messages to arrora:
(click here to add new message):

from kazu12 :
Hi! Cool diary. Don't even bother about seeing my diary. There's nothing in there.
from mathero :
I'm writing again. I hope you'll check me out at my new address..
from katress :
If you have any doubts about what your dr. is telling you about your diagnosis, please sweetie, get a second opinion!! I've been there, done that with depression. I'm helping Dave through it right now. It breaks my heart on all accounts. xoxoxo
from theflyingrat :
Yay! :)
from evababy777 :
yep still in law school... unfortunately. ;)
from katress :
pretty newdesign! thanks for your note hon. remember, if God says "you're ready" then you are!!! xoxo
from theflyingrat :
Good luck, I'm so excited for you! Hopefully it will work out without medication since you're regular now. ♥
from theflyingrat :
You have to be a member of the church to attend a wedding there?
from scorpi07 :
Hang in there honey, I'm sure things will work out. And please remember, you are incredible, no matter how rough things gets sometimes.
from katress :
send me an email to kathleen@(nospam) and I'll send you Denise's email address. thanks for your kind words, sweetie. xoxo
from littlemummy :
I keep meaning to ask what your myspace name is... and now that there are pictures! lol... YAY. I am joining WW, too. AHHHHHHH. My myspace name is calicomummy. :-) Awesome job girlie!
from theflyingrat :
I think you should be very proud of yourself for this entry. ♥
from theflyingrat :
I'm sorry about your MIL. I complain about my in-laws but at least they respect my wishes regarding my son. I can't even imagine how frustrated you must feel. ♥
from katress :
Reading what you wrote brought tears to my eyes. Sorry for your loss, hon. Sounds like he was a special person.
from katress :
Hey lady, where have you been? Miss ya!
from theflyingrat :
Just got caught up... anything I have to say would be way out of date now so I'll just say - hey! How have you been? ♥
from katress :
WOW! Being sealed really sounds like it's something else. What a wonderful experience. Denise and Terry are Mormon, but I don't think that she's ever talked to me about that part of the religion. Thanks for sharing, sweetie. xoxoxo
from scorpi07 :
Hey beautiful. I don't know you in person, so I don't really know, but I feel confident that you are indeed a very excellent mother. You love your Wesley soooo much and try your best to give him everything he needs. If that isn't wonderful mothering, I don't know what is. I know that if you have another baby you will love that child equally because you are such a loving person!!!! (And about your parents- did you know that there are now electronic pass-along cards and egreetings on ?!?! They're pretty!)
from katress :
Okay, for me not being Mormon (although I respect it very much) can you please explain more about what being sealed means? Thanks hon! BTW, miss your more regular updates. Your entries in D-land seem to be more "you" than your entries on MSS
from mathero :
Have a wonderful Holiday season!
from theflyingrat :
I know this is a little late but... I cannot believe your bishop told you that. What an ass. Although he does have a point (sometimes if you force yourself to then you end up enjoying it) he was still out of line. And Michael should not be able to treat you like property. While your bishop says it's okay and "normal" the law would find differently. After someone says "no" it's considered harassment and abuse, whether you're married or not. ♥
from littlemummy :
Can I just totally lay it all out here? How I feel? I think your bishop is full of shit. HE is the exact reason that I do not belong to a church. I'm a good person with great morals, but there is no way someone is going to tell me I'm wrong when it comes to my sex drive. And no one can convince me that a man BEGGING and CRYING for sex is normal. OMG no. Not at all. I haven't encountered it yet, even through my "dry" spells. I think the two of you need some councelling, and I think you also need it apart. I send you massive amounts of hugs! I am here, you have my email. Don't feel guilty for your feelings. Please try to talk to your husband. Not argue or cry or anything. Just talk. I'm sorry things are so rough!
from scorpi07 :
Aw Lillie, I'm so sorry to hear about your rough situation. I think you should go to your appointment though, hopefully you'll get some help there. But keep on trying, things will work out. (You'll be in my prayers.)
from mathero :
I'm sorry about my grammar. I've taken a sleeping pill and I think it's starting to kick in. lol.
from mathero :
Maybe you and your husband or maybe just you should seek counseloring. I've been told that many times. About myself and my husband. Maybe it you have an unbias third party to listen to both sides and give you some feedback, it might help. I know thats what you thought the Bishop would do but it didn't sound like he was giving you very good advice. I mean who should really force themselves to sleep with their spouses if that is not what they truly want. Just doesn't sound right to me. Hang in there. It'll get better. ♥
from littlemummy :
Glad you're feeling better! Yay for that. As for your question... I no longer use my diaryland journal, really. No one has the new password. :-) I have a livejournal which is friends only, but if you have or get an LJ let me know and I will add you. Otherwise I have a more family friendly journal at more or less just kid stuff and pics. :-)
from theflyingrat :
I think it's great that you're going to talk to someone. I have considered it, too. Kent and I also talked about getting rid of one car (and only having the one) but decided against it. Being stuck at home would be terrible, I think. Sometimes I just HAVE to get out. ♥
from scorpi07 :
I really like the openness of your entry today, way to not hold back! You're completely right, sometimes you need to do things just for you, to take care of yourself. You'll be fine, I'm sure of it, because you are an amazing woman!
