messages to echoman:
(click here to add new message):

from fungal-nail :
It's like a secret portal in the woods only a few know about. I think about it every now and again, hope it's still here and visit, very glad that it is. I used to try and get myself back into it on a regular basis, but I think it's better that I leave it as an organic process.
from cordeliameg :
Hey you! Glad to hear from you and that you're okay. We so need to catch up! Got your email and will reply, in more depth, later or tomorrow. It's been an emotionally overwhelming day. Agree with you about the social media sensory overload. It's why I started writing here again. Diaryland is so cozy. ha. Of course I want your password. :) So, yes, that email address is a good way to reach me. I'll give you other info when I email you back.
from cordeliameg :
Do you ever write here?
from mrbilly :
So you're like the Joey Tribianni of your group? That's not a bad thing. Most of my friends have gone off and got married... I feel a bit weird, but at the same time, I'm in no way ready to commit to a long term relationship just yet, let alone get married! But, it's 2009. 40 is the new 30. :)
from mrbilly :
Apparently it was the worst snow to hit London for 18 years... but to be honest a few flakes normally grinds the entire city to a halt, so it's not like it was unexpected. I just find it amazing that in 2009 you actually can't physically get into work if it snows!
from mrbilly :
Hi, it's outwalking. Diaryland won't e-mail me my password so I now have a new username (rolls eyes). Sorry. :/
from outwalking :
Hey, you added my diary as a favourite... would love to check yours out too. :)
from mindfluff :
hi mike, i just wanted to say congratulations on getting a new job. you'll have to excuse me giving my two pence worth but i think you are doing the right thing moving away from california and having a fresh start. i hope it all works out for you. i'll keep reading so i can see if it does :)
from unicorn666 :
i'm really sorry.
from unicorn666 :
from epipie :
Yes, yes! I did think of the fight club scene where his possessions go up in flames. But function and beauty wins over sticking it to the man.
from um-excuse-me :
no, it's the the sat where you have a problem and bawsed on the problem you have to decide which thing is greater. basically, you're supposed to know the math rules instead of how to do them. i don't really expect to do well on the math. i'm not too worried though, because my other stuff, like my gpa and recommendations are both really good. i need some ice cream.
from delynn :
Glad you are starting to feel Better!
from delynn :
Glad you are starting to feel Better!
from back-drifts :
your reason for hating the death cab for cutie cover is my reason for loving it! i.e., I think anything and everything ben gibbard does is gold. *giggles* however sad that is, I just think he's marvelous. and I like the smiths enough, I'm just not a huge fan necessarily. alas.
from old-story :
hey. the cardinals are looking weak. and what's with pujols on arbitration? that's pretty much the only scary arsenol the cards had going. they are going to lose him without legit money. ?
from zantimisfit :
I reply to my family's AND friends' emails all the time with links to If that makes me an asshole, then I am OK with it. I get pissed at the gullibity of people who I know are smart but too lazy to do some story verification. Also their forwards of bogus stories waste my time.
from back-drifts :
arghness! I want to see Return Of The King sooo badly. ugh. but I can't afford it right now. oh, and my opinion of "Rock N'Roll" is that it's pretty good, but the "Love Is Hell" EP's are a lot better. I listened to R N'R a lot when I first got it, but then people sent me b-side/live track mix cd's of Ryan so the new albums got left on the backburner. :P
from zantimisfit :
HAH! America is what happens when you fuse America and Great Britain. You guestbook isn't working.
from sera1231 :
temporarily locked. username / password: sera1231 / unlockme
from back-drifts :
I actually don't have "Rock N' Roll" yet, but I'm expecting it in the mail within the next week. I'm also getting "Love Is Hell" parts 1 + I've heard many mixes reviews of "Rock N' Roll". the hardcore fans seem to love it, and it seems to have been praised by critics, but a lot of people think it's not realy him--now the "Love Is Hell" on the other hand, has gotten great reviews...I'll let you know what I think when I get them. :) I have a hard time imagining being against Ryan's music, but I will say I was pretty dissapointed by "Demolition".
from sopretty :
hey mike I don't think I will be visiting this week. I am super poor.I will however be able to soonish. i'll let you know ahead of time yo.
from east-anglia :
uh oh. Is there any good camping? All we're looking for is a nice, no-RV's-please, camping ground. If not, could you recommend any state or national parks in the area? We're purists. Just a tent and a camp fire. No aub-par strip malls or condos!
from east-anglia :
Boo! You took me off of your 'favorites' list!
from east-anglia :
Thank you SO much for the note! I tell you, I was nervous as hell when I called up the Peace Corps office and committed myself to two years of non-paid work, but I'm feeling really good about my decision. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up this diary. Take care!
from mermaidave :
go/away clever, eh?
from mermaidave :
yes, fits of paranoia overcome me. username:me password:you carry on
from spidergravy :
You have great taste in music - I love Marillion :)
from finepickle :
thanks, echoman. i'll add it to my list of reading resolutions. nick hornby: all.
from mermaidave :
once in a while of fit of paranoid sweeps over me and I lock my journal. When that happens the password is always me/you...however, it has subsided and its unlocked. read away friend. I enjoy reading you.
from east-anglia :
"live it up good and proper". you don't have to tell me twice! And I was amongst the ranks of zombified students stumbling to class at 8am after about 4 hours of sleep.
from east-anglia :
Ah! XTC! Where the hell was I in the 80s?? I'm going to have to make my 80s mix a 2-disc set, I never realised how much brilliant music that decade produced.
from gotmedown :
your so nice for filling out my survey i hope the rest of your'e night is splendid. ha. no, but thanks. go mo.
from evangeline :
*ahem* I like Kerouac. In fact, I'm going to dig the portable reader out of the boxes that are *still* in our study and read it. Out loud.
