messages to aura-chic:
(click here to add new message):

from ghostofgor :
Not all tools are snap-on or Craftsman, and not all piggies come with their own blankets. Makes me think of frozen bacon, and grease which turns to a opaque solid. Just a random thought to compliment your random thought.
from ghostofgor :
I work early mornings too. It sucks donkey balls. (at best) the good news is there is usually no traffic. I deliver money, so I know what trucking is like. And 12 hour work days. its ok to dream, but I prefer to be pessimistic, so when shit is fucked up, its not a shock. When it works out, then you can freak out.
from squirrelx :
Life does go on, but love never dies and your little varmint baby isn't lost to you. Not that that's much comfort while the two of you on different sides of the veil. Please know that you're in my prayers. Sincere condolences, Xtine
from ghostofgor :
Im sorry for your hamster, really. It is always the little things which bring the greatest happiness. So when your ready, I wish you luck in your search. Maybe buy 2, as lonelyness affects us all.
from invisibledon :
Happy Halloween 03- what are you doing tonight?
from cdghost :
enjoyed the words..all the best
from invisibledon :
thanks for doing my justaboutsex survey - somehow I thought you had done that one already
from ghostofgor :
from invisibledon :
Im not sure what I'm going to be doing this weekend. Hopefully I'll have a chance to go out either tonight or tomorrow
from zyphun-k :
from the anyone that reads your diary... Just wanted to stop by and say hello. ^_^ *in his best Fezzik impression* HELLO, PRETTY LADY! ^_^ I miss you and I miss our talks. Anyway, good luck with your diet. ^_^ I am a couple weeks in on mine now, and even though I am not doing as well as I'd like, it's better then if I didn't try at all. ^_^ I just try and remember that less is more and better then nothing at all. ^_^ hehe Hope you're having a great day and your time off is restful. *hugs* - Someone Less Then Interesting
from squirrelx :
You're an angel, Liz! Your support is precious to me, as always, and your candid remarks regardin' your own problem with self injury are more helpful than you can possibly imagine. Right now, I'm in dire need of practical information. I've been visitin' websites and lookin' for books I can order from Amazon, but the most valuable lessons I'll learn will be taught by folks with direct experience. What are your thoughts on when and how we should tell Delores? In my opinion, we should wait 'til Danielle is ready to do that herself, but we may not be able to get her into therapy without Delores's permission. Thanks again for bein' my friend! Love, Xtine
from squirrelx :
Thank you for the kind words, my friend. I've been pretty far down in the dumps this week and your support is sincerely appreciated. With affection and respect, Xtine
from squirrelx :
[I tried leavin' this message in your guestbook, but failed.] I just want to thank you for pointin' out that liftin' is the key to the Finger Assist Method. Now I understand where I've been goin' wrong. Warmest regards, Xtine
from invisibledon :
nada, sup, witchu girl?
from invisibledon :
from pattymelt :
i will be home for a little while tongiht. i will send you a couple more pics to make you happy. too bad i don't ahve any REALLY good pics of him....
from ghostofgor :
come join Me on the midnight train to madness, carry on is encouraged, so is screaming, see you at the station. o_O
from kb8 :
Hey hey! Thanks for adding me to you're fav's list! You're wonderfully wonderful!
from kb8 :
Hey! Thanks for taking my survey!
from crackheadred :
its kinda like incest....LOL
from kb8 :
Thank you for your candor in filling out my survey. "No legacy is so rich as honesty." -William Shakespeare
from kb8 :
Hi. Will you take my survey?
from ghostofgor :
nope oddly enough, they were serious, I even said one was made in England and they didnt want to know. Such fragile minds they have, I will enjoy teasing them.......
from crackheadred :
i beeze here
from crackheadred :
you were coughin again last night? ya THINK it had somethin to do with you goin joggin while ya still had pneumonia?? lol
from gods :
long time no see!
from pattymelt :
i get most of my bra's at lane bryant. the only problem is, i can almost never get any on sale and at $30+ a pop, ouch! i love that store but i can wear almost nothing they have anymore. jeans mostly. i just need to suck it up and get out there!