from katress :
Thank you for the birthday wishes sweetie! I think it's cool that Wesley and I have birthday days so close. :)
from littlemummy :
Also - if you need to talk you can email me. calicogirl AT gmail DOT com
from littlemummy :
I hope you're okay! Hugs, babe!
from theflyingrat :
I saw mathero's note and I thought, "Pictures? What pictures?!" Somehow I missed them so I went back and looked and she's right - you are gorgeous. And so is your little boy. ♥
from theflyingrat :
I like the new layout. Sorry about your in-laws. ♥
from mathero :
I don't think I've ever seen your picture before and you're GORGEOUS. wow. Happy Birthday Wesley! It looks like he had a great time. And that picture of him with the cake and the look of "What am I suppose to do with this?" is just priceless.
from scorpi07 :
Awww! Happy Birthday to your beautiful baby boy! He looks to happy in all of those pictures. I love reading your entries and hearing just how much you love your family. Looks like you had a fun weekend! :)
from katress :
God blesses us in many ways. :) (((hugs)))
from theflyingrat :
A guest entry... I add someone to my "approved list" and that gives them the ability to add an entry to my diary, from theirs. :) ♥
from mathero :
awww Dumbo. Too cute!
from pugilist :
I would call you, but it's 10pm there and you're probably doing something naughty with your husband. Hope you had a great b-day. love you!
from cleanstart :
Happy 23rd Birthday!!!
from mathero :
Happy Birthday Love!!
from scorpi07 :
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday pretty lady, Happy Birthday to you! (And don't feel too old, I'll be joining you in the big 23 in less than a month!)
from theflyingrat :
Happy Birthday! ♥ (It's about 25 minutes early but that's okay, right?)
from theflyingrat :
Congratulations, Wesley! That's so exciting! You must be a proud Mama. Glad you had a good (pre)birthday! ♥
from cleanstart :
Hugs...I like you!! ;o)
from cleanstart :
WOW!!! Almost a year old, boy it's been a long time since I've read!!!
from cleanstart :
Hey there... it's me. Been a long time since I've been able to read you. Do you mind giving me your password? I hope all is going well with you! [email protected]
from theflyingrat :
I still haven't found a costume for Riley this year, been slacking! Dumbo sounds so cute! ♥
from bookchick :
Your little one is so cute! He looks so much like your hubby. I just wanted to say hi, and tell you that I am now at :)
from theflyingrat :
I like the new layout. I think it's great that you're trying with M&FIL. It's too bad that they can't see that and return the favor. I hope everything goes well. ♥
from mathero :
awww. what a cute layout!
from scorpi07 :
I adore your new layout! That Wesley is a cutie!!! :)
from theflyingrat :
1) I'm glad that Michael's doing better, that must have been terrifying. 2) I'm sorry you had to leave Wesley, that would have been hard enough alone, but on top of everything else... 3) Your FIL needs a reality check. Okay, that's it. ♥
from mathero :
I'm glad Michael's ok. And your in laws are asses. grrr.
from mathero :
I've locked my diary again with new user info. email me at [email protected]! ♥
from mathero :
I love Medium and Desperate Housewives. I can't wait for them to start up again!
from mathero :
hehe. you're funny. but i feel bad that you and your in laws don't get along. It must be very difficult for you and your husband. I hope you feel better. You sound miserable. Cheer up buttercup!
from theflyingrat :
Ouch! One of those by itself would be bad enough but holy hannah! And that whole scene with the little pumpkin man/plant is 100% something I would do. So I feel a little good knowing that I'm not the only one! Whenever I do something like that I feel foolish but we need to get our stresses out somehow! I hope you feel better soon. ♥
from theflyingrat :
I wish there was something I could do. I hope you make it through all this okay. I would kick your husband's butt for you if I could. ♥
from mathero :
"I love my husband, I really do. Lately I have been thinking to myself that I would be happier without him. Would I? When I am mad, I say yes, but right now, watching him lay next to me while he sleeps, well, I say no... there's no way I could be happy without him." Totally sums up how I've been feeling lately.
from theflyingrat :
It's not necessarily a man thing so much as it's a "men who got pampered by their mothers" thing. Last summer I was pretty sick. Kent just got irritated by my complaining, even though in between rounds of throwing up I managed to clean, take care of Riley and cook. However, he had a COLD one time and made me go to the store to get him waffles. I had to go to 3 different ones because he had to have SQUARE waffles. So. In general, I think women are more compassionate. We see a sick person and we feel NEEDED, men see a sick person and they feel STUCK. But then there was my dad, who used to make special trips for popsicles when I was little (I used to get strep throat every year) so not all men are that way. Or maybe it's different because we were their daughters? Maybe they weren't so nice to our mums when they were sick? Now I'm just rambling. I'm glad you feel better and that you're husband is getting a taste. (I know that's a little awful but at least now he SORT OF knows how you felt.) And men just have a lower tolerance for illness/pain. Women are not the weaker sex. ♥
from mathero :
Follow your heart and listen to your instincts.
