messages to chinaskinote:
(click here to add new message):

from jelibeary :
thats cool you don't have to add me to your favorites just everyonce awhile check up on us. :)
from dialytip :
I am just spreading the word around about my diary dialytip. Now I know that it is suppose to be dailytip but have a laugh then come check it out. Everyday I am putting up great tips, poetry, and stories. If you would like to enter a story or poem or tip that you have email me. So stop what you are doing and come check it out. You might help someone out. :) Add me to your favorites so that you can enjoy everdays tip, poem or story.. :o)
from noodle-grrl :
hello, mr. pablo person... i just wanted to say that i loved all of your sexy pictures and that your disappearing girlfriend is super-cute and now i'm all jealous because i don't have a cute disappearing girlfriend... well, talk to ya later... perhaps... xxx always- your d-land/livejournal stalking freak-ass noodle-loving mother-effing gabe ramos grade-school classmate, stacy...
from noodle-grrl :
i do not know why, but i love you... happy easter (btw, i am also the last 2 people that left you notes... in case you did not know)
from rice-paddy :
so you're gone then?
from faded-glow :
what do you mean you "abandoned" diaryland? for tonight or for forever? i just added you to my list, so you can't leave... d-land needs more drunks...
from faded-glow :
hey... you don't know me, i'm just saying "hey."
from whatgoesup :
not only does that "what type of indie rocker are you" indicate that you're a scenester, but it also indicated that you're gibby from makeout club. which means that i'm morally conflicted now: you're pablo, and you're my friend, so i don't want to kick you in the balls, but you're also GIBBY, which means that i DO want to kick you in the balls. maybe i'll just kick you in one ball - whichever one is more scenesterish. thanks for posting in my lj (advertisement! advertisement!). i'll give you a call this weekend.
from never-ever :
yesss yesss. happy birthday...hope all is well. xoxox heart, vickie.
from x-pixie :
yes indeed.
from cabrona :
Damn, but I think that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. Thank you. I mean it.
from aqua-dragon :
Hi! Thanks for the literary suggestions. I'll definitely look into them. I've heard good things about some of those authors, and I've been meaning to read some of their works anyway. Thanks again.
from whatgoesup :
so how was the date? and did she say anything about her friend saying anything about me? my new years was fucking awful, by the way. fuck new years.
from cabrona :
I called you stupid or dumb or something? Who are you? I didn't mean to call you anything. Please accept an apology. Do you know Antonio? Damn. I'm so confused. Besos, ~rachel~
from never-ever :
W H A T did you find in yer room? i'm very curious..... ::vickie
from never-ever :
i just saw the note you left me at vickisticki...sorry i didn't call you. things got fukked. read never-ever and you'll find out why i was scrambling to leave town. you were right, i am "the wrong kind of mess". you should keeep in touch with me though this/email/ would make me smile. .heart, vickie "the craziest faux-gf you ever did have" tee hee.
from never-ever :
vickisticki is not the move to budapest. that would be <---go there to read my depressing 'secret' life. <3 yer faux-gerlfrend, vickie. peee esss:writemesomefukkingletters and how did you like the fanzines? be brutal.
from x-pixie :
not tulsa. that's bible belt country. a place to escape from not to.
from whatgoesup :
pablo, i miss you. on nights like tonight i really value your friendship and wish i could be shooting the shit & drinking whiskey with you. er... not whiskey. vodka. vodka for me and whiskey for you. or maybe just a sprite. but you know what i mean. come visit.
from evilgal :
It's less about being attractive than being female. I truly believe that any woman can go out and get laid at any time if they're not picky about who it's with. Few men could say the same thing.
from evilgal :
Congratulations! You know, I always thought it would be fun to be more of a slut....
from x-pixie :
ahh..the perks of being literate, though not fully. thanks for the spelling help. can you believe those bastards actually sent me to the spelling bee in third grade? i got out on "perceive". i'm still not positive on the spelling of that word, but i don't want to know really. against the principal of things i suppose. damn rebellious side. Rachel
from evilgal :
Hiya! Started writing again, though not a diary per se. So, are you going to tell me what "quel domage" means? If I say please?
from evilgal :
Woo! I'm intellegent!! Thanks :) -evilgal
from evilgal :
The adventure thing was more in response for moving all over the country with little notice (NYC rocks, BTW) than the whole heartache thing. I guess that can be considered an adventure too but who needs it? Glad you like my diary, and happy to know I'm all the rage in mental health. Whatever happened to good old primal scream therapy? I could use me some of that. -evilgal (not so evil)
from thetowel :
pablo, my dear. What big balls you must have to move to a new city where you know very few people. Thanks for getting on my ass to write more. I'm glad you care to read my journal. Yours is tres tres interesting. Unfortunately you are still a 15 hour bus ride from here. The busstop awaits.
from fattony :
hey pablo, i just randomly found your diary and i wanted to tell you its some of the best diary stuff ever! i love it and laugh the hell out of myself every time i read it.
from thetowel :
Pablo. Sorry, i was in transition. Check the new link, yo. IT's the same, only different. Thanks for caring :)
from whatgoesup :
hey pablo. i was going to say this in my diary but i'm sending it to you as a note instead. i just want to say that if there's anything i can do to help you out, let me know. i want to be there for you as a friend, and not just to offer cheesy advice. i don't know if i'll be ready to do the open mike thing right away, but besides that, please call me if you want to talk. you're a good friend and i care about you. dan
from whatgoesup :
hello from amsterdam! this city is grossly overrated. i'd take copenhagen over amsterdam any day of the week. email me your mailing address so i can send you a postcard! dan
from phonegurl :
The stop near the liquor store on 116 street. 9 pm. Be there.
from phonegurl :
I am in love with you. Meet me by the bus stop. Great stuff, man. -J
from whatgoesup :
hi pablo. greetings from london. i'll be sending you a real email soon, but just wanted to let you know i've been reading your diary and i've enjoyed it so far. save some of that dilaudid for me, will you? i just got a root canal. oh, and i've seen battle royale. great movie. dan

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