messages to emala311:
(click here to add new message):

from techtor :
I don't know if you're still on here, but I have moved. I still write here every once-in-a-while. My LJ username is Jackisunsure. have a great day! Jackie
from cai5fnatux :
I hope you're doing well. I miss reading your updates, and seeing how someone with a life actually lives. :) Come back soon. <3
from back-drifts :
awwww, liz, it's been SO freakin' long! I was very worried as to where you'd gone off to. :( hope you had a merry holiday season and that you have a lovely '04! *hugs and love* <3.
from techtor :
Hey, I was just going to recommend an artist to you. His name is Jack Johnson, and I have to say that it is the most beautiful mix of acoustic guitar and a bit of reggae...His CD is called "On and On." Hope you enjoy it! Let me know. Jackie
from losergeek :
liz! update dammit! I miss you! :) love, julie
from schmack :
woohoo, thanks for telling me what song that was in donnie darko!
from cai5fnatux :
In case you haven't read, I've decided to not update Dland for a while. I need to let my mind rest a little. I'll still come back to read up on you and write notes, but I just really need to step back and think. Thanks for trying to understand me. :)
from withoutsound :
I know what you mean about the layout. The picture is definitely hot, and it's something about the colors too. The color scheme definitely adds something.
from apathy-kills :
Thank you for signing my guestbook. It made me smile. You seem pretty cool yourself.
from h3xgirl11 :
ugh! i had such a GREAT time..haha i just hope i got nick in the pic..i hate that he is so tall..but whatever..i am in love with the guy ;) i'll show you as soon as i get them posted
from schmack :
you are awesome, and i wanted you to know that. thank you for being so damn cool ;X
from spencer311 :
well thanx for the advice and yes girls do "suck" but thats not a bad thing. but when girls dont call you and shit like that then girls are dumb. as for the dreads, i am still growing out the hair but i hope to have them by december. feel free to IM me if u want.
from piratesgold :
thanks for the suggestions! i'll definitely consider reading either of those books. i have to read them for school, and i think they told us that we couldn't read 'catcher in the rye' because it was already read by some classes, but i'll probably read 'the perks of being a wallflower'. thanks!
from theweirdgirl :
Ah, the weirdness never ceases. It's nice to know that something is constant in this world. Thanks for leaving me a note about the strange coincidence. Indeed, I had a peek at your diary, and I found it very interesting, so you also brought me a little bit of goodness as well as some weirdness. Maybe I should put my name too when I sign things. But that is another matter. Ciao xxx
from piratesgold :
you know that "various links" part of your diary; the pull-down menu? just go there and to incubusonline! go to the multimedia page. they're live recordings, so they're not the best sound, but it's definitely worth it! yeah, haha, i have to get around to fixing that archives page...cheers
from piratesgold :
after hearing these amazing songs, i'm officially beginning a countdown for the release of this new album. incubus' manager estimated that the album would be out in february! mike didn't even use his prs for the show, he's back to a fender. and he now takes dirk's side of the stage, and ben is where mike use to be. jose now performs with his drumset facing forward, as opposed to being sideways. ahh, see, a note packed with little incufacts. :) cheers-
from musicfreak18 :
No, I haven't heard of O.A.R., but I plan on checking them out. Yeah, that was a weird coincidence. Neat. In one of your entries you had the lyrics to 3 Libras. That's probably my second favorite song ever. Awesome. Thanks for the note. Later.
from piratesgold :
haha, no!! that was just what a newspaper critic said, and definitely not me! and it was out of 4 stars, not five, i should probably have included all that in there, huh? so 3.5 out of 4 is pretty damn good! the newspaper critic gave jane's addiction a bad rating because dave navarro's guitar was working improperly for a significant part of a song. and the weather even made it worst. but yeah, to clear it up, those weren't my ratings, but some other critic's ratings. have fun on the 19th, incubus perform two new songs, which i hear are amazing, and a lot heavier than morning view! cheers!
from piratesgold :
oh, and have fun at the foo fighters concert! that's going to be one hell of a show!
from piratesgold :
haha, yeah mr.boyd is beautiful! you should see the video from where i got that pic, he faltered on singing the song "clean", and that's why he was laughing, it was a great moment!
from chickpea981 :
it's up... enjoy! ;)
from with-a-k :
Anybody who likes OLP and Donnie Darko is a friend of mine ;o) You are wicked cool! -k
from juniperhexum :
oh miss thing! you have to switch me from cleopatragb to juniperhexum on your favorites list! I am an attention whore! Love you lady! When are we gonna get together?