from theflyingrat :
I'm sorry things aren't going so great. I'm not sure what to say that would be of much help. I suppose it's good that you didn't have a huge thing with your husband. On the other hand might it have been easier? Life - bah! Sometimes it just plain sucks. And the reason your heart didn't work is because you actually have to write "hearts" even though it's just one. I know, it doesn't make sense! :) ♥
from theflyingrat :
What happened? Did you have some kind of falling out with your husband? I hope you're doing all right, you must be in an incredible amount of pain. My e-mail is [email protected] if I can do anything to help. ♥
from theflyingrat :
Why do you think you're a bad mother/wife/etc? I think you're a fantastic mum, it's obvious how much you care about your son. Nobody is perfect. Your MIL sucks and there isn't a soul who would be 'good enough' for her baby boy. That has nothing to do with you, it's HER problem. Please tell me you're all right; I am worried about you! ♥
from littlemummy :
You okay? I mean, obviously, you are not. But... email me. Let me know you're okay RIGHT NOW. Okay? You have my email, I think.
from mathero :
Feel better my dear!
from mathero :
That just totally made my weekend. Thank you for being so sweet. ♥
from theflyingrat :
Yay you did it! (♥) I completely, one hundred percent, agree with you on the sweets. Riley's first sweet thing was his birthday cake. Every now and then he will get a cookie or something. Usually his "desserts" consist of things like graham crackers or something else that is a lot healthier with a lot less sugar. My MIL was like that too but once Kent sat down and talked with her she stopped giving him things without asking. Thank god I have a supportive husband! Also now when Riley wants a snack he will ask for a banana first. He loves his "nannies" haha. I think you're a fantastic mom and your MIL sounds a bit neurotic (if you don't mind me sying so) so I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like she'd have found SOMETHING to get huffy about eventually anyway. Wesley's your son, she got to raise hers and she needs to let you raise yours. Okay, I am a bit long winded tonight, sorry! ♥
from arrora :
from arrora :
from katress :
God has a way of taking care of babies, doesn't he? xoxo
from theflyingrat :
The heart (♥) is made like this: & hearts ; Only instead of the spaces you squish them all together. I hope that explains it haha. ♥
from theflyingrat :
Riley's fallen down the stairs twice. Once, he was only 6 months old and he CLIMBED them. I didn't even know he could climb stairs and I caught him, he only fell down 2 stairs. The second time the latch on our upstairs bedroom didn't click so Riley managed to get the door open. I was in the walk-in closet putting clothes away and I didn't hear him open it but thought he was safe because the door was CLOSED (I thought). We have a turn in our stair case so he only fell down 6 stairs to the landing. That time he was about 15 months. He was a bit scared but fine both times. I think every kid with a stair case in their home falls down at least once. ♥
from theflyingrat :
That's cute. Riley loves having his teeth brushed. He asks for me to do it, which makes it easy. I just hope it carries on through the rest of his life! I do scrapbooking too. It also takes me awhile to do a page. It is relaxing, though. For me anyway. ♥
from katress :
Okay, couple of things here. I'm almost 30. Does that make me "freakin old?" I don't have kids yet, and maybe (hopefully) I will, but *after* Dave and I get married. Not before. To me it sounds like someone is having a pity party and wants to shock you. She needs to grow the hell up and realize that working at Target like her friend who has a kid is not going to pay for all the bills. I have a good darn job and a nice SUV and a Harley and a little house and sometimes I wonder if I'm going to make it each month? AND I DON'T HAVE A KID!!! SHE NEEDS A REALITY CHECK!!!
from littlemummy :
I know you changed your password a while back, and didn't notify me so I'm guessing there was a reason behind that.... BUT. I really would love to keep reading. calicogirl AT gmail DOT com
from theflyingrat :
Whew. I just read the conversation you had with your friend. That's awful. I feel so bad for her because when I was 18 I felt similarly. I never planned on getting pregnant without a stable relationship but I always knew the only thing I wanted was to be a mother. I was 21 when I had my son though and I'm glad I waited. At 18 I would have been completely unprepared and I probably wouldn't be married, my mother would be raising my son I imagine. Too bad you can't get the girl on Oprah or something to talk about it with other girls who've done what she's thinking about doing. She is lucky to have a friend like you. ♥
from theflyingrat :
What I mean is, how will being conceived in that manner affect the child and has she considered that? I need to be more clear sometimes, I think. ♥
from theflyingrat :
I agree. Stupid and selfish. What about the child!?
