messages to denyheragain:
(click here to add new message):

from riversweater :
hey kate. what's shakin? i hope you're doing well. :]
from mazeofmirors :
I think I know what you're talking about. So high five for being alive! I miss Diaryland. <33
from mazeofmirors :
Take tons of pictures, my love. And have a blast, you deserve it <3
from roadsideleft :
do not go anywhere. you are no threat. i should have been there. call me. i love you. x0x0x
from mazeofmirors :
Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Kate. Happy birthday to you!!<333
from mazeofmirors :
Kate. You are not nothing. You are a great person. You have your whole life ahead of you. And it may royally suck at times, but there will also be times where it is wonderful. A million and one <3's.
from mazeofmirors :
Hehe "we are both tormented by the same demons [let's call them 'fathers']." Yes that would be lovely. It's nice to know someone else is going through these things. And I admire you for doing what you want and standing up to people. I need to learn how to do that. Thanks, love<3
from roadsideleft :
i wish everytime you came online we said hi. huh?
from mazeofmirors :
Oh goodness. I leave you too many notes. But I<3you.
from mazeofmirors :
Do you want to have a slumber party & watch Now and Then & drink tea & root beer floats, sometime?<3
from mazeofmirors :
I am glad Rob has a headstone. You know I still haven't gone there. I need to change that. <3
from mazeofmirors :
That would be wonderful. I'm pretty much around all the time. My number is 3628492 or mail me when your free. <3
from roadsideleft :
i need tea. anyway. the car is 2200.
from mazeofmirors :
Hello from London, dahling. I miss yoooou. I need to see you soon. I will bring you back some English tea. Hope all is well <3
from roadsideleft :
i need to talk to you...[100% desperate]
from mazeofmirors :
You have a new home? I want to see I want to see. I'm happy your a bee...okay. Bad rhyme there. <3
from riversweater :
Kate!! I miss you tons too! Hope life's still exciting (cuz its damn boring up here in Duhram ;) Last semester I had a computer programming class and all we did was x=## stuff and I used to think of you all the time too! I'll never forget that class and poetry appreciation. Haha, over break I ran into Ms. Kucheris and her icky boyfriend @ Wally-world and I was like "AHHH!" Remember how much she hated Jay Denopoulus? Yikes, haha. Good times. I'm not really home much, but I will be over spring break. We should hang, its been too long. Ok, this is getting long now too, lol. I'll ttyl, Have a great weekend Kate, keep rockin ;) x = i <3 u
from roadsideleft :
indeed.... *shakes head* i want to see you MODEL girly!!! it will be so supersick...and i promise not to steal anything from your sextoystore. ummmk? x0x0x0x0x0x [you know im tempted]
from mazeofmirors :
Yes. That would be wonderful, dahling. I miss you so. <3
from roadsideleft :
i still miss you and it sucks. lets do something about it. call me. 4017057
from roadsideleft :
come see me at work tomorrow? im there until 8. my heart is crying i miss you so. x0x0x0x0x0
from mazeofmirors :
It doesn't sound stupid. There are few people who can *really* dance. You are one of them. Dance your heart out <3
from mazeofmirors :
We need to chill soon, yo. <3
from cat1005 :
we need to do a midnight run to dennys.
from roadsideleft :
iloveyou. whats your email?
from roadsideleft :
i am mad. i am still sick. and that inght at work was awful. and if i had seen your pretty face. everything would have been okay. dammit.
from roadsideleft :
the second i saw you and smiled breaking my damn character was because all i could think of was running over and sitting on your lap and kissing your beautiful girlface. the things you do to me. i miss you. x0x0x0x ps please tell me you will never see that kid again because just. please. tell me.
from mazeofmirors :
She's got a smile that it seems to me Reminds me of childhood memories Where everything Was as fresh as the bright blue sky Now and then when I see her face She takes me away to that special place And if I stared too long I'd probably break down and cry Sweet child o' mine Sweet love of mine Such a great song =0) <3
from roadsideleft :
my fucking cousin matt? the one who lives right next to my dad? please tell me a different cousin matt i don't know. but i think you are talking about this one. and boy. thats weird. really weird. and i will tell you why later. and yes. amy. reading violet and clarie. ouch. i miss you darling. too much. 0x0xx0x0x0x0x0x0x
from mazeofmirors :
from roadsideleft :
it is ridiculous. that i can't spell ridiculous. to tell you how ridiculous. it is that i love you supersmart violet. so much. ( i bet i spelled it right didn't i?)
from roadsideleft :
you are never home when i phone. icky.
from roadsideleft :
no phoneback. busy??? weird. but yes. quailty time. soon. love. 0x0x0x0x0x0x
from roadsideleft :
om i feel like a notecrazed kid cuz you've gots so many notes from me but oh well. sheesh. what was i going to say. i came here with some sort of purpose and i know i feel like fever delisioned you. its silly.----o yes. i remember. i love you so so so so much!!!!!!!! yup. honestly that was it. i forgot because i thought it might have been something else. but its not. just that. ummmk? 0x0x0x0x0xx00
from roadsideleft :
me and you tomorrow. right?
from roadsideleft :
i miss you. it sucks. um. im calling you soon. spirit week has consumed my life... until then. remember my birthday is on tuesday. and i love you.
from roadsideleft :
i lalalallalalalaaaaaaaaa love you.
from roadsideleft :
double eek. i fucking. love you. (we should make an inner child playdate ummmkay? because i know where mine is. (windham) so. ya. we can pull each others hair and not go to the bathroom for hours on end. sound good? sounds. great.)
