messages to dfourever:
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from dope-slave :
from scarydoll :
long time... no de...
from scarydoll :
Ohhh... I've always wanted to go test drive cars that I could never ever afford! Just for the fun of it. I wish I could go with you, it would be MUCH fun! Call me again sometime!
from scarydoll :
Yeah - call me! [email protected] for the number or Benny has it I think. We text alot.
from scarydoll :
I want to see that movie so BAD. Not only is Ashton H-O-T, but the movie looks okay too. ;)
from scarydoll :
A live fully-trained rhesus monkey named Kaiba? I already got you one, but decided to keep it for myself. I dressed it in overalls and a red baseball cap. It's super cute. All mine!
from scarydoll :
what's up with your gbook? Hahaha. It's still rowdy in there.
from xbitterx :
thank you for making a ring so i can further expand my love for s'mores. :) (L) xoxo
from foxgallagher :
Thank you!
from scarydoll :
I want a picture phone soooo badly. If I get one can we send long distance photos? or what. Cause I have free long distance, but with photos?
from leonmcphelps :
I got it. I am working on a response. Thanks for the card. It was wonderful, and thanks for the birthday wishes. That is very nice of you.
from amg249 :
yay! go u! i dont understand how u could NOT love him you know? theres nothing not to love! i guess some people are just stupid.....
from leonmcphelps :
I was bored, and kids are cool. They say the "Darndest things" don't they.
from leonmcphelps :
I meant to say @ instead of # on my email address. I am sure you figured that out, but just in case. My bad.
from leonmcphelps :
It is my pleasure. I am happier to make you smile than you are to actually smile.
from elateddream :
Thanks =)
from elateddream :
I've decided to come back =)
from scarydoll :
from leonmcphelps :
Massages are awesome. I get one next Monday. Tuesday is my birthday, so it is my gift to myself. Did you fall asleep ? I fight to stay awake, but it is quite relaxing.
from anticrew :
The teenagers at Best Buy are stealing from you and controlling the accouting department. I'm convinced of it!
from vegas-girl :
Clicked on in to your diary, thought I would say hi.
from anticrew :
De, I'm so sorry about your mom. She must be so scared, and you, too! I have no idea how you must be feeling, I just hope that she gets better and that it permanently goes into remission.
from chadmuska :
185 entires, i'd like to say you are addicted.
from anticrew :
That was really sweet, De. Thank you.
from jdm5k :
hey, you tell billy from dillinger four that i'm not stupid. thanks, jodie. and, if you want to read, both the username and password are jodie.
from chadmuska :
i changed your template while at work. jsut moved the title of the entry above the date and time. that way it looked normal.
from anticrew :
it might be the school's computer, but your diary is broken.
from chadmuska :
hahahahahahahahaahhaah home depot! hahhahaah he is fascinated by you!
from rhoeng :
if you're the chick with the buns in her hair then you look like you're Barely Legal...
from rhoeng :
if it were possible, i would stick a dirty finger in those Reviewer's eyes and make em wear an eye patch for a week.
from scarydoll :
i am unlocked.
from chadmuska :
check out this template <a href="">kitty template</a>
from chadmuska :
first note, score! some of them boys are too damn pretty.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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