from theflyingrat :
I wish I could leave my in-laws' when I felt like it! Mine live 2 hours away though, so when I'm there I'm STUCK. I don't think there's anything wrong with you and why do men almost always choose their mothers over their wives? I hope that when I'm a MIL I will be more understanding than most and make my childrens' spouses feel welcome. ♥
from vanillakitty :
hey you're still on my Fav-reads??? What are you talking about. Like I would take you off.... you're funny :)
from pugilist :
did you change your username and password or something?
from vanillakitty :
I got my calling at church, finally!!!!! I'm on the enrichment commitee, planning all the fun stuff we get to do. Hubby is dissapointed he thought he was going to get a calling for the youth. I think he'll get it sooner or later. Anyways. Happy hump day!
from scorpi07 :
Hey... hang in there. That must be really rough, fighting with the inlaws all the time. I'm sorry to hear that your evening was so bad. I hope you're feeling better soon. (hugs right back at ya)
from mathero :
I'm scared as well. You see how these horrible stories about children being kidnapped, raped and murdered. That is not something I want to expose my children to. I will protect them to my fullest until the day I die. But it still worries the hell out of me!
from theflyingrat :
Thanks for adding me. :)
from katress :
L, I just cannot see you as a blonde. I'm trying, and I can't see it. Happy to hear you changed back. :)
from mathero :
Mia did that when she was little. I came home with a new pair of glasses and she totally flipped out because she didn't recognize me.
from katress :
Makes you remember what's important in this world - love, friends, family and all kinds of other things that money can't buy. :) Happy to hear that you're doing well!
from mathero :
Glad to hear everything is going well. Yay for losing 20lbs!!
from vanillakitty :
Glad to see you're still around!! Too bad my parents are in from Georgia or I'd take a nice drive to visit you!!! Take care!
from mathero :
Happy Belated Mother's Day!! Hope you had a wonderful day. =)
from scorpi07 :
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!! :)
from mathero :
I have locked my diary so if you'd like the user info just email me @ [email protected]! And you never emailed me back with your user info!! =(
from vanillakitty :
Hey girlie, did you change your password? I'm trying the one I have and D-Land just spits it back at me, lol. Hope all is well!
from vanillakitty :
Yay! You're back!!!!! I'm glad to hear that Wesley is doing good!!! Hope to see ya mmore around here! *mwah*
from katress :
my dear, thank you for the wonderful photos of your family and Wesley. He's getting so BIG!!! Can I have your password please? xoxo
from mathero :
I miss you! I don't have the password to get in. I feel all left out and whatnot. I hope you and the baby are well!!
from vanillakitty :
Hey Girlie, what going on? email me! Love ya!
from vanillakitty :
Woman, where have you been? I hope you're doing ok. If you need to vent, or just want to talk give me a call!! I miss reading you, but I know how it is with a weeee-one around. Love Ya!
from mathero :
My mom really likes the name Lily. She's pushing for it. I like it too but Lily Ouellette just sounds like it has way too many L's. =)
from mathero :
Whats with all the secret entries? I feel left out! Thanks for the congratulations. I'm so excited about having another little girl! The only problem right now is that Matt and I are torn on names. I want Maren. Matt wants Maddox. Frustration has officially set in! =)
from pugilist :
uh. password?
from vanillakitty :
Wow! Well, I know how you feel with your sister, I had to wash my hands and be done with my sister last year. Too much drama and prying into everyones personal lives and making it public. If I wanted to let everyone know, I would tell them, but she never understood that. And honestly I've been happier in a sense, less stressed definetly. Good luck with dealing with your sis. If you need to talk, you know where I'm at! *mwah*
from katress :
Passworded? What's going on??? (((hugs)))
from vanillakitty :
Woman!!!! What's going on? You're locked up.... can I get the password???? Hope everything is going okay and you're not having the same problems like before w/ the other diary. Happy Hugs Days!!! Many hugs to you & the family!!! Love Ya!! *mwah*
from scorpi07 :
I LOVE that movie. Ahh, The Best Two Years... Watching it does make me miss my missionary friends too, but it also makes me want to go out and serve a mission. hmm... (Have a happy weekend!)
from vanillakitty :
Woman I know you don't drink & junk. I hardly do either. But this past week has been one of those deserving of a drink. I even tried going to church w/ hubby and all that achomplished was him being pissy w/ me @ church. Not fun. But it did put me in a better mood being there. I wish it would have for the hubby. And we WOULD have fun hanging out!!! You're silly! Love ya!!
from katress :
Wow sweetie - hope that you feel better soon! xoxo
from vanillakitty :
Woman where'd ya go??? UPDATE!! Or email me!! Miss ya much! *mwah*
from cleanstart :
Look at that handsome little dude!! Congrat's I am so happy that your family is everything you've hoped for. Good luck on parenting although Im sure you will do fine! HUGS!!