from roadsideleft :
eek. i called. no one there. damn. you sound upset. im worried. please call my daddy's soon. 0x00x0x0x0x
from mazeofmirors :
GIANT ***hug***
from mazeofmirors :
hey you. i am so very sorry i didn't come to the play. how did it go? great i hope. i am leaving on saturday. but i want you to know that you can call me and such anytime you need to. and i believe it is good that you are going to necco. that way you can focus more on things. it will be good ;0) we'll have to get together at some point soon. okay? g'night* love megan
from roadsideleft :
ya...i have that feeling too.
from mazeofmirors :
You were in one of my dreams last night. I think I came to see you at work. And you had the cutest shoes. They were pastel pink, purple, and yellow. Darn. There are always the nicest clothes in my dreams. Love Megan
from cat1005 :
I have a pound puppy too. He has holes in him that I tried to sew up when I was little. He's lumpy from being held and played with too much. I'm bringing him to college.
from mazeofmirors :
Kate, reading your entry tonight struck a cord with me. The part where you talk about your parents. Your mother bashing your father with her friends. Alanis Morrisett. 1995. Your father cheating on your mother. Wanting your family back. That is exactly what happened to my family. It's a shame we didn't know eachother back then. I didn't know anyone going through the same thing. I'm happy you and your sister are closer. That is truly great. Have a fun-tastic time at the beach. Love ya! Love Megan
from roadsideleft :
i love it like i love you. so much, so much.
from narekailwood :
kate, i live you so much, and i hope you will always know that. you deserve friends and you deserve better than this. i wish i could have been there, and i am so sorry that i couldn't do anything for you. you called and i couldn't do a thing and i am so sorry i wish i was there i wish i could have been. i am here now and i am here later tonight. we should hang out maybe? want to hang out for birthday goodness and such, cause i live you and i care about you so much and you don't deserve such shitty ass treatment. i am also a hitman for hire, so if you need it i am here. most importantly i am your friend and i will stick by you through everything. call me today either at home or cell phone and we will do something ok? *hugs kate and spins her around* i live you dear
from g0ddessfreya :
Happy birthday weekend chica, don't let those assholes get you down. :)
from roadsideleft :
you promised. and you didn't. and you aren't here. and i need you.
from roadsideleft :
waaaiit a minute. shes your dollface. *giggles* im your darling...
from roadsideleft :
i don't feel tired right now...first in a long row of seemingly endless days. but if i had my way. in the mountains. riding horses. with you. my littlelove. just you. oxoxoxoxoxox (ps.thisisyourdollfaceinhernewhome)
from chemual :
i jus rememered. two nights ago ray walked in and asked me for exactly two cig's. because he was exactly two funny. that i took exactly two of his. for you...i wanted to call you. but something in your scared. 0x0x0x0x
from chemual :
ahhh! i'ld write you an email but my time here is short. that song. touched the depths of my soul and back again my lord. toooo funny. you girls are to much and could never get enough of hearing of your adventures. ill will send the times to you later. prob tonight. *crosses fingers* hope the boys call you back!!! 0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x
from chemual :
ah. mysweetthing. i would call you. alas i am miles and miles away. but your voice through those satellites brought smiles to these girls faces. (meandjessey) godgirl. i missyourface. sendmemorelove,ineedit. 0x0x0x0x0x0x00x0x0x0x onlyhope
from darkfriend :
If I were you, I wouldn't depend on your father for support. He doesn't sound like someone that keeps his promises. You can still love him and care for him, just not use him for a substitute for your friends. If this is too complicated, make him fear you. There are tons of expressions, styles, and actions that can make people bend to your will. Start by talking about how you will name your first son 'Hannibal'. That should throw em right of the track. from that point, work on looking more evil. people fear it and shy away from it, and at times will to great pains to avoid its snares. This means you can manipulate you dad. I could market this technique and make millions............
from ailstyn :
telekenetik hugs 4 ever long live and long love
from darkfriend :
I can't say that California is the best thing for you, but I can't say that it isn't. I think that, as long as you have goals set, and the plans to attain them, I say go to Cali and rock the place 'kate style'. As for Bill, I don't have much respect for his judgement. Becasue, in all honesty, I know that you are not flat chested. He's probably just jealous. And I really like your quote from E.E. Cummings. It strikes me as a dream put into words. I didn't know that was possible.
from testify :
WWJD... for a Klondike bar?
from darkfriend :
What is milkshaking? You are not incapable. A few poems ago you were feeling alfight. Ask yourself, "What did I do to end up feeling crappy?" It usually has something to do with the amout of suge we eat or drink, and a lack of sleep. Greatest saying that came from the bible, "It came to pass." Feeling crappy will pass. being angry will pass. The things that remain constant are what are impotant.
from darkfriend :
I have noticed the hours in which you right from your center. you don't sleep very well at all. perhaps if you took better care of yourself physically, your mental burdens will be lighter as you energy increases from sleep. if not, keep drinkin the coffee.Wurks fur me.
from chemual :
i couldn't get back to you last. night. and you weren't alright. im sorry. ill call.
from darkfriend :
You have some fantastic visions of love. Though I don't know that those icons are related to love. I think you may benefit to learn what composes love. It sounds like you are under the impression that love is some lost treasure that you are searching for, only you have no clue what it looks like.
from darkfriend :
Do you know what a fool is?
from darkfriend :
Your writing reminds me of someone who continually picks at a scab. Someone who has goals and is fustrated with how to reach them, however small they may be. Perhaps you find comfort in your depression and anger since it is most of what you know, or that you can't escape it. You have been through heavy trials for someone that sounds so young. Would life be worth living if nothing ever challenged you? Would the good times be as good without the bad? Have you found the faith that is faithful to you?
from mulletlady :
Hey... I would betray my thoughts if I commented on your diary, because its truly indescribable. Maybe because it differs from mine, but I really enjoy it. Thanks-check mine out sometime

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