apples falling...cats meowing

I teach. I love cats. I have a busy, full life. I enjoy classical music, old movies and I really love musical theater ie: Rogers & Hammerstein, Lerner & Lowe, Irving Berlin and Andrew Lloyd Webber. I am the PROUD grandma (don't let that scare you) of two lovely little girls and one tiny boy:) I should have been on the stage, but instead, I'm in the class room with the little first grade squirrels.

My favorite diaries:

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goodsandwich profile - diary
amishboy profile - diary
chubbychic profile - diary
als-pals profile - diary
catie-dids profile - diary
blueapple profile - diary
seastreet profile - diary

My favorite music:

Mama's and Papa's
comments: Very GROOVY in the 60's!
Herman's Hermits
comments: So London!
The Boston Pops
comments: Keith Lockhart..what a dream!

My favorite movies:

Pride & Prejudice (A&E)
comments: Of course my favorite romance novel put to film in the beautiful English country side.
The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming
comments: A good clean comedy, with a global statement.
Much Ado About Nothig
comments: Shakespear at his best!
You've Got Mail
comments: Love via the net:)
Return To Me
comments: Love from "the heart"

My favorite authors:

Jane Austen
comments: She wrote a century ago, but her perspective on life and love rings true
Jan Brett
comments: A children's author and illustrator who is simply an artist extrordinair!
comments: The last of the GREAT Nephites!
Sheri Dew
comments: A classy, single woman who understands what God expects of us.
Patricia Polacco
comments: Writing about eastern European, Jewish immigrants for children to read and grown-ups too!

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last updated: 2004-11-03 10:55:36
this user's total entries: 270
user since: 2002-08-24

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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