composers? Mine's still Beethoven, so you have to pick someone else. Then we can have them fight each other. I am so delirious and wish I was drunk. Miss you much! |
from golddustgrrl : |
Thanks for, y'know. Taking the time to read my mundane, and for bein cool and nice and stuff. Now bring back your diary!! |
from epipie : |
Even worse. Get this: SHE TOLD ON US TO HER MOMMY! And what did mom do? Nothing really. Just made jokes that her daughter is now afraid to use the bathroom. (Yes, that's where it all went down) But that's not stopping his sister from making sure that "justice is served". Pfft. Thank god the boy is moving out in a month. |
from dirtylinda : |
I think I am some weird anomaly. I am perfectly capable of smoking of the pot, then going out and doing exercise or even cleaning my apartment. But then, I don't have a hurt back. Still, I think pot is better as a painkiller than pills. It's natural and whatnot. |
from xmasface : |
Moi aussi, mon jolie cheri. The good news is that A. and I have officially lasted two years today. And for that, I can deal with anything. Love, Me. |
from myhips : |
okay, HERE's why we're soulmates: i said i had caesar salad for lunch, and then you said, "i had chicken caesar salad for lunch too," when i actually had CHICKEN caesar salad but didn't even have to say because you just knew. |
from suicideblond : |
man-oh-man, your shirts are HOT - i always plan on reconstructing old shirts but never get around to it. you rock. again. feel better! |
from myhips : |
hahhaha i'm still packing. 24 more hours! 24 more hours! |
from daughters : |
I think I need to admit that I am head over heels in love with you, ball. When are you going to come to Mississippi, to see SCRAMASAX and myself, and watch shitty punk bands play? I'll cook you something with a pretty name. |
from dirtylinda : |
oh, my boss is not gay. he fancies himself to be european, and also he values comfort. this is very frightening, i know. |
from golddustgrrl : |
Ha!! I totally have Animals vinyl on my coffee table this very moment!! Nicked back when I moved outta my parents', as a setimental dad reminder. |
from xmasface : |
Well, I missed yr Friendsterage. |
from xmasface : |
I would trade my penis to be a quarter as cool as Yoko Ono. And yet I've never seen her live. Apparently she still kicks it out like nobody's bidnizz. I'm sending you something secret because I think about you a surprising amount for having never met you in person. |
from xmasface : |
O goody! I love getting mail! |
from xmasface : |
E.N. is considered to be the start of what used to be called industrial music (I say 'used to' because I'm not really down anymore) in that they created instruments out of found materials (industrial-sized vacuum cleaners, pvc piping, saw blades, steel drums, etc.) and were focused on an organic/mechanical hybrid of music. They've kind of moved away from the hoighty-toighty artsy stuff to actually write "pop" songs (albeit usually clocking in around 7 minutes long and being more dirge-like when they weren't ear-splitting; but hey, they're Germans, right?). A. told me that they used to go to scrap yards before every show in every different city they played in in order to find what they were going to play that night. She recommends the two-disc "Silence Is Sexy" as her favourite album. Love, Buddy |
from daughters : |
Don't be foolish! When making statements that sweep entire races with the intention of generalizing their sexual appetites, one must always remember that old stereotypes, like "white girls are easiest," cannot be observed! Everyone who's anyone knows that Hispanic girls are easiest, and how! |
from golddustgrrl : |
I am newly cheered by a beautiful boy from Burlington, Ontario - who knew they made em so good down there? California here we come... |
from xmasface : |
Only if I can be your Evil Twin. You're too much, dear. I want to have your babies sometime. |
from daughters : |
While I love receiving packages, I am the worst person you will ever meet and sending out packages. So I think I must DECLINE. However: I like your witty observations about life, however boring, and make a stern vote against Ann Landering. |
from swollenthumb : |
i totally just learned Complicated by Avril. Yup, i sure did. |
from daughters : |