from vanillakitty :
WWOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOO!!!!! You're back!! I was going through some AWFUL withdrawls, lemme tell ya'. Very Bad, lol. Glad to see you had fun and are back home safe! Love ya! *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
I hope your x-mas in Sin-City is going well!!! Update as soon as you get home!!! Love ya!!! *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
I'm sooooo glad ya'll talked and got stuff straight!!!! YAY you!!! I'm also happy you friend is coming around again!! You can use another friendly voice! Love ya! *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
ok, each time I go to leave you a note D-land eats it. So, I'm trying again! 1. LOVE LOVE LOOOVVVEEEE the new layout. 2. He's is such the cutie!!(but you knew that) 3. Hows about a picture of you with the baby?? (not your arm, or shirt in the picture....) :)4. Even better a picture of the whole family!!! That's means with the hubby!!! 5. ummm lost my train of thought.... well, I hope you are doing good. You'll have to give me you phone# again, my outlook express addy book "disapeared" somehow. Are ya'll going to be flying to Vegas?? or driving?? Cuz If you're driving we can meet up en'route somewhere!! Love ya! *mwah*
from h-u-s-h :
hey, you dont know me, but i was just wondering something. i noticed you have a little box in your dairy with a scroller thing....excuse my bad description. i just wondered if you could tell me how to do that, like put entries in a box with a scroller on the side. thanks, �ritt*
from vanillakitty :
Happy Gobble Day!!! *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
Lillie, don't worry about what the "family" thinks. You have way too much stuff to take care of(baby), to let them cause drama in your life. People try to stir the pot in your life to make theirs feel/look better. In a sense they may be jealous of the realationship you have with hubby and the new baby. Who knows. The stuff people digress to when they want attention is to me, seems so "high-school" or like a soap opera. Take it as a grain of salt what people say. All that really matters is what you and hubby think and how much love is within YOUR house, not in-laws or outsider people. Do your best, love your most. *mwah!!!*
from vanillakitty :
What going on girlie? No update? Well, I hope you're doing good & the baby is the sweetheart you expected... (I know he is). Anyways. Friendly reminder.... More pix please. Take care! *mwah*
from mathero :
Awww, such a cute baby! By the way, what was he named? I love the picture of him with his daddy! =)
from vanillakitty :
AWWWW he so cute. He has GREAT color tooo. I can already see that he's going to be a little heartbreaker!!! Take it easy! love ya! *mwah*
from mathero :
Fantastic! I'm glad everything went so well for you. Congrats on a beautiful baby boy!! =)
from vanillakitty :
patiently waiting...... xoxoxoxo
from mathero :
Congratulations!! I'm sooooooo excited for you!! Good luck buttercup =)
from vanillakitty :
Het if you look 3 entries down from this note.... notice I said it would be before the end of the week. I just squeaked by in time! Love ya muches new mommy!! remember sleep when the baby does for the first couple of weeks! Have the hubby do the picking up aroiund the house and all that. You'll need your rest.
from vanillakitty :
Hey!!! no baby yet :( You just lost your mucus plug??? I lost mine about a month + 1/2 before I went into labor. Not that i'm trying to say you have another month.... lol goodness no! Every person is diffrent! Anywaysyou've earned the right to be grumpy!!! *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
Okay, I understand you're probably feeling crappy and all that junk being prego during these last few days, but think of your LOYAL readers (*ME*), going bonkers (Once again), wondering if you are a mommy today!!! This so sucks trying to guess! Ok that settles it I'm buying a plane ticket so I can follow your every moment, and know exactly when you go into labor, how long, and all that specific junk...... if only money grew on trees..... I've heard spicy mexican food will put some women into labor & you like the mex-food, so what are you waiting on? *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
ARRGG!!!! Okay have my phone # handy!!!! I thought for sure you were at the hospital!!! Ehh I think it'll be before the end of the week!!!!! Well, I hope you feel better. I'm telling ya, caster oil will do the job, the orange drink covers the taste :P.... *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
yep.... definetly going BONKERS!!!!!!! I wanna know if you're a mommy now!!!! *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
Okay, I'm going bonkers around here wondering if you are a mommy yet!!!!! You need to call me woman!! **mwah**
from vanillakitty :
uh-oh.... no update??!!! did you have the baby????? *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
Okay so if you have a laptop, you can update while at the hospital!!!! thats cool!!! Have fun today!! *mwah - to the soon to be NEW mommy!*
from vanillakitty :
Why does todays entry say "monday the 25th??" lol screwwy stuff going on in Dland I guess. well I just wanted to touch base a bit. Have fun shopping!!!! *mwah*
from mathero :
You are going to be a GREAT mother. Trust me, I was scared beyond belief myself. I felt very alone in having to care for my newborn. Her father wasn't in the picture at all. Be thankful you have a wonderful husband to take some of the weight off. I remember being in the hospital in labor, walking the halls saying "i cant do this" "i cant do this". but when it comes time your body takes over and YOU CAN! I know its hard to relax at this point, but have a little faith in yourself. Seeing that babies face is going to change everything. There really is such a thing as a mother's instinct.
