messages to dionada:
(click here to add new message):

from newspeak :
Haha, I just realized I filled out a survey by you! I also quoted you in my diary...heh. This is random. Going back to sleep XD
from rurisue :
Ahh, you updated, and I still don't have access! Ahh!
from rurisue :
Locked? Ahh! Access? Please?
from ncrebel21 :
Miss your updates...hope all is well...
from rurisue :
Just wanted to say hi. Hi!
from tasukitoad :
You quoted me. Rock on!
from maskedmofo :
Hiya! Thanks for the quote and the link. -- cheers -- MMF
from abacinate :
Hahaha it's nice to know I'm not totally alone!
from chuckfilthy :
i really dont have a problem with better than ezra...that was a joke that norm macdonald told on conan o'brians brilliant not only is it not a funny joke but i didnt even make it up
from chuckfilthy :
ouknow wht bad i like..beter than know what band i fuckinh hate...ezra they are fucking horrible
from acerbus :
By the way, how about putting the guestbook back on? Maybe those creeps are gone already. I want to leave a message and leaving notes here doesn't feel the same. :p
from acerbus :
Yoo hoo! I've moved! This is my new address! (Visit me; you'll probably understand. :p)
from abacinate :
Maybe some time in the near future I might be able to move up to 'Avril Bologna'! But I have to choose my food groups wisely.
from rurisue :
Your commentary about the fish poop... Oh dear, I nearly fell off my chair. How is it that you get funnier with every entry?
from apocalipx :
i missed it here... did you know that if you unpluged your microwave then pluged it back in the lttle screen will flash 88:88 a hundred bazillion times...?
from mnvnjnsn :
Employee of the month! And survey answerer of the day. Congratulations! And thanks for taking my survey. Cheers!
from prowlingleo :
Yeah the space annoys me too, but without it, there's an overlap of entry box and picture for smaller browsers. My boyfriend sings 3EB to me, he sounds exactly like them, so I'm addicted. Thanks for the comment!
from jessamine79 :
And here I was thinking **I** was the only one who needs a box of tissues handy when I watch Apollo 13! :-)
from wilberteets :
We have a lot in common, we hospital employees. My CEO / hospital owner lives out of town and he just got rid of the easiest to work with Administrator I have ever worked with, so that he can come do the job himself. Now everyone who works here wants to bolt. We will see how this plays out. Him. Here. Everyday. Boggles the mind. ~Teets
from wilberteets :
I think every restroom should be outfitted with a Sasquatch sign. haha. ~Teets
from apocalipx :
Fur a second, i thought it was you, now realize it isn't. No idea who it is tho. Again, reassurance. =)
from shady039 :
I'm felling you! Real nice
from rurisue :
If you start reading the books, definitely start at the beginning. I mean, they're not as good, but you'll understand a lot more. Most of what's in the fifth book are events that have been foreshadowed in the others, and even continuations of them... Gah, I'm not explaining it well. But it's worth it, I mean, they're not quite as phenomenal as the latest, but they're still pretty damn good (especially the third and fourth). Surprises everywhere, I forgot to mention that they're almost like mystery novels as well. ... Oh, and I totally do the 'somebody added me to their favorites!' stupid dance. It involves much wriggling around and foot swinging, and then I usually fall off my chair.
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from rurisue :
Grow on you like a fungus? Oh, dear... That just brings such lovely mental pictures to mind. My Mama, because she's Korean, pronounces fungus as funkis, which makes me think of kissing, and kissing and fungus really don't go well together. Ugh. On another note, have I ever mentioned that I absolutely love your name?
from wondermart :
'ello, thanks for the nice review :)
from chadmuska :
zany lite, hahaha, that's zany in itself. i must admit though, axl rose's coolness far surpasses mine. he rocks my hizzzzouse lately. hows life?
from rurisue :
ahhh, your diary is fantabulous! thanks for visiting mine (it still shocks me that people actually do that). and you are SO lucky that gas is so cheap for you... it's $1.69 at the cheapest over here in Washington. er, yeah. um. ta?
from dionada :
I have no clue what that last note is about. The link to my diary from my profile says "eat poison mushrooms," but it was cause I had nothing better to say. Plus I had just eaten fried mushrooms from Zaxby's. Muy bueno. Anyway, no, I can't spare any magic mushrooms. Probably won't be able to anytime in the near future. Sorry!
from z0tl :
la femme invisible, can you spare a few mushrooms? :z
from apocalipx :
Your latest entry about the diet pepsi and really not so healthy food reminded me of this: I thought you might find interest in it...=)
from brain-dump :
Hey, thanks for stopping by and leaving a note! I have to go back and read your diary now :-)
from diaryquotes :
OH. MY. GOD. I didn't even notice the sandwich theme, but now that you brought it up... FREAKY.
from adumbration :
It's when you wake up and find yourself in the bathtub with no idea how you got there that you really know that you have a problem...
from apocalipx :
All these years and i forgot to knock. When is exactly the cats naptime? I have 5 (yeah, i know) cats...that sleep ALL the time (no actually actually, they sleep like..25 hours a day)...i wish i was a cat... Not so i could sleep...just so i could have claws... :D
from apocalipx :
Hi there. May no the on map...Panato > Pizza philosophy. Thank you. =)
from carianne :
You are too adorable! I should have warned ya'll that the song was a catchy little tune! Enjoy it, it's got a great title! Lovely little diary you have here. Mwah!
from chadmuska :
thanks for joining my stars ring. i read a couple of your entries. you're a goofy person. when i have more energy i'll read through all your entries. i liked them lots.
from strippedraw :
hey thanks for signing, i like your entries they're funny :)

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