messages to azimel:
(click here to add new message):

from gothique :
Not in love with CC, only went there to avoid stalkerboy. Decided stalkerboy can screw himself - if he finds me I'll just lock it up. Gothique is home. Always has been.
from cosmiccow :
I'd love to pass on phenomenal cosmic power...but as it comes with itty bitty living space I doubt you'd like it much. :o) I got one from you that said in essence 'things are nuts, will email you with update soon', but a second email never came through. That's been a problem with the dreamyautumn address - not getting ALL the messages. Sounds like your life has been hardcore busy, though. Did you get married? Finish veterinarian school? Have a baby? Pull off a highly successful hostile corporate takeover?? I'm guessing whatever happened the last year was pretty major if you didn't even have time to blog about it. I hope it was more happy than not happy.
from cosmiccow :
Yeah, it's been a hoot. Lots of stuff going on and very little of it happy, but you know... I'd love to see you updating again, though. You said that things were headachey - is there anything I can do to help?
from cosmiccow :
It's me (shann). I had to move due to harrassment. Still not crazy about diaryland, but if the creep finds me here I have the option of locking him out. Anyay, this is my new journal.
from pgn-mystique :
OOPS - my bad. I was using the iMac, so the scrollbar comes up automatically (it doesn't even show the colored ones so I figured it was automatically inserting the plain ones). Thanks for the heads-up on that! :o) Is it working now?
from sionainne :
Wilt thou be returning, dearest Azzie? I miss thee...
from sarkasmo :
Asskicking by note---you've been served. :)
from gothique :
Sorry to keep leaving these long messages in your notes (damn comments *grumble*). Just wanted to use one to see how school's going and what's new and different in the lives of you and your brother? Any thoughts you wanna share? Tips, gross stories, recipes? Creepy autopsy photos? Okay, so I'd rather not see animal autopsies. Excuse me for a moment whilst I shake that vision out of my head. :: bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh :: Also, I've been meaning to ask you - are you familiar with Takashi Miike's films (Audition, Ichi The Killer, ect.), and if so what are your impressions? Seriously. I figured since you were so familiar with anime you may have seen a foreign film or two, and Miike's are supposed to be, well, unforgettable. Okay, I'm going away now. For my next note, I'll be posting the unabridged version of War & Peace - enjoy!! (lol)
from gothique :
Oh, and yes...I'm getting old. Actually, only 36, so really I guess that's not too far into the realm of the aged, though I have had an awful lot of 'senior moments' lately. Finding grey hairs, forgetting where I parked my car and whatnot. Wish I could say I was joking, but there are times when I have a bad case of what my sensitive new age guy of a brother refers to as 'parking lot alzheimer's'. It hasn't motivated me to livk any door handles yet, but I've sniffed a few. :o) Ack again! 36. Hey...that's how old Marilyn Monroe was when she died. COINCIDENCE???? Um...not really. I just thought I'd mention it. :o)
from gothique :
Ack! I couldn't get your comments to work - probably because my beloved hubbins has put so many blockers on his PC (which I am now only allowed to use on a limited basis), that even stuff we WANT to see is blocked too. Talk about overkill (lol)! Anyway, that story about the women has really been working on me. I know the situation is nothing new, but it seems worse somehow, because they had a brief taste of peace before the armed guards started chasing them around. To not have it, experience it only for a moment, then have it ripped out from under you again (*violently*), must be heartbreaking. One of the possiblities that worries me the most in this, is that if things return to the status quo, it's going to be open season on women out there far worse than it is now. The men obviously feel threatened, and in all likelihood there is going to be a major meltdown at some point in the near future. Scores of women abducted and 'made examples of'. Terrifying. I'd keep my butt at home too if it were me.
from cindreviews :
Yay... your diary review is completed, courtesy of Andreia. Please read it, and rereviews will be given out upon request. Thank you very much!
from gothique :
Thank you for being so supportive when I'm having one of my bummer periods. {{ big hug }} It's a tough thing to deal with and I have the feeling that you totally get it. As for the test thingy - AWESOME!! Thanks for doing that. :o) Kestra did it too and it was fun reading them. Go you being the doggy doc! I was a veterinary assistant many years ago and learned early on that I don't have the tummy for it, so of course I really have a lot of admiration for those that do. Are you going to help dogs and cats or get into something else, like avian or rodent medicine?
from cindreviews :
Cinderella Reviews is a brand new review site. So if you would like a review please come and check us out at . We hope to be hearing from you soon. Thank You!
