messages to enfinenfin:
(click here to add new message):

from justmeasiam :
Hey Jen, I'd like to add you to my buddylist. But I'm a permission gal - gotta have approval. Check out my page. If you're okay with it add a note or email. If not, I'll still be reading your page anyway! :)
from minstrelite :
thanks hon & thanks for reading, u have a great year too
from minstrelite :
Hey Jen you're great & I'm glad I clicked on your banner. I like 80's music too, there's something about when MTV first started happening and the combination of all that new wave with the respective videos, I was up till 3am every morning with it. Anyway I grooved on your entries this morning, and thank you for that.
from vanoonoo :
hiya - added you thru a banner I believe - hope thats ok :)
from poetlucia :
We have all had a threesome with ben and jerry
from xnavygrrl :
I got Monster Ballads too! It's awesome. By the way, I love your banner! My diary is locked so let me know if you want the logon and password. I had a web stalker. :(
from anainsight :
OMG, I wish I could afford that "Monster Ballads"! I love it! I guess that dates me, huh. "Gay music"? Most gays I know like classical and fusion jazz. I'm a classically trained musician and I listen to everything from Pink Floyd to Sarah McLachlan to Bob Marley. anyway. Enjoy the CD for me too willya?

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