messages to bombadimente:
(click here to add new message):

from detamed :
hola franswop. it's fee. esteemllrise has left the building :) X
from x-pixie :
aw. *blush. blush* jump inside. thank you. ;)
from see-in-red :
"NOBODY FUCKS WITH MY ITALIAN LAMB SHANKS!"..DaMn StrAIght ;)...HAve FuN BoarDing..I wiSh i COulD ...but its Like 86 here :(....MuWahZ MeGEN
from melii :
hey grrl! send me your password please!
from see-in-red :
HeY u..Jus WantEd to Say thaNkZ for makeIng mE feel CleVeR"comments: gin and tonic tuesdays, weeding wednesdays.haha:)"..and to FeEl better i know what its like to feEl Drained by a body abnormality..jus remeber ur still you, and not one damn thing can change that.. FeeL better :)
from melii :
i'm quite sure it's oklahoma city! have a nice day! ...and yes... STOP THE BUTCHERING OF 'OKLAHOMA'!!!
from melii :
hah.. thanks for taking my survey. it was funny ;)
from pearlspill :
Hi Francis. That's exactly it like: what if I burped?
from warped-eve :
email me with a password baby - lovely emwah
from mermaidave :
a Coup de Ville is a Cadillac. Expensive, ugly, American car. People rave over them here in the US of A. And, if you work for Mary Kay(big door to door cosmetic company) you get a Cadillac, a pink one to be exact if you sell said amount of cosmetics. Anyways....I came to like you even more after the Meatloaf reference..."I can't lie, I can't tell you I'm something I'm not. NO matter how I try I'll never be able to give you something I haven't got..." yeah, good stuff. anyways... "I am just a rain drop that accelerates without control, losing bits and pieces in descent until I am no longer whole...I am just another shooting star above that you might see" ps you NEED the new Phish cd. I swear by it.
from x-pixie :
it's the little things that keep us sane, right?
from vaulted :
ha ha francesco!!! you are falling in love!!!! what the??? oh good for you, enjoy it
from pearlspill :
write a book that's blue and green colored. put some drunks in it. go!
from pearlspill :
Oh god Francis I could teach you how to ski! You are going to Heaven! Ahh my heart hurts...
from pearlspill :
Errika is such an information whore.
from pearlspill :
damn it i can't remember yo' password. i suck. i'm sorry.
from x-pixie :
hullo. hi. may i please know the secret password?
from lily-white :
Ah yes...I keep coming here meaning to read your diary and then I realize I can't get in. ANd I keep forgetting to ask for your password.... so yeah, send one, i miss reading your stuff.
from pearlspill :
from x-pixie :
feeling better, thanks. yeah, i think i'm one of the ones that has contributed to mass transportation upheaval. but we'll keep that on the dl..
from x-pixie :
thanks i like yours too..hey we were both happy on the same day. sometimes life can be good..
from mermaidave :
you're so beautiful. You just captured the feeling of sad and put it into perspective for me. I feel better and you weren't even trying. Thank you...
from mermaidave :
hey sexy- I can't get enough of reading your journal. Through each word you post I am mentally seduced into thinking you are the next best thing since sliced bread. And perhaps, you were the best thing before sliced bread even. The story is true. I want to sit on my couch with you and smoke and talk until we are hoarse. Its all starting to make sense now...
from vaulted :
that story is brilliant... in honour of you i will post one of the many strange stories i have heard
from deconstrukt :
Francesco, you know I love you, right? By the way, Deconstrukt is all just little old me. No one else would want to play. :)
from vaulted :
you don't need to buy that fuck.. i think you would be a great celebrity chef. our mind waves are so similar.. you can ask me what that means another time.
from vaulted :
write more damn it!!!!
from vaulted :
yes yes... bombadimente.... i fell into the songs and breathed in the words. i danced on the quips and skated the remarks... hope your hand gets better soon... love max
from thea3 :
i do squint when i read it, but that's just me. please don't change it just for me. heh nice of you to offer though :-) now i must go, scruffy is licking my arm and won't let me type anything!! haha :-)
from thea3 :
hiya :-) i just read your latest entry. my eyes are all squinty and my head is killing me but i got through it :D i read your poem the other day, i think i guessed who it was about. the wicked ex? anyway, chin up tiger. like i said, you're not the weak one. you're special bee love fee xoxo
from thea3 :
heh bomba :D go go bombers!! hehe ok sorry, focus thea. hi :-) i think i got over my retardenism with this, and worked out how to send you a msg. hope it works :| hi :-)
from bombadimente :
hey bomba the jungle boy!!!!!! I'm you...yes that's are me...and i am you....we can't escape...
from pearlspill :
Hey baby... Don't get into this "just give it up" mindset... That NA-AA-NA-Al Anon nah boo boo mindset doesn't work for everything, does it? I'm not trying to keep you in my primordial soup, I don't know the right thing to do in any situation. I just think you and I, we're inaccessable. Sometimes you just don't know the right font to make them love you. It seems so arbitrary, like Teryaki, Ani says... And asexually sitting behind your computer, is boring... Well anyway, Mister Multipersonalityplex France... Don't jet set or feel like a reject. We just met, after all...
from pearlspill :
christ... don't leave me any more scary notes. that one blew my mind, is your mind blown? were you just seeking empathy? fuck! though if you just wanted me to come right on out and say it, i love you francie!

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