I adore those stores. The last time I went to one, I encountered my dream jacket: It waddled up to me, a zip up covered with silver sequins. Not the big ones, those ugly ones that get sewn on. These are those little ones, that get, like, glued or whatever. Like all over things in Claires. It was the ugliest jacket I may have ever seen. I would have worn it every single day. It wasn't too thick, so I wouldn't have been hot. It was SILVER SEQUINED. But it was too small. I've also encountered four-for-a-dollar Ricky Martin folders. And there's NO BETTER DEAL than that, my friend. |
from msamy : |
Hear, hear. I don't know if I mentioned this in my diary or not, but there was a segment in the movie where Cynthia Plaster Caster was propositioning this dumb-boring-current rock dude to get his dick plaster casted, and it kind of blew my mind because she was so incredibly awkward about it. I mean, after all these years. I'm not sure whether that's aggravating or charming. Also she referred to all the "members" of her collection as her babies. It bugs me when people do that about their cats or dogs, but calling plaster cocks "babies"? That's some next level shit, for sure. |
from msamy : |
Hear, hear. I don't know if I mentioned this in my diary or not, but there was a segment in the movie where Cynthia Plaster Caster was propositioning this dumb-boring-current rock dude to get his dick plaster casted, and it kind of blew my mind because she was so incredibly awkward about it. I mean, after all these years. I'm not sure whether that's aggravating or charming. Also she referred to all the "members" of her collection as her babies. It bugs me when people do that about their cats or dogs, but calling plaster cocks "babies"? That's some next level shit, for sure. |
from xmasface : |
O yeh, and she also usta be my boss. Crazy. How're things going with you? I was thinking I should make you another CD or something someday. Listening to Joy Division sometimes makes me think of you - and not in any sort of angsty way. Actually, Joy Division usually make me feel goood. |
from xmasface : |
Like some people I know, she's half black, white, and a ton of other ethnicitities. Grew up in Holland or Belgium or something like that. She's taller'n me, too. One of the most fabulous people I know. |
from xmasface : |
Yes. Friends visiting gives me an excuse to blow my wad (OF BILLS!) at Amoeba. They even have shows there. And they have room for it! FYI, they just changed everything around at the location in SF, so you have to come back and see what they've done. And that was a very unflattering picture of a friend of mine - I'm hoping she still reads this sometimes and will get all pissed at me. Cheers! |
from mechanica : |
Bailey o who? AHHAHA, no i did not! |
from daughters : |
I am totally adding you to my favorites list, you beast of hilarity! |
from daughters : |
ANONYMOUS HATE NOTE. NOTE REPRESENTATIVE OF HATRED. ET CETERA ET CETERA INTO INFINITY. Your diary makes me laugh, as mein liebling has tried for months to tell me it would. The end. |
from xmasface : |
My something-something sense is tingling ... |
from xmasface : |
P.S. to the G.B. entry: mine was on-sale too, for ten bucks American. |
from xmasface : |
I'm sure they're looking for instructORS ... |
from mechanica : |
from scramasax : |
I fucking LOVE The Brothers Karamazov. It gave me so much insight into human behavior. The dialogue is wicked sharp. Have you read Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita? More crazy wonderful Russian lit. He wrote another book that's been translated into English called Heart of a Dog, but I haven't read it. Oh. . . and I also love the L-Word. How much insight into human behavior does that give me? I'm semi-dykish, so that's my excuse. |
from xmasface : |
Hey, are you still using your Jesus & Mary Chain-inspired e-mail address? I gotcher postcard and want yr address to return in kind. Gnarly Yours, B. |
from silleehed : |
i don't made perfect sense to me that a big (i.e. fat) guy woudl have a large weiner. but it doesn't necessarily corellate. or something. xo -charlotty totty tooty pootty ppoop |
from vrian : |
listen to the paper chase |
from golddustgrrl : |
I'm pretty sure I'm not you, but it's possible that my subconscious is trying to steal your identity, through eerie diary pseudonyming tendencies. Although I call Russell "Russell" even in real life because I think it suits him better, it isn't his name. Hugh isn't really Hugh at all. I am, however, Canadian. Note to self: create diaryring for people who love hockey and Liz Phair. |
from zakcula : |
