Choking on the ashes of a memory

To know me is to love me.....or hate me. But read me. Read me like the whore you through me and tell me how it feels.

this is my thinking spot. Read it at your own risk....I'm not PC.

I'm forever yours, temporarily.

My favorite diaries:

ladypoetess profile - diary
comments: This is my cousin's diary. She writes a lot of poetry and stories. I love and care about her a lot. Everyone should check her diary out.
SingingGSC profile - diary
comments: This belongs to a friend who shall remain unnamed. He's a sweetie and anyone who wants to know someone with a lot of heart should read this.
radioalex profile - diary
comments: he's gone.
fff-club profile - diary
comments: *G* it's fun.....and I'm part of it....we women can no longer hold it in....this is the death of our aggression and anger......*BWAHAHAHAHA* be afraid...oh very afraid
heartshaped profile - diary
comments: I love this diary. Short entries...full of thought.
invade-me profile - diary
comments: we're in this together now....I'll care about you...even if you don't know.......*hugs*
icantdothis profile - diary
comments: beautiful layout....I love it....good read
punkunicorn profile - diary
comments: I really like this diary a lot. I'm not sure why...but she says things and I totally understand. Sometimes...I wish I could know her just to see if we are truly as alike inside as I believe we are.
emotion_sick profile - diary
comments: My dear dear I love thee. And when will you be visiting me??
soulepiphany profile - diary
comments: truly understands me.....perhaps the only person I feel comfortable not talking to daily...we can remain close without constant contact.....Sara is the one half of my sanity....*hugs*
gotthebends profile - diary
comments: inspires thought.....too much in my life lacks inspiration.....
thisisjohn profile - diary
comments: always thought provoking.."let the unspoken words do their damage"....lovely *S*
lionyxen profile - diary
comments: A dear friend in highest regard to me now. When I finally come back to Chicago...I are one of the people I must meet. Melissa is one half of my sanity.....
hurtstofeel profile - diary
comments: =PW= It's mine....and for the time being it will satisfy my secretive nature and all my passionate experiences. This is where the TRUE dirt is. You want in?? ASK.
miko-sama profile - diary
comments: YOU SHOULD BE A LEO!! *dubbs thee honorary leo for life* now you can crave your fire and your conflicts and your violence.....drama queens we are...all of us
mrdew profile - diary
comments: a scar...fading fast
djmarionette profile - diary
comments: it is my friend.....and I am very happy to call her a friend. I love this woman madly, and one day we will meet and get drunk together and talk of philosophy and the art of music making.
idiotpage profile - diary
comments: thoughtful....I love this....the layout is superb.
an6elo profile - diary
comments: a good friend.....a very good friend. We lean on each other....and would ravage each other in we must never be alone together. *EG*
isis-osiris profile - diary
comments: Guilty pleasures
sandrina profile - diary
comments: a new interest....I hope to know you better now.
ergoatlas profile - diary
comments: AHHH!! It's so know that some husbands still desire their wives......KUDOS to you sir...I shall keep's sexy ass shit too....*EG*
sandandwater profile - diary
comments: it looks interesting...I like the layout.....and I wanna know what she has to say....a mindless surf finding of mine....I hope it's good
devian profile - diary
comments: I like it. We potheads have issues too's not all sunshine....hope this is a good diary....I liked what I read in my quick review
smellyfinger profile - diary
comments: We are going to have a love child. It will be a grey kitten with white feet...and was conceived on a Tuesday afternoon
prostituee profile - diary
comments: Great diary. She talks about the things that we are all afraid to talk about...and she likes to discuss them in detail. You should check it might learn something.
house-elf profile - diary
comments: It's the small one. Boy is she small *S*
lapisllong profile - diary
comments: She has great templates and also writes well. A nice surf....hopefully I'll be hooked. *S*
iwillsurvive profile - diary
comments: I have one of her entries listed as a favorite. It's a good should read it.
trancejen profile - diary
comments: Sara says I should read her. SO I'm gonna. *S* a lot of awards though...must be good. Anyone who talks to their animals is cool with me.
bigshow524 profile - diary
comments: a new scar.....hopefully a non painful one.
scanzilla profile - diary
comments: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! did I mention HAHAHAHA!?!?! I love it....check it out.
golden-ashes profile - diary
comments: =PW= A dark place for a beautful person.....I am among the priviledged who get to view it and know her entirely....truly
chacotaco97 profile - diary
comments: my long lost sis!! maybe if she writes in this thing a lot I can keep up with what's goin on in her life....maybe.....*hugs for my sis*
squirrelx profile - diary
comments: I gave in. I went and I read....and I loved it. I will visit frequently...anything to distract me from my life and my lack of southern twang.
cry profile - diary
comments: this seems like it will be cool....well not so much cool as ELITE. That's the word they want you to this is an ELITIST diary.....don't really think I'll ever participate...but some rides are better from the passenger side.
gumphood profile - diary
comments: Perhaps the only person in the world that shares my family's love of the Ninja Turtles....AND THEIR SOUNDTRACKS. did you ever have the soundtrack done BY the turtles from Pizza Hut?? Top that one.
lostthoughts profile - diary
comments: she's writing again and I am very grateful.
battlewithin profile - diary
comments: most precious things are destroyed by the light of attention
phlaymelord profile - diary
comments: He is lost.....and trying to be found. Some answers come....some are discovered.
ashesasunder profile - diary
comments: Ahh....there you are m'lovely. Maybe something in the air.....we are too alike sometimes.
gunphood profile - diary
comments: The guy has so much personality....well there's just no way one diary can hold it all. *S* *hugs for Gump* Good friend.

My favorite music:

Nine Inch Nails
comments: This band is perfect. No more to say. Trent is brilliant....a musical genious....dubbed so by myself and so many more well qualified individuals. The question...and GOD HE'S AMAZING.
A Perfect Circle
comments: One of Maynards finer projects......definitely looking forward to more from this band.....amazing experiments with meters and lyrical imagery.....worth anyone's time.
comments: This band is phenominal. I love them...and pretty much anything by them. Great lyrics....great music. This will stand the test of time and teenyboppers.
Type O Negative
comments: His voice makes me melt....such beautiful tough and expressive....and the lyrics....couldn't be any better than this. Gothic fuck music. "I'll do anything, to make you cum." *shiver*
comments: what can I say about this band that hasn't already been said.....always full of surprises....and oh the lyrics.....*sigh*

My favorite movies:

Cruel Intentions
comments: I could be either of those two masters of evil.....I swear to god
Immortal Beloved
comments: I am obsessed with Beethoven. It's true. I'da fucked him if he'da let me. I love this movie. Fucking brilliant movie...and the soundtrack...well....Beethoven is the master. "The comedy is over."
American Beauty
comments: Never underestimate the power of denial............Look closer.
A Walk In the Clouds
comments: My own personal fairytale.....of course Keanu is included....*wink*
City of Angels
comments: This movie made me cry, that's hard to do. I wish I could find love so pure as depicted in this movie. oh well.

My favorite authors:

Anne Rice
comments: Queen of romantic her work....FAV questions about it
Stephen King
comments: Master of modern horror......he doesn't get the props he deserves....
William Faulkner
comments: Everyone should read "Light In August" (quoted cuz I can't underline!!)
Matthew Arnold
comments: A romantic view of depression and how it affects the thoughts....all through inspired poetry.

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last updated: 2008-03-23 22:49:13
this user's total entries: 501
user since: 2002-06-15

AOL IM name: HornPlaya2
ICQ number: 16972218..but I never use it
Yahoo Messenger name: talk to me on AIM
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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