from desertwitch :
Hey, Lizr. Just blew my cover, cuz what I read on Mr. Fine Booty's site kind of pissed me off -- though he's not the first diary I read lately that equates "bithing" about Bush with not loving the United States! But all's good. Got it off my chest finally -- WHEW -- OH, and forgot to tell Brent that he can feel free to kiss MY ass anytime -- like you didn't know that already! So good night then from this VERY squared-away Private First Class ; )
from two-face :
hello, its me again! The link you wrote didn't work and I tried searching diaryland for that name but its not listed... but thanks anyway. If you do find the right address I'd really appreciate it cause my template really sucks right now. Thanks!
from two-face :
hey, thanks for the note! I just wanted to let you know I like your template, it's original. Doesn't it drive you crazy when you can't add an entry when you want to? I've had this happen several times already and I've only had a diary for 2 weeks!
from pattymelt :
and here i got all excited cause it said i had three new notes! thanks!
from pattymelt :
yeah, well, you know how it is! nobody does their job and there are all these reprocutions and i am tired of people taking advantage of it because i am supposed to be a friend. know what? they can all hang by their nips. i am tired of standing up for them when they don't get shit to me. you know, and it doesn't help that KB never called me back last night after i gave him that potted meat girls phone number, the fucker. thanks for letting me vent.
from invisibledon :
ouch sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well
from invisibledon :
Happy Valentines Day @-'---
from pattymelt :
yeah, ain't it a drag when you really want to update and have nothing to say? and want to send some of that government cash my way? i am in no way rich but they are raping me! and i am not having fun!
from pattymelt :
i aded you to my yahoo buddy list - but i am ususally not on during the weekdays - if i was IMing at work i would never get anything done!
from pattymelt :
you sound like mikeygal! just remember you are still so young and have your whole life ahead of you. even if you DO start over, you'll be way ahead of where i am! i am almost 40 and STILL trying to get all my shit together!
from pattymelt :
i am trying to get modivated to finish the vegas crap up. nothing exciting the last day. just more site seeing. and work is totally shitty! i am so sore!
from pattymelt :
you know what it is about muslum women? if they say anything, their culture lets the husband (or any male family member)do whatever they want to the woman, including kill her. it sucks and you need to get your mother out of that relationship NOW! once a man has that kind of control over anyone, they will never give it up. and as for him not paying any bills - lock him the fuck out! that's a bunch of crap. that's why i only let a select few know where i live. let alone spend the night in my bed! get movign girl! and good luck on the job front!
from ciaramyst :
from desertwitch :
Ohh.. and THANK GOD NO -- Mr. Eggplant is no where near sight -- found out he works in a buidling across the "campus" -that's what they call the butt ugly corporate office site I work in -- so no danger of him stalking my butt and pushing me in the trunk of his Neon. LOL!!!
from pattymelt :
i am glad your bro is ok.
from pattymelt :
no shit! that's what i was thinking the whole time! it's not like i would have said no! i talked to my WBF today about it and he said they were just shy. i am like, no wonder he has only ever had sex with his one girlfriend! they are both under lockdown next weekend so that is off but WBF said he will set something up soon. and we talked about us and the whole kissing thing and we both agreed we have to keep that up. mmmmmm!
from pattymelt :
no, nothing planned for this eve....but you know if that grade A calls i am on it! if you know what i mean!
from pattymelt :
i know what you mean about always being there for your friends and then when you need them - they still want to talk about themselves! what the fuck? so i made a change this last year to cut down on who all i am a crutch for. and it has helped enormously! i still am there but i cut alot of the dead weight out of my life. chin up, girl! plus, you still have your whole life ahead of you (bitch) so it can't be too bad. trust me. you will probably have some totally shitty things happen to you that will make what you are going thru now seem like nothing!
from desertwitch :
...and can feel your pain about having to put up a sweet front during interviews with complete humanoid turds. I know it's a VERY small blessing, but at least you don't have to LOOK at those lazy losers as they do their nasty over the phone. Ug. I'm of the opinion that most of them are just plain damned lazy -- I new a very cute baseball player for Cal State who called phone sex lines to "spice up" his nightly jacking off. Amazing! Good luck girl!
from desertwitch :
That damned Crackhead!! And much obliged -- anytime! ; )
from desertwitch :
Hey! Thanks for liking my weirdness enough to add me to your faves! Happy new year already! : )
from invisibledon :
Thanks for visiting and Happy New Year

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