Smegmonton. Not Deadmonton. I was just saying I prefer Smegmonton. I like that city a lot, that's all. |
from zakcula : |
Smegmaton actually. |
from scramasax : |
Hey, that same thing happened to me my last day working at the thrift store. Except for the $70 gift certificate. I figured there wasn't much reason to go and, when I saw some people from work later, they told me they had planned a party and had cakes. Red velvet cakes. Didn't I feel like homemade shit. |
from scarydoll : |
It's been a while since I told you that you kick ass - so here it is... you kick ass. Lovies. |
from uglykatey : |
"I'm gonna mail it tonight and she's gonna want to emigrate to Canada and marry me--more than she already secretly does." hahahahhhaha SECRETLY? hahahahahahaha. i for sure out loud admittedly want to move there and marry you. duuhhh. thanks for the phonecall, lover. (and the hat!) |
from uglykatey : |
seriously |
from uglykatey : |
i mean thanks about the excessive notes thing- not the drano |
from uglykatey : |
seriously, it makes me feel really special. thanks. |
from uglykatey : |
if drano it its if it? i actually have a half bottle of drano in my bathroom for just such an emergency- i just double checked and its conclusively "drano" with a line over the a so that it can be pronounced correctly. still a little weird since i always thought (up until i checked a few months ago) it was "draino" because it went down the drain. hahhahaa i love it when you send me 50 fucking billion notes at a time. makes me feel special. |
from ihatejodie : |
thanks! suddenly, i'm entirely problem free! |
from ihatejodie : |
but do i have to put the sic each time if i do that? because it's not in something i'm quoting, it's this lit. review where i just talk about what they found out. like, if i'm talking about the girls who have received this treatment and i'm talking about thier behavior changing because of the treatment...ack, i'm fucking confused. imagine if this were the most worriesome thing in my life right now! |
from design-doll : |
pssss... try this.... ian curtis :) miss you too rhonda baby |
from mechanica : |
We still use 999. Why are you asking me these questions? WHY? |
from mechanica : |
Well, i tried dude. I wasn't very good at it! Sorry about the funny black girls head and her hair, AHAHAHAHA! (Please tell me you didn't open it in front of your mum). |
from ihatejodie : |
yes, i laughed hysterically also! the worst part was that i wanted people to feel bad for me, but i couldn't stop laughing about it. |
from incognizant : |
yeah, i was pretty non-specific. i believe it was the "blood pact" one i was thinking of. for whatever reason, i was sitting around, thinking about words that do not translate to english (seriously. im fairly boring like that.) i still owe you a mix cd. |
from kittyslave : |
sorry!!! i'll come back someday. i do like your begging though. are you on your hands and needs ready to do anything i ask? haha. |
from xmasface : |
Thank GOD you have opened up your notes page. Secretly you're one of the only reasons I check my Yahoo! account and, in fact, I was thinking about writing you again because it had been so so-long-no-heresay; partly my fault as I never have time to go on D-land. Maybe I'll jot a quick entry since my "You've got a new note" alert went off for the first time in a long while. All I needed was that little reassurance from you but now it sounds as if you have BIG NEWS and when you're up to it I want to hear (or read, rather) all that's worth hearing (or likewise). Love, Buddy |
from angiiemarie : |
would have messaged you back before, but apparently I'm a dumbshit computer illiterate kinda sista. sup? |
from mechanica : |
Dude, that is a total fucking COMPLIMENT! hy else would i tell you? C'mon, i love you, my oldest friend (who happens to be in competition with you, because you're both darkies) loves you. What more do you want?!? To be white? AHHAAH |
from ihatejodie : |
girl, i gave up skateboarding after 2 days. there were too many people looking at me because they though, "damn, a girl on a skateboard." maybe if i were hot it would have been oklay, but i know they were secretly heckling me. |
from ihatejodie : |
i concur with ihatepizza, you're hot. keanu seemed very soft spoken and kind. so he's pretty cool in my book. and you never emailed me back from my last message, missy! |
from ihatepizza : |
You're hot. |
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