from piratesgold :
thanks!! i had heard all of the songs previous to buying the ep, and i loved them all, so when i saw it in stores, i knew i was going to buy it! i love the song "version", it's one of my favorite songs by them! and you know 311 is awesome too! i think my favorite song by them would by "misdirected hostility". thanks for the comments on the picture, cheers!-
from cai5fnatux :
Thanks for your compliment. :) At the time, I didn't think of myself as strong.... only lucky. When people unexpectantly help me, it reminds me that I'm never too alone, and that I should appreciate them more. Have a good day. :)<3:D
from liquidiamond :
thanks for the guestbook love and birthday wishes! awwww. you're so sweet. ;) I hope that everything's going well for you these days, and that you have lots of wonderful tunes to listen to. (sorry, I'm blanking on my word useage, ugh) *hugs and love* much <3 to you!
from starlight42 :
I know I hate it when I get writers block! Seems like I have trouble thinking of what write too lately.
from piratesgold :
thanks so much liz! your kind words do mean a lot, thank you very much! i hope that this war is over soon, and that the troops come home safely, minimum civilian deaths...once again, thanks! cheers, dianna
from starlight42 :
Keep trying, you'll pass soon. I hate p. parking! I try to never do it.
from astoneami :
Hey, thanks for the warm welcome!
from rockstar42 :
Hey, i joined the Greenwheel diary-ring, i didn't know if i needed to ask you, or say hi, i'm Cassie, or anything like i did that anyways...hope it's all cool.
from piratesgold :
Hey! Thanks! I hope I do well on those exams! I won't know until I think, Thursday. I don't think I failed any of them! That's good! Maybe a C or B. Hopefully...Cheers Liz-dianna
from piratesgold :
Thanks for the note!! Happy Birthday!! I love your layout, it's stellar! With the 311 background, and all the colors match--awesome! Well, have a kickass birthday!!!! Cheers Liz-dianna
from anticrew :
you spelled ferris bueller wrong!
from manon1000 :
hi emala, long time no heard of you! how are you! its snowing here, and cold and its dangerous on the streets! if you don't look out you can bang on your head!! that hurts!!! do you like poffertjes and oliebollen? that is a famous snack here, very tasty but bad for your health! you can eat it in the streets and have an attack there! it's dangerous! what are you doing at the moment? We enjoyed christmas in the netherlands, we made fires with our christmas trees and it really burnt!! o, what a mess, a few farms (about 50 in our little village) were burnt. but it doesn't matter. the people (about 1000) are going to live in sheds now. I hope to hear from you! ciao! manon
from nightro :
oh man, i was watching fight club with my friend the other day, youve seen that moveie right? well if you havent go see it. anyway, in the scene where marla is selling the clothes she stole in that store, there is a 311 poster on the wall when the main character dude is talking. i just thought that was funny. ha. interesting..
from lynznicole :
thanks for the note. it made me feel all special inside....*TEHEHEHE* *giggles like a lil school girl* LMAO...haha
from cai5fnatux :
Thank you for your caring notes, and I hope everything is well with you. I'm okay, but moving in 3 days.... I'll probably update again in a few weeks when I'm settled. Thanks, again. :)
from valelia :
i agree, these journal things can be both a blessing & a curse. lately, it hasnt been either for me but thats only cuz i dont have all that much to say. bring taproot a book or something? lol that could be a pain to carry around *shrug* have a blast!
from valelia :
interesting.. everytime i meet up with an old friend & such, theres news of a newborn or pregnancy. funny how that comes full circle eh? anyhow, youre going to taproot! im so jealous! can i come too? heh.. those boys need to bring their bums to houston! have lotsa fun for me :)
from sarahsmells :
Hey! Thanx for writing me and welcoming and stuff! Sorry it took a little while to get back, I tend to be retarded and I forget things easily. I'm glad you liked my lil picture thing at the top, that took forever! Even if it doesn't look like it. I really like vitamin too! I could listen to Science all day long. Anyways, I need to run..thanx again, and have fun at Taproot!! :-D
from pyro-maniac :
hey hey.. wuts up? thats awesome.. umm even tho im not sure wut ur answer is.. but im sure it was a good answer.... anywayz later
from plaidpapunk :
Just out of curiosity, if you don't have a driver's license and you're 21, how do you get in bars to drink? I know that's a really dumb question, but I've been wondering that since I read it.
from blusky :
hello, thanks for the welcome, i shall fix the ring thing later, and it shall be there. hugz n kissez. bye
from plaidpapunk :
I added you to my friends list because you added me. You have a nice diary. I didn't know you were from Pittsburgh. I am too... sorta.
from bildschoen :
Thanks for joining the Our Lady Peace diaryring! *krie*
from orlisgrl :
how perfect! thank you SO much for making a hoobastank ring! i've been waiting for someone to do it!! WOO HOO!!! thanx for telling me! and thank you, again, i will ask if i need any html help!!

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