messages to bubbygirl:
(click here to add new message):

from javaviolet :
I got you letter in the mail today. I loved the braclet. How did you know that I loved charm braclets, or was it just dumb luck? Whatever it was, thanks so much. I'm wwearing it right now. I'm going to write you back this weekend, to (hopefully) have that letter in the mail by Monday.
from thesausage :
sure. why not. just dont try to steal what sanity i have left.
from filet-o-soul :
username: peanut password: butter there you go,
from hey-thats-me :
hey...thanks for adding me to your fave diaries list. it means a lot! -amanda-
from globe :
Globe Listings would be delighted to have you as a member of our listings. Would you like extra visits to your site? Please come check us out then. Thank you. Hope you have a nice day!
from bubbygirl :
Heya, would be happy to help out.. I'll put a link to you on my diary, just let me know what else you'd like me to do :)
from flymyheart :
Would you be interested in helping out? Either by being a member or by advertising the site? Either would be great. Drop a note or email me (hadrian) with whatever you'd decide to do
from janna182 :
Erin, what's the deal? Why is your diary locked these days?
from peetie :
i never thought anyone would read MY diary,but it's cool to know that there are people going through the same thing iam,and getting through them too,....thanks.
from peetie :
i never thought anyone would read MY diary,but it's cool to know that there are people going through the same thing iam,and getting through them too,....thanks.
from coastie :
hi bubbygirl, im new on this diaryland and searched for sunshine coast, just wanted to say hi and hope we can get in touch [email protected] ciao bella
from chapsticker :
thanks for making me warm and fuzzy when i saw that someone actally put me on their fav's. e-mail me your password so i can read your diary, too. [email protected]
from stray-blues :
sweet bubbygirl - thank you for putting me on your list of diaries - I appreciate it SO much! I would love to read your diary if you wanted to send me a password. Take care :) - email [email protected]
from sweetabsence :
Hmm. I dont have a banner so I wonder how you got to my diary? Odd. =)
from bluefrog :
Heyyyy, can I have a password? Pleeeeeease? :)
from bubbygirl :
I wonder if I can send myself a note... hmm
from janna182 :
Hi, dear! I'm so flattered that I inspired you to start your own diary. Thank you so much! You should get a guestbook so I can send you love there, too.

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