messages to bigshow524:
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from horngoddess :
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.....and did I mention that I love you?? *kisses and hugs and gropings with pleasure unlimited*
from ladypoetess :
Your student is flat-out wrong. Wicca, as a whole, doesn't have a stance - one way or the other - on homosexuality. I am a witch, yes - and while I cannot, of course, speak for all witches/Wiccans, I can say that I have yet to meet a witch of any variety that thinks homosexuality is wrong, a sin, etc. Yes, there is a strong emphasis on gender-balance - masculine & feminine energies, etc. but that can be achieved via two people of the same sex, as long as they balance each other out -- it need not require two people of opposite genders.
from horngoddess :
I'm sorry I didn't make it last night. I already told you that on the phone...but I wanted to say it here too. I love you endlessly and I count the seconds until you return. *hugs and kisses*
from ladypoetess :
Don't listen to the ignorant masses, Roger... I, personally, think it is really sweet that you love her so much, and I am glad you two have found each other. ^_^
from pancakemix :
you're fucking pathetic. she hasn't been gone for that long. try 2 contact...then you'll know a little bit more of what it feels like to be alone. hahahaha
from house-elf :
she's are sweet. i'm really glad she has you and you, her,
from horngoddess :
I'm at home right now....and I miss you more than I can even feel. I'm only half alive without you....and will only breathe completely again when I am in your arms. I love you.
from horngoddess :
I love you more than anything. Even with all the hurting and all the agony last night, I feel really good that I am the person you can cry on. I want to hold you and be strong for you...and I know you want the same for me. So baby, it's ok to cry....and it's ok to sob and let it all out....and never ever forget that I love you. This begins and ends with love.
from horngoddess :
you matter. don't ever think that again.
from ladypoetess :
Re: No notes -- I'm sorry.... -.-;; I've only recently started reading you, and I can say that I really love seeing another side to what I see in Tab's entries...
from horngoddess :
psssh....whateva....I leave you notes. Guess I don't matter though.....;op
from horngoddess :
and I miss you........more with each moment. I'm pathetic and stupid....but I do feel this way...and I won't smile a true smile again until I see you and feel your arms around me. I love you. What in the name of all that is sacred made me believe that I could spend a weekend away from you??
from horngoddess :
I really wish you wouldn't quit writing. I'll miss it. gave us something in common....a way to talk without actually talking. I liked it. Just a thought...I mean....words can still be articulated without a diary...but was fun.
from horngoddess :
I wish you would talk to me.

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