from vanillakitty :
hey still needing your pswd & user name. I'm feeling out of the loop.... *sniff*sniff* I think I'm gonna cry! :P
from vanillakitty :
hey, it's [email protected] ...... bed time for me now. :)
from vanillakitty :
uhhh HELLO! I need the pswd n-junk!! You're supposed to know this already!!! :) hope you're feeling good! *mwah*
from bookharlot :
Yes, it was me. You're very welcome! Of course, this means I expect tons of pics of the little guy when he arrives. :-p
from mathero :
o0o0h it looks pretty around here! you lucky girl. someone must love you.
from vanillakitty :
Hey if you're wanting to go into labor early (this worked for me) make an Orange julius and add 3-4 tablespoons of Caster Oil. Or if you can stand the caster oil flavor just drink it alone ICK! But I took it andnot more than 2 1/2 hours later I was at the ER dilated to 6. I wasn't expecting it to work, but it did!!! 2 of my other friends drank it, one went into full labor in 45 min, the other 4hrs later. Anyways Happy Birthday!!!!! Now go try the little spiked drink :) Let me know what happens. *mwah*
from mathero :
Happy Birthday!
from mathero :
Walking & sex help induce labor. So do a lot of both! =) I walked the mall on a Wednesday evening and was in labor Thursday morning. Mia came 10 days early.
from vanillakitty :
no update this morning?? Are you at the hospital??? Are you having the wee-one??!!!! so exciting, he could be born any day now and be perfectly healthy!!!! I say he going to be early. :) *mwah*
from vanillakitty :
you better give me the new addy!!!! Hey i'm still waiting on those pix!!!! *mwah*
from mathero :
My daughter came 10 days early! I hope your labor is smooth and quick. These final weeks will go by in a blink of an eye and before you know it, you'll be holding your newborn.
from cdghost :
hey i came across your words and enjoyed reading them very much..peace ..the cdghost!
from vanillakitty :
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one up at this time (12AM) and I updated!!! As glad as I am, you really need to sleep, get lots over it, cuz you'll be on E once the baby gets here and you get used to the babys schedule!! Go to bed, now, miss thang!!!! *mwah*
from mathero :
Thanks so much for your advice. It actually really made me feel better. Matt & I are going to sit down again tonight to talk about it. He wanted me to talk to my parents about it and get their opinion, which I did today. So hopefully tonight we will come to a definite decision. Thank you so much! ps: I was the only person at my labor class & no one went with me. It was kinda neat to get the one on one with the teacher. I'm glad everything went well and your husband sounds too cute!
from mathero :
Wow, I got so relate to this entry. Although, I've never quite been "out on my own". I know what its like to be carefree (ie; blowing checks on clothes). My whole life revolves around the 2 people I love the most (My daughter & my fiance). I wouldn't change that for the world but sometimes I do miss my alone time. It's nice to be able to relate. =)
from mathero :
Hey. This is Heatherettte! Here is my new diary. Thanks for being interested. I hope all is well with you & your little one <3
from vanillakitty :
Woman you look so CUTE!!!!! Prego belly -n-all. :) You are definetly all belly, I was the same way. Well my dad is here so I've been hanging out with him as much as possible since I don't get to see him but maybe 1 or 2 times a year. I'll have a long entry after he leaves on Monday. Take it easy! Tell the hubby of yours to rub the budda belly for luck for me! *mwah*
from heatherettte :
You look great. I'm a 21 year old mom as well. My daughter will be 2 in November. I remember the feeling at the end of pregnancy. Hang in there. The best is yet to come!!
from scorpi07 :
i like this layout too, and i like the picture you posted! you are too cute!
from vanillakitty :
You know I'm getting used to reading you 1st thing in the morning, and this morning you didn't write *sniff*sniff*, So of course the 1st thing that went through my mind was that you were in labor. I'm glad to see that you finally wrote, making me worry woman! I like this layout too!!! *mwah*
from scorpi07 :
dreams are strange like that. but don't let it worry you too much, it's only a dream. thanks for the kind message the other day, it's greatly appreciated! :)
from me-karissa :
I quit watching Kallie mostly because of her abusive parents. They're terrible. I was treated with no respect and was taken advantage of time and time again. I muddled through a year of it because I love my little one so much. Eventually though, after praying so hard, I realized I wasn�t supposed to be there anymore. The next day I found out about a childcare school in Oregon. It all seemed to fall into place. It still broke my heart to leave my kids though. I have faith it's for the best though. *karissa
from startin-over :
Love, love, love the name. It's way too cute. I am so happy (and excited) for you and your hubby. I hope you can continue to update here. I've missed not reading about you. ((hugs))
from me-karissa :
Oh, I'm so happy to see that you're updating again. And wow, the little one is almost here! His name is lovely. Another huge congratulations. Keep us posted.