from sarkasmo :
yeah, i never thought about that before, but i guess my dreams ARE kind of like "Passions". just without the witch and the midget. so far. and hey you, get down with your doomy self. i like all the doom.
from gothique :
Control a dog in 1950 - LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! The ds is wicked damn cool, but oy, the cost. John and I worked out an agreement for it, though, so he'll be getting it in January. He's cool with that. Seems he really does want those guitar pedals more. Isn't Testicle Theater hilarious? I've watched all the movies with Larry and John and we laugh every time...yes, we're sickos. :o)
from asptually :
New diary :), (psst this is enn5393).
from xevilbunnix :
Good, God! That skintimate commercial is almost as bad as the "Together we can lick breast cancer." I really wish they would've chosen their words more wisely.
from dreamyautumn :
Yes indeedy. I'll be posting those pics as soon as I can get them either hosted or downloaded to yahell. :o)
from dreamyautumn :
THANK YOU!! Mine was "By Odin's mighty spear, I look forward to hearing the lamentations of thy women!" Oh my god - that rocks. I'm still laughing. :o)
from dreamyautumn :
Most of the time if I go online during the day I don't turn on my AIM because I only have a few minutes to update and I don't like cutting my chats short. :o) The kids interrupt them sometimes at night, but on the whole, that's my best time to go on. Much less chance of an interruption that's going to keep me from chatting long term. * brace yourself - sarcasm ahead * : It's ever so fun to have to arrange and time everything. (LOL) . Anyhoo, that's why we keep crossing each other's paths.
from moreneta :
username: er password: kang
from dreamyautumn :
Woo-hoo - oh my god!! Your reference to Deliverance was hilarious! It probably would have been a great family outing if it hadn't begun so badly. Now it's time for ... DUELING BANJOS!! bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng...
from ba13ygurl :
I'm going to be free, I'm going to soar far above these clouds, I will smile for the first time in my life and feel the sensations of love and laughter.
from purex :
I love your idea about the marching for gay marriages.. it's great!! And to have the countdown and then the kissing.. that would certainly make an impact. :)
from xevilbunnix :
What is Gatekeepers 21 about? It's this awesome, awesome anime show about this people who turn into these monsters and the Gatekeepers have to kill them. Except they don't quite kill them, they turn them into crystal, and if they find a way to make the crystals human again then they will o0o. XD. -Kelly
from punknvinegar :
Yay 400 entries. w00t.
from punknvinegar :
Yay! Yayness at the list, birthday wish, and the fact goth shall be in the dictionary. This is a rather odd question but have you ever seen Gatekeepers 21? Much love to that show from me. Best anime I've ever seen. XD. -Kelly
from punknvinegar :
I was listening to Dir En Grey and somehow my mind thought of you... it's best not to question my train of thought. I read the superficial goth list again and -gasp- How could you ever forget ankh, ahnk, or... however you spell it. I just read the fireworks in the day entry and that happened here too... and they also set them off NOT on the fourth of July. !#$#@! neighbor people.
from lovagurl25 :
any 1 here?
from lovagurl25 :
so i just got here, sup?
from ransgirl15 :
heh heh I think christine or someone got a bit confused.. i think she seen the note that you left awhile back.. (after your review) sry for any inconvience <33333333 Dulce
from papercutview :
WOW!!! I was just checking our notes and saw yours!!! That'd be soo great (banner)! You can e-mail [email protected]. If it doesn't work, try [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]. Thanks!!!
from cisum :
no! my mom wouldn't let me eat cake! she said I don't need the sugar. i have to eat my dinner first! what ludicrous! who eats DINNER before cake?
from cisum :
haha, mm, i want more cake. and you have exactly 375 entires. yes, thought you 'otta know. hehe. I havne't acutally had wedding cake tho.
from relybigtease :
i live in albany ny old r u....r u still in school?
from punknvinegar :
Hmm... Did you know that pudding now comes in chewable, circular, bites. And that Jell-o, is not squirtable, but squeezable. I can't really describe the Jell-o, so being the anal person I am I left a link with a picture. They are called "Extreme Jell-o Gel Sticks" or something...
from scifimagpie :
Nice nice nice. I had a good time looking at your diary.
from relybigtease :
hey...we have a lot in common...and i like ur pro......check out mine or e-mail me [email protected]
from punknvinegar :
If you have an O big enough you put the weenie inside the O. Awwww yeah. :).
from punknvinegar :
The only thing worthwhile about spaghetti-o's are the weenies!
