messages to emptycage:
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from glitterkick :
What happened to you? I miss your entries.
from darkoverlord :
So I'm given an assignment, see? Because I keep complaining about being bored I'm told to plug Dark Overlord to random people. You have an interesting screen name, thus, here I am. Check us out at DOL, we're super cool AND have awesome adventures.
from littlelake :
I'm not too terribly worried bout you being so lax on your letter writing Sweets. Congrats on the new job! I understand the office supply thing...I have a collection of pens that would boarder on the edge of being sick. Lookin forward to that letter though...hope it gets here before I take flight.
from heidiann :
Oh I SO understand your love/lust for office supplies. Going to Staples makes me all aquiver. And when I was working, stealing supplies was the highlight of my employmnet life. Nothing like new gel pens, paper clips, and glue sticks to brighten a day!
from idiot-milk :
Dude. They TOOK all the soup! There's no reason for them to come back!
from littlelake :
If you do come to Canada to drink (although it does seem like a long way to travel for a party) you are always welcome to stay here. I imagine the club life is better there though, so perhaps I will come see you and we can get twisted, once your settled. Your letter is in the mail.
from apathykills :
Excellent, glad to hear it. I am at school, again. Second period, again. So what else is there to do but navagate diaryland and perhaps add an entry if I could. This library only has old books, and I don't know much about them... oh well. Passing the time...
from apathykills :
You were the most recently updated diary that has Jhonen as a favorite author, thus I leave a note for you. I am bored and in school and I hate a lot of stuff. Sorry to bother you. bye.
from amber-girl :
Aww, you think I have potential? That's extremely kind of you :) I can't believe I stood up to Brayan the Bitch either! Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to pay for it.
from amber-girl :
I searched for other people who liked Freaks (partially out of boredom, partially out of curiousity), and you were the first person :D. PLUS, you like Ben Folds, too! I also force all my friends to pretend they like him when I'm around...
from actiongrl :
Holy crap, waitasecond. Another Bill Hicks fan? One whose diary made me laugh out loud with my very first reading? This has gotta be a dream, yo. IM me sometime, or email, or somethin.
from scottyj :
Just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying your diary. I am from Nashville, and just recently moved to PA. A move for yourself is always a good thing. Take care.
from marzipan1026 :
Ahhhh...plates full of Mongolian meat...That sounds perfectly foul, and I'm not even a vegetarian! I'm on a strictly cheese, coffee, alcohol, and peanut M&M diet...Weeee!
from starkitten01 :
Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook! I'm glad you got into my entries so much..LOL! However, I'm sorry you were late for work over it. I enjoy your entries, as well and I'm going to add you to my faves list.:-) StarKitten01
from rock-on :
hey , thanks for signing my guest book, i read your diary, and it is very intresting, i will have to keep reading.. rock on and thanks! -christy

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