messages to dancemonkey:
(click here to add new message):

from eriu999-rua :
Hi. Please excuse my ignorance, but what is 'metrosexual'? Something to do with sex on trains? I'm from Ireland, and this isn't a word I've ever come across ... if you'll pardon the expression.
from slalauren :
Excellent... sounds like many guys I know, they spend more time getting ready than me and always outshine me, they're great. :)
from slalauren :
Ecuse my naivity... but what exactly is a 'metrosexual'? *looks embarresed though curious*. Thanks,Lauren
from kstyle :
you're locking things up? i worthy?
from megl42 :
Welcome to the queer eye ring! Thanks for joining :)
from artlifelove :
Matt you're a not really I just felt like writing that!
from kstyle :
haha, how much do you cost?
from ddrboy :
Hey there hot stud! Listen, go to your guestbook html editor thingy and change everything in CAPS that says YOURURL, YOURUSERNAME, and stuff like that. Change what ever looks like it says YOURNAME, YOURURL, and stuff like that. :) Hope that helps, and I'm voting for you in Jimmy's Hot Guy thing! Good luck!
from kstyle :
ya know, i've actually been reading you for quite a while...i was reading a lot of connected diaries, that strated with justin, which led to...well, all those kids, reen, etc. i still don't really know what happened with the car (?), trying to figure that one out, haha! i re-read a lot of your diary tonight, and...cameron...and some other guy...aren't you glad you're out of high school now? a lot of drama, it sounds like. you're diary is pretty interesting...oh, and thanks for putting me on your faves list. ok, take care, matt...michael
from byfaraqt04 :
Hey Matt how's it going? I see you got a new template, it looks cool. Well talk to ya later.
from dancemonkey :
from kaylyn-angel :
everyone wants to stay a kid, but we all have to grow up. and i think high school is part of realising that... i know that i should be more mature too... i need to be worse than you probably... well, see ya later!

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