from cerestar :
u love anime? me too. i used 4 have almost all sailormoon comics and lots of cards. sadly my parents threw them away. u love vampire, huh? anne rice's new vampire chronicles is in store. didn't buy it - couldn't afford it. nice 2 know there's someone like me out there somewhere d'evil1 @ dracula_vampire @ devil's fav daughter
from enn5393 :
heh, 'subtlety' is a specialty of mine can't ya tell?
from enn5393 :
((hugs)) thanks for all the 'get better' rays I think they're kicking in already!!! You rock, especially for kicking the troll's ass :).
from punknvinegar :
Before I read the rest of the entry I was about to tell you I loved your layout like a fat kid loves a birthday cake. People who listen closely spoil my fun :).
from angeloffear :
How do you know what things come up in google?
from angeloffear :
By the way, how old are you?
from angeloffear :
No.. I am an atheist. An atheist Jesus.
from angeloffear :
Jesus forgives all. The orange juice is forgiven.
from angeloffear :
Well.. Um.. The oranges juice lies! The badge doesn't :-P
from angeloffear :
I have to disagree.. I am Jesus. My brightly coloured orange badge tells me so. Respect the badge.
from sillymarquis :
flirting fortune cookies? I thought it was bad when I heard a double dipped chocolate donut call my name..but damn!
from sillymarquis :
excellent die-air-ee, dahling! I dig your stuff, big time!
from punknvinegar :
Azimel is an average kid that no one understands Anime�s always giving her subliminal commands �Love us twerp!� I got that far before my attnetion span ran ou- Ooooh look at the winnnnd.
from angrystarlyt :
Sounds great to me :D
from punknvinegar :
I know this won't help any but: I know how it feels to lose a grandparent, and you have my condolences.
from dreamyautumn :
I miss you too! Come visit my new one. :o)
from blueallover :
hahah... i'm afraid it won't be happening anytime soon, unfortunately.
from blueallover :
i do wish to speak with you one of these days soon.
from opinionshere :
Your review is up, and you did awsome!
from lunablossom :
welcome to the lunamoon diaryring!
from enchancea :
that happens to me alot. I love your layout
from candid-revu :
Your review was not deleted... Diaryland was having "issues" and fixed it early this morning while I was still sleeping, so I just now got everything switched around, sorry about that.
from bodahell :
Hi.Its me again.I need to talk,your in trouble
from bop-reviews :
Hi, your review has been posted at bop-reviews: btw, if you ever want another Sailor Moon layout, let me know. I'd be more than happy to make one for you. ~Star
from blueallover :
from dreamyautumn :
LOL - yeah it rocks! It's called "Twisted Christmas". There's another parody on it called "The Resroom Door Said Gentlemen" that still makes me collapse (literally), into hysterical laughter every time I hear it, and an original song called, "I'm Dressin' Up Like Santa (When I Get Out On Parole)". Amazon has it. Here's the link: BB, ~Shann
from dreamyautumn :
Thanks-it's one of my favorites too. That entire album is a total riot. :o) I'm so glad you left me a note, because I lost my buddy list last week when the server went nuts, and your note helped me to relink you. :o) BB!!
from tobosoqueso :
Ah jeez! It's odd that you found me that way. I was just worried because I just wrote my first review and was all paranoid that I sucked. I still do, but thanks for reassuring me! hee hee...
from angeloffear :
Hey.. It's Naked Monkay.. I had to get a new diary.. :o)
from nakedmonkay :
Awwww, thanks :o)
from nakedmonkay :
I do that, I write it down first too. It's a shame you threw it away 'cause you could of e-mailed it me or something.
from nakedmonkay :
Did you go to review my diary before realising that someone else has done it or did you just read it even though it had been taken out of your list?
from nakedmonkay :
Awww thank you! :o) I'm glad you like my diary
from ravenheart :
Thank you for joining my Nightmare Before Christmas ring, you are welcome!
from commigurl :
ack. i ahd one up, but it's gone now >_< i'll get it up there soon...
from tiki-reviews :
Hi. Just wanted to remind have diaries waiting to be reviewed. Thanks!
from celerystalks :
Thank you for the review!
from jenne1017 :
LoL. I came by. I don't quite understand the last part of your entry, but thanks for the review.
from diaryreviews :
Hi I'm Ali from Diary Reviews and I just wanna let you know that your diary's been reviewed! Enjoy!
from ravenheart :
Thank you for joining my Nightheart ring, you are welcome!
from warchild :
Hi - thanks for signing my guestbook. Glad you like the template - sure, feel free to alter the fonts and colors on it! I think I've got that covered somewhere in my rules - as long as my link back is still there, it's alright.
from tyd :
Aw shucks. You made me your first favourite diary. *feeling all special* Yodellay-hee-hoo!

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