messages to eekyfreeky:
(click here to add new message):
from realthoughts : |
ok, this is the most random note ever, but I found your diary through a google seach for "Bastop State Park Refectory" and got linked to an entry of yours from 3/11/02...I'm actually researching it as a possible wedding location. did you say you went to a wedding there? ha ha - again, I know this is totally random, but hey, as a fellow daryland-er, I figured it couldn't hurt to ask! :) |
from thenoodle : |
Hi! I learned of your diary from your BRATS! discussion board posting regarding Pizzette's rant about the TC and dinner at her favorite restaurant. I did click back over here to check out your diary and your lovely dinner with a brat. I, too, am quite CF. The infamous Turtle from BRATS! has a diary on this site too! |
from lilchar : |
*drools* your entry made me hungry. i need to food shop... |
from neko-carre : |
I *totally* understand. Tis why my own diary (and all my LJ entries) are locked. And HEY! You're writing in D-land again?! I didn't know this since I removed your name back in January when I thought you were closing up shop for good. COOL! I'm putting you back poste haste. |
from spencersmom : |
You're back! :::SM does the happy dance::: I haven't given a party in ages. I'd much rather grab a big crowd and whoever wants to come can come...let someone else clean up the mess. |
from neko-carre : |
Oooh, good article! I like plans that don't push dieting on you. I always agreed that it was all about getting exercise. Food is wonderful. Live your life and EAT, for chrissake. Also, where have you been? 14 days?? You're not "giving up" writing here, are you? Well, remember that being alone is a good thing once you've discovered You. I love being alone and I did before Dave & I met too. My spiritual guide and friend Eileen once told me that being alone is being all one. Besides, you'll find that having people around is nice now & then, but you don't need them 24-7. The people who do need constant interaction aren't happy with themselves for whatever reason (I wasn't - I had to learn to be and now I love it!) |
from punkgoddessx : |
Hey there, sorry I havent emailed in ages..long drama story about our cable service temp email is [email protected] xo :) |
from neko-carre : |
I fully agree. God/Spirit/Whatever would never ask one to do something that is morally wrong. It's a ridiculous question and oh so very Christian. Like you said, I would have to question the "validity" of the god who was asking it of me. In other words, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" Ha! God is love. Period. |
from neko-carre : |
Tee hee! What a sweet tiny little brunette head in the corner! :-D I love teasing photos. And oh, the VW show. I remember those days. Driving a 1955 camper van from Washington to SoCal. Put-putting along. |
from neko-carre : |
(Damn gbook.) That woman was obviously seeking out "child-haters." Someone should tell her that one can find ANYTHING on the Internet if you go looking for it. If you type in "orange buck-tooth monkey haters in America" you're probably going to find it. It doesn't mean that ALL people without monkeys hate them. She's being just as discriminatory as (she claims) childfree people are! |
from neko-carre : |
Lovely backyard. [Tee hee. That sounds funny. Giggle.] |
from neko-carre : |
Sweetie, be glad that you're NOT like them. Rude people with bad coffee who try to come off as "creative" can't hold a candle to you. You are so much cooler than that and it's their loss for not getting to know you. Seriously. ~ Oh, and the next-door with whiskey and pj's thing sounds sooooo nice. I truly wish I was your neighbor right now! Love ya doll. |
from neko-carre : |
Yeah, I think I will put chopsticks in my hair. Nice idea. And maybe the white face with the tiny little china doll lips. Hee, fun! Are you doing anything? |
from love-drew : |
oh, hey, thanks for the link on your diary to mine. That was nice of you... |
from love-drew : |
Hey, thanks for the welcome to your diaryring. Here's the password to my locked diary chacha in case you'd like to read that too. When I have more time, I will definitely check out your diary more. bye. --love. |
from inaptbeauty : |
hi i added you in my DTC (diaryland trading cards) collection. wanna trade? |
from squirrelx : |
I can't help but wonder whether the proportions of that stuffed Hulk are accurate to scale. ::sigh:: I guess we'll never know. :-) Best, Xtine |
from squirrelx : |
Thank you SO much for your note. I was really startin' to think nobody but me harbors a desire to gaze upon superheroic privates. Now we just have to find an artist who specializes in that genre. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X |
from myhorizons : |
Great name! EEK! |
from lummychica : |
I just wanted to thank you for the note you left! You are completely right. I took your advice, and so far it's worked. I really appreciate your insight and for informing me. Thank you!! |
from peacerose : |
I just wanted to thank you for the comment on my diary and having a chilfree ring, which I have just joined. It's nice to know you're not alone and other people feel the same way. God/ess bless |
from milochka : |
Hey, thanks for the welcome to the childfree ring... always nice to meet like-minded folks in that regard. *g* Some neat interests you've got there - esp. silkpainting, which is one of my hobbies too. (And green-eyed gothboys, *definitely*.) :-) |
from desertwitch : |
You friggin rock, girlie! |
from clauren : |
Hey. Thanks for answering Christmasmoo Survey. And Have a Merry Decemberween to you too.... |
from dominia : |
I loved your description of happiness/unhappiness and how you feel about people trying to 'pep' you out of it. Same goes for me. The wisest thing to do is to raise your hands sloooooowly and back away from the Paula. |
from lauraelysee : |
yeah...sorry about sending that twice. my browser sucks. |
from lauraelysee : |
Hey thanks for linking my entry - that was mighty nice of you. Oh, and yes, I was telling the truth --- people shouldn't quit writing in diaryland! |
from lauraelysee : |
Hey thanks for linking my entry - that was mighty nice of you. Oh, and yes, I was telling the truth --- people shouldn't quit writing in diaryland! |
from sambadelic : |
Hey Eeks - I used to live in Austin...but anyway - check out the survey "bowiefood" questions about Bowie and, duh, food. |
from lummychica : |
I love you? Marry me? .. Please? :( |
from lacorneille : |
Lucas does indeed have issues. Half the fun of his movies is trying to figure out what they are, I think. Sushi is tasty, Sith Academy is brilliant, and why the rather...intense...hatred of musicals? Just curious. |
from daemonchild : |
Hey.:) Thanks for the note. You're right, people tell me I'll change my mind all the time, it gets very annoying. My personal favorite is when they tell me that I'll change my mind because I'm "good with kids," or because "kids like me." Like who the hell do I think I am to deprive all those nonexistent future kids of my love and guidance? If I ever develop a strong urge to become a mother, I'm going to adopt a child. At least that way I would be providing assistance for someone that's already here, like it or not. |
from neko-carre : |
Go for it. Get outta there. I'm behind you 100%. I was with my state job for almost 5 years when it finally brought me to the point of being so miserable I had to either quit or cry every morning. I chose to quit. With each job, I get closer and closer to fulfillment. Each job teaches me what I DO NOT want. That's a great blessing, unless you stay in it. |
from willowdreams : |
thank you for your note.. i read the page you linked.. and it is wonderful.. thank you soo much for that page.. i have booked marked it.. willowdreams |
from jeanisdead : |
well well, i seem to be one of your favorites. welcome to mine. |
from geckz : |
hmm...i don't really think that diaries using templates are necessarily inferior. the content matters too, don't you think? |
from tryangle : |
austin texas!!! wow!!! i hate the chronicle's movie reviews, how bout you? thanks for seeing my diary! :) |
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