messages to bandasdegoma:
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from rebeckajane :
Hey that's great news on the job, I got one too :)
from rebeckajane :
I don't think that's altogether too crazy, I'm a lil like that myself. A voice can interest, intrigue, it can soften the hardest of people, depending on the voice, the way it's used, or the accent, it can also make your skin crawl. However, regardless of the accent, its the voice that carries that accent that makes the big difference, for me anyhow.
from rebeckajane :
Aww shux, thanks :)
from rebeckajane :
I don't watch lost so I looked ;o), sounds like a typical tv show though. Seems to be the thing doesn't it, people abstaining from love and sex for a reason, not just because they can't get any. I know I am, abstaining that is. It's good in most ways although I have the odd moment where I struggle a little bit but I soon slap myself out of that mode. It's funny isn't it? how when you start to do something different in your life, you notice others around you or meet others that are doing the same thing, regardless of what it is. It's like when you get a different car, you suddenly see that car everywhere. Life's odd, but definately worth living :)
from rebeckajane :
Erm, I feel like a stalker, someone else write here darnit. Just wanted to say I've never heard the song, but like the lyrics :)
from rebeckajane :
Nevermind that last note, the email didn't work anyhow and I found the answer to my question. :)
from rebeckajane :
It's weird isn't it? I do plan on enjoying mine and thank you :) I sent you email enquiring about something, in hindsight I'm thinking I probably should of just read back, it's probably in there.
from rebeckajane :
Hi :) your diary caught my eye because of the name (I'm teaching myself spanish at the moment, er, that is spanish right?) and also because of the rubberbandball, I used to make those rubber band balls all the time when I was growing up. Then I started reading and I like what I see, as in your diary ;o) Loved the entry on Good friend, Bad boyfriend, I related to that alot, except I'm a girl of course. I Look forward to coming back to read more. Have a great day over the puddle ( I mean that because I'm in Australia).

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