messages to choco-lemon:
(click here to add new message):

from blacktea- :
If you want a song that makes time stop, get 'Colourful' by The Verve Pipe. If you watched the movie Rockstar you'll remember it's the song he sings at the very end.
from blacktea- :
Okay no. I hate you. =) Never seen them live. Probably won't either.
from blacktea- :
I see you're a C&C lover - you rock. =)
from stardumb :
keep the coin, i want change :) this is not original in the least. thanks for a drop in the bucket, sing along.
from janedoe0 :
Hi, I love your introductory note, or whatever it's called. Your layout is pretty aswell. :)
from momma-at-17 :
Makes perfect sense. And love does crazy things to people. You'll be alright, just seems to me it's a rough patch is all. If you ever need an ear just let me know... **HUGS** ~♥~
from momma-at-17 :
Wow, I think you said it pretty well. I know the feeling, I feel very similar in my life right now. If you ever need someone to talk to please know that I am here ok? **HUGS** ~♥~
from randh :
Thanks for adding me! don't be afraid to speak up okay?
from aloneindark5 :
Hey I just wanted to drop in and say thank you for your note at my main diary (momma-at-17). Made me smile. I'm adding you.
from riotkittin :
just wanted to say, i know the feeling. hang in there, ok?
from asadsmileon :
I hate that feeling - that unshakeable drive for food when you actually don't want it. It's like you can only wait for it to go away, because there's really nothing you can do. I hope your tomorrow is better.
from asadsmileon :
I stumbled across your site, and I wanted to tell you that I enjoy reading what you write. I'm going to add you to my buddy list. I hope you don't mind.
from starssparkle :
Alas, I think I have found a Bright Eyes fan as big as I. I think i'll add you.
from sir-jeremy :
*punch and pie!*

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