messages to chelbel2005:
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from lasweetthing :
Just to let you know, you'll be missed!!! I hope you can work everything out, it might be a long road (process) but in the should be worth the fight. I wish you all the best!!! =o) Hugs, Sweet Thing
from cheatedwife :
Everything ok? It's been awhile since you've updated. Hope all is well!
from cheatedwife :
I'm glad you had a relaxing afternoon! Good job keeping some things to yourself--leave him wondering! LOL on the note to self :) Hope you had a great V-day!
from cheatedwife :
Bravo, girl! Obviously, i can relate! You really do get to that point where you're tired of the babysitting and just want to get on w/life. Sounds like you're well on your way! Enjoy your relaxing day!
from imadad2 :
First off, I want to applaud your entry today 2/11. Nothing worse than not trusting a spouse. My wife does not trust me, and I have not even cheated on her. Thanks for the note. This woman that I emailed is 1500 miles away (as far as I know). I have no intentions of doing anything except find out what she is doing for a living. I don't even know if that email is still being used by her.
from cheatedwife :
How annoying! I used to have this girl at work who'd always come over and tell me her boyfriend problems. She's be talking to me constantly and there were days when all i wanted to do was read or actually get some work done! You're right..after awhile, it just becomes the same thing over and over!
from cheatedwife :
Yeah i hate that song too!
from cheatedwife :
WTG w/the continued working out. I'm treating myself to new weights for the new year. And w/the childless thing..i used to go through that w/people when i wasn't sure i wanted another horrible it'd be to not give my son a sibling or for him to be an "only"...i heard my share of crap so i can kinda relate! I think it's great that you recognize this now rather than after having a kid. My best friend is the same way as you and gets a hard time from others about it. Seems other people will always have something to say about our decisions..i don't know why they just don't mind their own business!
from imabrat2 :
I'll send you the pw when I get home tonight.
from cheatedwife :
I need your email addy for the p.w.!
from chelbel2005 :
Oh, trust me I have vented. I was blessed with a momment where I told the skank off. I just don't want my diary to be focused on the affair because I am trying really hard to move on. It is bad enough I spent almost a year making myself miserable.
from lasweetthing :
Everything you're thinking and feeling is normal under the given circumstances! I have a little revenge streak in me myself, let's just say I did have enough information to wreak a little havoc in Slut/Whore's life. I some how gained control of myself and only resorted to a little mischief and nothing illegal! It's good to see you venting and not holding it all in!!! Have a good day =~)
from cheatedwife :
I like the list idea! I definitely hear you on the ones you made a separate entry about! lol
from lasweetthing :
Keep up the hard will pay off! You're doing good =~}
from cheatedwife :
Good luck w/your goal! I'm glad you've noticed a difference already--that is truly the best motivator! Continued success :)
from cheatedwife :
Yeah i understand where you're coming from w/being naive and stuff. But trouble is, we really did have a good relationship until all this happened. He wasn't one of those that was unhappy for a long time..he created the unhappiness when he met her. And i agree..i never want to be so trusting and stupid about things again, that's for sure!
from lasweetthing :
Just wanted to say hello, hope things get better for you!
from cheatedwife :
I totally agree w/your latest entry. I've said it before and i'll say it again--it's amazing how much one person can change and influence your life. I hope 2005 brings new happiness for us both!
from lasweetthing :
Hi, that's very can go either way these days....sad but true!!! Thanks for adding me =~}
from lasweetthing :
I have also added you to my list of fav's. Fair warning if you read my can be a bit x-rated! I also have to keep my identity a secret. =~} Sweet Thing
from lasweetthing :
I ran across you through cheated wife. I just wanted to say, Welcome To The Club. There's alot of us out here and we should stick together. I totally know the rollercoaster ride, all to well! Sweet Thing

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