messages to d-i-n-a:
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from lake-ya83 :
yeah the new year does that. i just got a letter from my ex. he's in jail...apologize'n forhow he treated me i was a "good girl" according ot him i didn't deserve it. he's right... funny thing is i don 't know if its the 6 to 30 give'n him the change of heart or is he really looking back at '05 and say'n "damn i fucked over a few people"
from final137 :
from lake-ya83 :
if you ever find the answer to a lonely heart...bottle it and hit me up on ebay.
from scarstrucked :
My diary is unlocked(if you gave a fuck) so read if you want.
from scarstrucked :
Absolutely love your last entry. That's exactly what I want to say to so many people and at the same time I want people to tell me that.
from shygrl21 :
Thanks for the note. I really didn't know what to say to her, but the visit turned out fine. You're right, it did seem best to just act "normal". : )
from qwert :
Perhaps poverty can never be completely solved; but obviously most poverty is not the fault of the poor. Socialists do not try to make the world absolutely fair (that is absolutely impossible); but, they do try to fight what injustices they can. Capitalism is an injustice.
from scarstrucked :
Yeah you're right. I'm not writing so that people will think I'm great for my writings, no, I'm just writing whatever comes out and I am really depressed. But I just don't like talking to counselours or doctors because in the end they always just give me pills and I can get those for myself.To tell you the truth, I don't know what to do, but thanks for caring.
from scarstrucked :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites. I'm glad somebody new is reading my diary, well I hope you understand my crazy mind and keep reading.
from qwert :
Insinuating that I am an "ass" has got to be far more "sinful" than my argument that one can use the word "gay" to refer to things negatively; and, not be insinuating or expressing any negative feelings about homosexuality.
from qwert :
If I went to a 19th century party -- both they and I would agree that the party was gay. History is full of words switching from negative to positive, and from positive to negative -- as attitudes towards various behaviours change. The 19th century society of gay pleasantry is gay -- they defined it as gay; and, many of us 21st centurians have no desire to participate in such gaity.
from qwert :
The State Fair is gay, and, so is the nightly news; neither has anything to do with homsexuality.
from qwert :
All I know is that where i come from we use the word to refer to stuff that it is annoying; and, except on the internet and TV -- there don't seem to be any homosexual people insisting that we call them gay -- so, why should we stop using our time-honoured method of deriding that which is, or is pretended to be, a "gay event, attitude, or methodology". We Iowans are serious folk who have little time for gaity.
from qwert :
Hawkeye Community College : \
from onlyyouknow :
Hey, found your diary through a banner. Did you want a design for you site other then a D-land template? I enjoy making them so contact me if you do.
from bluechicken :
hi there, found you through your religion survey; i wrote the first religion one. is your name dina? mine's dina. i see you're an atheist. you should join my atheist diaryring. we need more freethinkers out there.
from honestyonly :
Hey, I filled out the entire religion survey and then my computer locked up and they whole fucking thing got lost. I'm so pissed. But if I ever get some more energy, I will fill it out again. Sorry. :(
from flyinby :
the picture of the lady holding the anti-abortion sign, it is sad. i mean, i'm not pro-abortions, but i'm not gonna display that sort of thing to convince people not to do it. i mean, why expose folks to that stuff? that lady is a sick-o or something in my mind, i mean, if my daughter saw that i'd kick her trash. *sigh* sorry, that was my first thougth when i saw the pic. not bashing you or anything, just bashing the lady holding the sign. *shrug*
from d-i-n-a :
Hey, yeah, it's me on my notes page. Just add something interesting, or fill out my survey!

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