messages to drowned-lies:
(click here to add new message):

from on-empty :
With each breath we take, death comes a little closer. Why should we have to caparison our feelings, hide the truth that we, unlike the rest of the world, embrace death rather than reject it? <3
from borrisbean :
heya girly... I don't have your number- I've been trying to get ahold of you since you called, but it seems as though the # I had for you is no longer yours...
from seared :
Well. I assume words on your screen are hardly helpful or effective in the face of blood, drugs, or other-sex relations, but I'd like to believe that perhaps taking the time to offer them may cause a small fraction of something nice. I do hope that a bigger portion of 'something nice' enters into your un-reality eventually - if not immediately. If not, then may I at least offer the notion that there are a few people who are just as alone as you are. And equally bordering the lines of sanity and pain. This won't help, of course, but I personally find that it can be comforting in a dark sort of way.
from for-you-only :
Thanks for filling out my drugs survey. :) ~Pink
from dvclove :
Hey - Haven't been here in ages! Just thought I would drop you a line and let you know that my main journal is at:
from borrisbean :
where in the foothills?
from devian :
hello there...i would like to say that i appreciate you note and your support--however, i will disagree with you when you say that it is a "choice". you may have chosen, but i didn't and 99% of my community also did not.
from tarted-heart :
hey, i'd really rather keep it private and I don't really want to take the risk, im sorry, i hope its ok. Send me an email at jezebelle[remove] and i'll send it back to you :-)
from sugar-punk :
I just wanted to say that despite everything, I never wanted you to be unhappy. I'm glad you've got a great boyfriend, I'm happy for you, and I hope everything else is working our for you. Just don't rush life. You're still young, and I don't want to see you give up on life when it hasn't given up on you.
from borrisbean :
hey darlin it occurred to me after I got off the phone with you that I don't even have your phone number so I can't call you back...! ahhh! call me when you get this. :)
from borrisbean :
Hey Kourt.. long time no talk! What's going on with you? Why are you always so unhappy? I don't understand why you keep putting yourself in these situations (not that I really know all that's going on obviously). You deserve better than what I'm reading. You deserve good friends, an amazing boyfriend- you should be happy. All I have is your dad's #, so call me if you ever need to talk to an unbiased someone. 277-2860 or if you just wanna say hey.. :)
from seared :
Well. I was ~going~ to read it.
from tarted-heart :
Hey, I love reading your diary but I noticed you locked it. If its ok I was wondering if I could have a pass? if its ok send me an email at: tarted-heart[REMOVE] thanks :-)
from dvclove :
Please let me read - I noticed that you have a lock now :*(
from elysium1982 :
thank you for your concerned note. but no need to be, these boys dont get my heart.
from fade-from-me :
Caffiene pills are great. I discovered this a couple years go. Just be careful I started to need them everyday and I have some heart problems. Take care. xoxo
from elysium1982 :
thank you for your sweet note and for adding me to your favorites. <3
from fade-from-me :
I'd enjoy to have the username/ password. I enjoy your writing. I agree with people who think that some feel sorry for themselves and wallos in their depression. It's your diary and you can say whatever you want to.
from tool-nin-fan :
May I have the user/pass? [email protected]
from faded-souls :
hey. i'm sorry you have to lock up your diary- I would love a password to keep reading you, please email me at faded-souls[remove]
from fade-from-me :
You are angry and I love it, I'm going to add you and keep on reading.
from faded-souls :
hi, thanks for your nice comment, I like your diary too, and also think you are interesting. Im going to put you on my buddy list. And hey, congrats on turning 18! and its sucks you got sick, I hope you feel better soon.
from wnab-smbdy :
happy easter...i tried to invite you to dinner tonight but i don't have ur # someone called b4 i could *69 it...i even called ur dad and he gave me all the #'s of his display that he didn't recognize, i called but they were all wrong except one who didn't answer so i left a message...don't worry about dinner tho, i got pissed off and left anyways, ur easter eggs are still at my house 4 whenever i see u next... ... anyways the point here is i miss my best friend so please call me when u get this...if i'm out call my cell...if i don't answer i'm at work or something k? luv til later... me
from wnab-smbdy :
hey...i don't know if ur somewhere you can read this, but if u get it...please call me
from sugar-punk :
I don't even have to say anything. Your entry does a perfect job of showing what kind of a person you really are. Get your facts straight before you try and throw them back in people's faces. Don't start jumping down my throat when I didn't say a word to you. Just do us all a favour and go away.
from endless-void :
how about this go fucking impale yourself on a fucking diamond studded pylon and coke to death and some fucking pervs cock you little whore, leave me the fuck alone
from jinx1 :
"schizophrenics are simply those which are more susceptible(?) to being controlled by their subconcious" No, that's not what schizophrenia is at all, but thanks for coming out, we have some lovely parting gifts for you... :)
from borrisbean :
sure sure.. first you lock me out of one, now the other. STOP THE MADNESS!!! :P love you hun
from loveisbliss :
Hey, Im sorry my ring upset you but I just thought I would mention that I started that awhile ago (when I about 13 or so) and now I have completely changed my mind, alot of things have led me to that, but there is no way for me to delete the ring or anything. Oh and I read your entry and it was very touching, Im so sorry
from chinabean :
No, I don't hate you... hate is a very strong word that I reserve for very few people... I don't know you,that's don't need to explain yourself to me.... and I wouldn't worry too much about me listening to everything Nikki says about you...from the events that have been transpiring lately, I'm learning to not take her too seriously... and I think "best friend" is a strangely optimistic description of our friendship at the moment.
from godisalie :
hi, im chris. who are u anyways? enjoyable diary.
from godisalie :
from godisalie :
"and you know you're never sure, but you're sure you could be right, if you held yourself up to the light"
from daydreamin9 :
Hey. You don't know me, but I read a couple of your entries (poetic ones) and I wanted to say that I liked them. Very much, in fact. Keep rhymin, baby! :-P
from endless-void :
hey kourt....jinx is pissin at you again eh??, i hope soon you finally decide to start anew it is sad that a brillant person like you is stuck with "arrogant immature peices of shit like that" is best to start fresh, i did now i am doing so much better as you know "when the going gets tough, the tough get the fuck out of there" and hey come drop off a resume, we are hireing...later
from lambrini :
hi, seems like you had a pretty rough day. i feel like that alot. glad to see your a smashing pumpkins fan at least?! cant be bad. gem x
from void- :
hey. dont have time now to read all of your diary but what i read, im interested in. im adding you to my buddy list. hopefully we can chat sometime. (focus on the pain...)
from endless-void :
Hey welcome to my are starting to come around i see,you can finally start to see what i see...the drugs the endless games...all of it. It isn't worth being there for...this is why i left i had to rediscover myself...maybe my diary will help you at some point, and if it dose then it has served it's purpous... take it easy and remember..."the truth lies within"...

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