Storm clouds may gather...

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.--"Moulin Rouge"

Here's the brief rundown: Married. Pregnant. 20 years old. Bisexual. Bipolar. Speaks German, but not fluently. Lived entire life involved with the military. Has psycho kitten named Loki. Was once left to die. Likes bananas. Placebo-obsessed. Trained singer. Has a flair for the 80's.

Oh yeah, the name's Krie. Best not forget that if you read on.

My favorite diaries:

airtheorchid profile - diary
comments: "Spit out your bubblegum, I wanna turn you on."
bunnyhug profile - diary
comments: "Think I'll leave it all behind, save this bleeding heart of mine."
dead-diaries profile - diary
comments: "Haemoglobin is the key to a healthy heartbeat."
guysinmakeup profile - diary
comments: "I've never been an extrovert, but I'm still breathing."
lisamcc profile - diary
comments: "Now the happening scene is dead, I used to want to be there, too."
minderella profile - diary
comments: "What good's religion, when it's each other we despise?"
molkolover profile - diary
comments: "Reading like an open book, in the hands of love."
nervously profile - diary
comments: "A friend in need's a friend indeed." ~I *heart* Twiggy!~
pornboy profile - diary
comments: "Won't you join me now, baby's looking to get laid."
randomfacts profile - diary
comments: "I swallow words like a placebo."
sad-doll profile - diary
comments: "Remember when we'd celebrate? We'd drink and get high until late, but now, we're all alone."
scanzilla profile - diary
comments: "Your smile would make me sneeze when we were Siamese."
tuluum profile - diary
comments: "You try to break the mold before you get too old."
usinclair profile - diary
comments: "Run away from all your boredom."
zigglett profile - diary
comments: "You shower me with lullabies as you're walking away."

My favorite music:

comments: Since I was born, I started to decay. Now nothing ever, ever goes my way.
comments: Even when the sun is shining, I can't avoid the lightning.
Matthew Good Band
comments: I used to think I'd get over everything, but everything just got over me.
comments: Don't be real, be postmodern.
Our Lady Peace
comments: And I hope to God I figure out what's wrong...

My favorite movies:

Velvet Goldmine
comments: "I like boys, I like girls, they're all great. No difference, is there, Mr. BBC?"
The Breakfast Club
comments: "I'm not a nymphomaniac. I'm a compulsive liar."
The Crow
comments: "Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever."
Anything Kevin Smith
comments: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back. I own and quote them all.
Rocky Horror Picture Show
comments: "Don't dream it, be it."

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: I highly, highly recommend "The Eyes of the Dragon". It showcases his storytelling ability quite well.
Anne Sexton
comments: My absolute favorite poet of all time. She has been my biggest poetic influence since I first read "Courage" in 10th grade.
Anthony Burgess
comments: "A Clockwork Orange" kicks so much ass. Funny, the movie makes much more sense when you read the book...
George Orwell
comments: I did my senior thesis on him. Great, great author.
Albert Camus
comments: "The Stranger" is one of my all-time favorite books. Check it out when you can.

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last updated: 2004-08-24 07:35:55
this user's total entries: 301
user since: 2002-01-14

AOL IM name: Kriedom
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: puremorninglory
MSN Messenger name: (k)Kriemy Smooth(k)

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