messages to cockywrds:
(click here to add new message):

from nnohrden :
I have been following your trials and joys through your various sites for about 4 yrs now. I want to thank you for the inspiration, love, laughs, and thoughts. I hope you continue your path and find fulfillment in all you do. Much love-Nichole
from bsg7sea :
Hey, Your vibrating pager thing no longer works. Way to get me all exited about time travel technology and then disapoint! -bsg-
from quixotic-one :
i really miss your "words"
from areistia :
Diaryland misses you. :) And WTF is up with me not being on your favorites list? You and I BOTH know that my boring ass life needs to be listed.. ;) (j/k) *big kisses* Mel
from mistachel :
i've been reading your newsletter for sometime, but finally clicked today that you have a diary here. i've only had one since the end of may, by way of my boyfriend, orlok. just wanted to tell you that i've thought you were amazing since you worked at (i used to hang there, too.) and i find you really inspiring. :) have a fantastic day!! --misty
from bsg7sea :
Happy birthday sweet. (was it the 28th?) it would explain why I find you so fascinating. I turned 21 monday. -bsg-
from zerogirl77 :
I read your diary sometimes. I really like it, its very insightful. I really liked the entree anout Ghandi. That made my day better. -lexy
from zerogirl77 :
I read your diary sometimes. I really like it, its very insightful. I really liked the entree anout Ghandi. That made my day better. -lexy
from pageme :
Re: 'attractive'. Finally someone who can see just that much deeper than an exterior. P.S. I don't know if it was 'cock' or 'cocky' that drew me here *giggle*...I'm glad I came. XXX ;-)~
from lonita :
You know what? You're a very nice man. I'm ashamed of myself for ever having been afraid of you at all. I'm going to attempt to be kinder to my grandmother from now on, too. If I'm not, you have my permission to smack me upside the noggin.
from quixotic-one :
I should too.
from quixotic-one :
I read your stuff long ago and was happy to find you again on diaryland just by accident. You really should write a novel. Have you ever?

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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