from cleanstart :
3/13/04.... Hey there! I can't believe you are finally pregnant! I'm so happy for you and your hubby. How far along are you? Details please....... *HUGE HUGS*
from cleanstart :
Hey hun, I noticed that it's been a while since you've updated and now your locked. I hope everything's OK!! HUGS~ If you plan on keeping your diary locked, I'd love to have the PW if you are giving it out. [email protected]
from bookchick :
I'm OK, the job is keeping me busy. The Army has screwed up Rob's stuff again so there's no telling when he will be home or where he is going once he does. Hang in there with the pregnancy thing. I have faith that you will be a great mom, and it will happen when things are right. Drop me an email sometime, k? [email protected]
from bookchick :
You haven't updated in a while, and I just wanted to make sure that everything was all right with you. :-)
from scorpi07 :
hi, i randomly happened upon your site because i like your name. and what-do-ya-know, i'm lds too! :) i wish you luck getting pregnant! that's so exciting! (have a wonderful day, and happy new year!)
from me-karissa :
Don't know if this went through to the guestbook, but I'll try it here too: I'm so glad to hear from you again. Good to hear that Atkins is working so well for you. I was on Atkins for a few years for my hypoglycemia, and it wasn't bad at all after the initial shock of it all. I hope it works well for you. I'm truely sorry about the potential miscarriage. You and your husband are always in my prayers. I'm relieved that Heavenly Father is comforting you in this very trying situation. I know He will always be there for you. I hope work is going well. Keep us updated on everything. We've missed you. *karissa
from machogirl7 :
Oh honey. I am so sorry about that. ((hugs)) I'm so sorry. :(
from rosarybeads :
11/20: I hear ya. I miss Lisa for that exact same reason. I mean, within the last week I've made six new friends through nursing, but I still miss Lisa. xoxo
from rosarybeads :
Doh! Almost forgot! Guess where we are going for six days next month? Southern California! And you know what that means.... Vegas road trip baby! We're so stoked. I'll kiss it hello for you, mmkay? :) xoxo
from cleanstart :
sorry you are still being bothered! If you decide to lock, you know I want a entry.
from rosarybeads :
Awww ((HUGS)). I wish that person would stop bothering you, too. Let me know the password if you decide to lock, mmkay? xoxo
from rosarybeads :
I dunno about that, hon. People who do have their own diaries check Greg's diary on a almost-daily basis (even though he hasn't written for like, 2 months). It may or may not be your brother, but my bets are on that it's not, unless he lives in Massachusetts. I'll email ya. ((hugs)) xoxo
from rosarybeads :
Isn't - massachusetts charter communications? I thought your brother was in NV still. Then again, I'm crazy, so what do I know. LOL xoxo
from jadedlife :
No~ I didn't mean to remove you. I was being anal yesterday and moving around names and such and well I didn't mean to remove you so.. Your back on there babe! :)
from cleanstart :
Ahhhhh, I forgot your user/pw!
from cleanstart :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Yesterday was my cousin's 20th birthday as well. I hope you had a wonderful day!
from rosarybeads :
10/18: I LOVE the last sentence of your entry. I live by that motto every day. xoxo
from rosarybeads :
10/17: BAH to your stupid f****** brother! :) I love ya. Mwah. xoxo
from rosarybeads :
10/12: It is if you're making more than $11/hour! :) ((hugs)) Get some rest, mama. xoxo
from cleanstart :
Maybe your brother will back off and give you your privacy? Hopefully!I need to be more motivated to work out. I look at myself and say,"Gosh, I've gotta do something" and you'd think would be enough, but it never is. And yeah for you being such a good employee.
from cleanstart :
Good for you and your will power to get healthy. It's always easier to say your gonna start dieting/exercising than it is to actually do it. I know... I say it way more than I do it! Good Luck!
from rosarybeads :
10/01: You have my prayers! xoxo
from cleanstart :
Hugs Sweetie! I know the Lord will bless you in perfect timing.
from jadedlife :
Yes, "kill em' with kindness" thats the only way to do it :) The Bible says so :)
from cleanstart :
I say, "slap the co-worker", lol. You know I'm only kidding. I have a boss like that though. I'd like to knock her out of the office doors at times. It's allot worse with girl/girl rather than guy/girl, I think?hehe HUGS~
from jadedlife :
Yah!! Im so glad you unlocked. I haven't spoke or read you in awhile!! I have a new diary now jadedlife as seen in above link. I was youngblood20 Im sure that rings a bell with yah :) Im so glad to see you got a job in yalls new location and things are starting to go back up the hill.. Go catch up on me and we will unit and talk some more. (hugs)
from cleanstart :
I like your new look! Did I over look it, or did you do away with your GB? I'm sending out my user/pw today to everyone.
from cleanstart :
I love relaxing weekends like those, but fortunately... I don't get many. Enjoy your weekend with hubby!
