messages to ayaron:
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from poppyred :
Probably best to forget about it then. Bye.
from poppyred :
Today is 9th of Feb and the previous offer still applies. :)
from poppyred :
Hello, can I help in any way? Anyway whatsoever just let me know, it hurts to see you so pained.
from poppyred :
Back online again, see you soon, hope you are okay. Don't forget me!
from loner-blues :
I'm so very sorry about what's happened between you and Casallia. It makes my heart ache and brings tears to my eyes, knowing what you're going through right now. *Hugs* -cat
from poppyred :
Hello, not forgotten about you, have days free next week so will phone you on monday. Have fun!
from loner-blues :
Must kill D-land. ARGH! I locked up to change my layout, went to unlock and...nothing. So until the problem is fixed -- USERNAME: fucked, PASSWORD: over. I'm so sorry for any inconvienence this may cause. -cat
from justamephit :
Darlin' ... have you ever met a Scouser who didn't drink, smoke and have sex?
from poppyred :
What? Still no cast list entry for me? *boo, hoo, sniff*
from candoor :
so I send you love today, for no other reason than because I have some and love to share it :)
from cats-corner :
I miss hearing from you, but I can understa you'd rather not keep in touch. Hope things are going well for you. -cat
from justamephit :
Yeah, well, that reveals us in all our scintillating glory.
from ayaron :
whenever i do anything on the internet from work it shows up 3 times! crappy web-proxy, obviously.
from ayaron :
whenever i do anything on the internet from work it shows up 3 times! crappy web-proxy, obviously.
from ayaron :
whenever i do anything on the internet from work it shows up 3 times! crappy web-proxy, obviously.
from ayaron :
responding to darkmelody here as they appear to have no diary, profile or notes page (and they ask me if I'm real?) - Yes I am real. Apart from the pseudonyms nothing I put in here is untrue. Why do you ask in particular?
from ayaron :
responding to darkmelody here as they appear to have no diary, profile or notes page (and they ask me if I'm real?) - Yes I am real. Apart from the pseudonyms nothing I put in here is untrue. Why do you ask in particular?
from ayaron :
responding to darkmelody here as they appear to have no diary, profile or notes page (and they ask me if I'm real?) - Yes I am real. Apart from the pseudonyms nothing I put in here is untrue. Why do you ask in particular?
from darkmelody :
are you for real?
from cats-corner :
Wow...soak those poor little feet in some ragingly hot water, then elevate them. -cat
from justamephit :
Silly - was joking about the fudge :) It's okay, I do understand. And I hope you make it back!
from cats-corner :
Oooo! Carpal tunnel is bad. Good luck with the adaptation. -cat
from poppyred :
Just read your diary and its woken me up to how much I miss having you around. Hope I can spend more time with you in the future!
from justamephit :
Worm is good *swish-crack* ;)
from justamephit :
It's ennui =P *huggage and pettage and lickage and other ages that shouldn't be left on notes pages*
from cats-corner :
No worries about the triple post. :-D Computers...oy! -cat
from cats-corner :
Thank you for adding me to your favorites list and for your note. I *have* thought about publishing under a pseudonym, but it seems rather complicated when it comes time to receive payment for stories/essays/novels/etc. (Just from the research I've done on the subject). As for author photos and such...oh boy! I plan to avoid that at all costs! -cat

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