messages to coachjeff:
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from tragicskies :
cages only me?
from tragicskies :
of course i don't mind - thankyou for asking!
from tragicskies :
really? thank you. i think that's the last word i would expect anyone to describe it as.
from meek-rage :
Thanks for the note, Jeff (if you're the Jeff you're referring to). I'm still working the possibility out in my mind. I have to make sure I have enough money, first of all, and which day I can take the woman out all the way to the zoo (she has a home aid).
from tragicskies :
you're not being dramatic. i think we can all relate to it. i know i have for the last 5 years.
from halfway-out :
actually, it was you who decided to stop using the E-word, not me. it's still completely a part of my life, I'm just sorting out how to go about achieving it. there are many different paths to extraordinary. as for the Olympics: whether or not I am fully committed, they, too, are a huge part of who I am and my experience thus far.
from curious-me :
Cool! Yay for random clicking!
from coachjeff :
wow- your diary is sick!

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