from east-anglia :
Kerouac is a crap writer. I whole-heartedly agree. Waaaay over-rated.
from sweettee :
i wanna know what you have cooked up for erin =)
from east-anglia :
Yeeaa...just a reminder...this friday is Hawaiian shirt if you can wear jeans and a Hawaiian shirt...yeeeaa...
from evangeline :
Your mom. Fried. On the internet. :) Love you.
from ghotihook :
nope I sure didn't but thats ok. did you send it to [email protected]? o well. just let me know when another time would be good! -Julie
from ghotihook :
kaskaskia in centralia. five days a week,8-4. ooo yes. -Julie
from burlaper :
yeah man - my car has ohio plates as well. we're not all horrid people. ohio is my favorite place to be in the world, I love coming back home.
from east-anglia :
Hey, leave my state alone :)
from made-again :
Yeah! Marillion are cool... NTSC version of the singles collection DVD drops July 22. Can't wait!
from east-anglia :
Frankly, Mr. Shankley, are you celebrating Morrissey's Birthday in May?
from evangeline :
I checked out my profile to see who was givin' me love and saw that you were the most recently updated. So I all go to your profile to see what was different and you had changed your age! I thought that was so funny. Yeah. I'm on crack. Love you. *grin* e
from ghotihook :
what are you and erin doing this saturday during the day? I wanna hang out with you kids. someone e-mail or something. [email protected] -Julie
from ghotihook :
atom comics. so yeah its the one by the school.oooo! and mike i've been meaning to talk to you. BUT YOU NEVER GET ON AIM ANYMORE! silly boy. i know your with erin though and you guys are cute so ya know,it makes sense. when i am done with school,a couple of my friends wanna go to the loop and what not. i was curious if you and erin would wanna come along since none of us know how to get to the loop. yeah.bye. -Julie
from fairytalefun :
thanks for the email, mike. i'll get back to it when i feel better. i'm kind of in that negativity mood right now, so i don't want to spread it around. later.
from ghotihook :
i'm sorry mike. i hope you feel better.i have the flu too,just don't die. -Julie
from ghotihook :
I can't come down tomorrow night. I have to work but I don't have to work wednesday night so who knows. I might go down then.hmmmm.I hate working nights. -Julie
from ghotihook :
I am thinking I will come down tomorrow night to hang out. I'll msg you or call or something. lemme know yo. -Julie
from evangeline :
Look, here's a note! I have successfully bridged the gap between notes and guestbook. *cues cheesy triumphant sounding music* Anyway. Two hours. *smile*
from east-anglia :
standing-completely-still-while-sweating-heavily-for-seemingly-no-reason-whilst-doodling-around-on-guitars-for-10-minutes-Rock didn't resonate as well :)
from east-anglia :
Thanks for the kind words! I'm getting sick of rain, though...
from cordeliameg :
Hello adorable. Yep, after numerous adventures (read: disasters) I'm here. And that email, I'm working on it. I'll explain what's been going on here, in detail. Scared? ha. You know, I was just reading about your mixed tape and I think we really need to create mix tapes/or CD's for each other. I love that kind of stuff. Let me know what you think? And...I loved the pics in your photo album. Mine? There's one on my yahoo profile (gregskitten) -there's also a link to it on my diary. As for more, after/if I finally get a dland gold membership, I'll post more. Or maybe send some, or something. Okay, I'm rambling from lack of sleep. I haven't forgotten you - never! *hugs* Meg
from ghotihook :
i want two dollars. i always avoided the people with clip boards in the mall. heh. wow.i need to go to fair view heights!
from praiseandrew :
have you raised the praise lately?
from ghotihook :
A-HA! ALF! -Julie
from ghotihook :
yeah! your back! sounds like you had a busy trip back.awesome. -Julie
from fairytalefun :
are you back from your trip, YET?
from stipette :
from adilee :
oh echoman..u made me a fave :) I like your comment too...hehe. you will forever be the first diary I read..I wish we wouldn't have lost touch through e-mail because I wanted to get to know about you and the like. Well I will write you and hope for a reply :)
from cordeliameg :
3 notes from me in one week. You're special! And you are very adorable. I sent you an email (for real), but I'm not sure if I had the right address. So email me and let me know if you got my email. I am confusing myself.
from cordeliameg :
I am the worst with emails, but you already know that. And I do think we should talk for real one of these days. I'm way tired, so I will email you tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know that I am still thinking of you.
from cordeliameg :
Hello sweetheart. Remember me? *hugs* Just checking in on you. email me sometime.
from boyshaped :
will you go out with me?
from loser-kid :
after stumbling blindly across your analizer page, i must say you lead a very interesting life. nice stuff! oh, and nice music tastes. -c
from halo16 :
Hey man, just wanted to say Floyd rocks :) but im a Gilmour fan, not that i don't like Waters as well. Later. "and so i throw the windows wide and call to you across the sky" - echoes
from apatheticq :
not very much, but that has no relevance. if creamed corn is 1 then you are 1 < X SO really, it could be a billion, even if i don't like creamed corn.
from apatheticq :
i like your diary more than creamed corn!
from sarra :
hi mike! having fun? as i write this im looking at the ose lines that planes make in the sky...and wondering, how would we know if it was a comet and not a plane huh? and my friend louise told me a realy nice saying today *friendship is love without his wings* aint that pretty? ah well, bybye sweetie catch ya later!
from jenifer012 :
You didnt tell me you knew java script AND YOU WERE A CUTIE!!! lol. I owe you my life! hehe...thanks for reading, signing...etc...xoxox, Jenifer aka that girl with the elastic stars that everyone emails me about cause they LOVE em...

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