from rosarybeads :
09/26: I suggest int'l adoption. 1)It's a shorter wait time and 2) It ends up costing less money in the long run. Stateside adoptions - you're looking at 5 years. Int'l is 2-3 years. And, with int'l adoptions, the mother does not have the option of taking back the baby. I'd look into it. :) xoxo
from rosarybeads :
09/25: You sound SO much like me in that entry. And I'm glad to hear that you're approaching motherhood with that mindset. AND, I'm SO glad that you guys are going for adoption! That's AWESOME! I'm a huge advocate for adoption (duh - we're adopting, and I'm a child of an adopted child), and I have mad respect for anyone who decides to make that life altering decision. Good luck to you both! Are you doing a stateside or int'l adoption? xoxo
from rosarybeads :
09/21: I hear you. That's why I write the way I do. My old diary... I used to "care" what people were going to think if I trully exposed myself, naked truths and all. Now I don't give a ****. I want to look at what I've written and know what I'm talking about - remember things the way they happened, and how I felt, etc. Good for you. xoxo
from rosarybeads :
09/12: You have to email me about that dream, Miss Thang. :) I'm glad that you like where you're working - that always helps. I know what you mean about wanting to be the only one taking care of things. I think that's sweet. (not on my end, though - mine is more O/C than anything) I'm glad that you and the Hubby are getting along better. :) xoxo
from littlemummy :
I sent you an email, like you asked, but never heard from you. I would love the password. [email protected]
from rosarybeads :
09/09: Have fun tommorow! xoxo
from cleanstart :
Lillie, I'm so happy that you are in better spirits and are taking action to change the things in your life that are getting you down. My prayers are still with you. HUGS~
from rosarybeads :
09/08: I'm glad you made a friend where you live- that's so awesome! I wish I had the TIME to do that.. but you're in close enough proximity. :) xoxo
from cleanstart :
UGH...PW, not Pa. Oops
from cleanstart :
I was actually using the wrong Pa. I got in, sry. Did you click on the link in my current entry? I'm in that photo album several times.
from cleanstart :
Did you change the PW again? Neither one that I have are working..? HUGS~
from catsnapples :
Would you let me read your entries? You can send the user name and password to [email protected] Thanks, Joan~ catsnapples
from cleanstart :
Your human...that's it. There's nothing wrong with you. HUGS~ LOVE THE NEW LOOK!
from cleanstart :
I can't get in again with the password I was using? *lip pounched*
from dreamer5190 :
Hey - I locked too, but your old pass isn't working. Send me an e-mail. Long, long story. I'll try to get back to you by the end of the weekend if I can make it to the library.
from bookchick :
OK, your GB is not letting me sign. me when you're settled in and we'll figure out a time to meet! :-)
from cleanstart :
OK, so maybe I can't type either... Sorry about the typos in your GB! LOL.. I meant "and"..not "nad".. LOL.. And "typing"..not "tryping" Sheesh!
from dontyouwish :
thank you for the kind comments. :)
from minverden :
Perhaps you could send Andrew, the diaryland guy an e-mail if you still have problems with the password thingie?
from klcranford17 :
Hey there. Did your password change? Or is it just d-land acting funky? I tried logging in today but was denied..? :O(
from rosarybeads :
08/01: I say something along those lines to myself. It's like the saying, "Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it". You're on the right road, you and Micheal. Thank you for the GB message; you are so sweet! Right back at ya. :) xoxo
from klcranford17 :
B-I-G HUGS HUN! I hope you feel better soon! MUWAH~
from rosarybeads :
Also, I just read your note. Thank you SO much. That means a lot to me. You're the sweetest! xoxo
from rosarybeads :
I need your email address - I forgot it! LOL xoxo
from xcrazypnayx :
u married in the temple rite??
from xcrazypnayx :
hey. i have a lot of friends that are LDS. but im not so yea and i live in las vegas. well n. las vegas so yay i've found someone from las vegas..woo hoo!!!!!
from zakandsara :
Sounds like a GREAT photographer... The pictures you've put in your diary though, were very good.
from zakandsara :
A link to the guestbook, I meant.
from zakandsara :
You know, until I read your note like, three seconds ago I didn't know I had a guestbook. Thanks for pointing that out, lol, I'll have to get on that.
from f0rkgawddess :
You and your husband make the -cutest- couple! And you're wedding dress was absolutly beautiful! Loved the pictures! <3
from klcranford17 :
Sorry, the entry regarding my brother was Jan.7th, not 8th.
from ktdream :
Congrats on your new marriage and I like the picture for your layout. =) I wish you the best of luck!
from forkgawddess :
Aww! Thank you so much for all the nice comments in my guestbook! :D *hugs*
from rosarybeads :
05/19: No locking without giving Mollie the password! LOL xoxo
from klcranford17 :
Your locked? I hope everything's ok! May I have the user/pw? [email protected]
from klcranford17 :
Hugs hun! I so know what it's like to not have a good relationship with yur father! I have not spoken to mine in 3 years....
from klcranford17 :
Oh, I see... I had just left you a message at you old name today asking for the PW. lol
from klcranford17 :
5/5~ I tried leaving a GB message but GB's are acting wonky right now and wouldn't let me sign. :O(..Thanks for adding me to your fav's. Just a quick question...Did I know you at your old diary? Just curious, lol. I'm off to add you to my diary now..

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